I have seen some of the videos we have made and I just want to make a few suggestions to improve the quality of our videos.
In no particlular order
1. Minimize the use of text, people dont like to read excessively when they are watching TV.
2. Keep text on the screen long enough to be read two and a half times, if it is on too short people miss the message, too long and people get bored.
3. Do not use bright colors, especially for text. It is okay to use just about any color just make sure it is not a bright shade.
4. Do not use pictures you downloaded from the web the quality will almost always be horrible, only use web pictures if they are over 750x750 in size, and the bigger the better. Even then if it can be avioded do it
5. Do not use the "fancy" transitions, like star wipes or heart wipes, they look ridicilous, use cuts, fades, and dissolves, long dissolves and fades should really only be used after something very important has been conveyed.
6. music with words should only be used when no one on screen is speaking, otherwise it justs confuses the audience.
7. Always, always, put any text you will use on screen in a writing program with a spell checker.
8. Use a large font for text.
9. Use a sans-serif font for web videos, verdana is pretty good.
10. Before you start putting together your video write a script you can follow.