
how do we fight ?

Kill all the bankers now
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everyone in whole country close your bank account and cancel your credit cards
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make all campaign contributions illegal
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Author Topic: USA has fallen we have been captured  (Read 1222 times)

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Offline goyhelp

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USA has fallen we have been captured
« on: March 16, 2010, 12:08:45 PM »
Our country has fallen into the hands of the bankers (not we the people) they back all of the candidates on both sides so no matter who you vote for you loose. Money not your vote rule! that is why people don't go to the poles and vote anymore. The federal reserve and all other banks need to be shut down ! The constitution says that congress and only congress has the power to coin money and regulate the value of money. All privately owned banks (including FED) are an enemy of America and must be stopped.   BUT HOW ? Who can declare war against The Beast ?   If we all close all our accounts the same day they will all be out of business , only problem is most Americans are sheep being lead to the slaughter and will not act, that leaves the few brave to act. 
Other idea would be make all campaign advertising paid by tax dollars only, no other money, and be the same amount for everyone in the race. Only problem is it is too late, the slave master banks own you and your government.
That leaves us with Kill them before they take all our guns!! That is why our fore fathers put the right to bare arms in there, just in case as a last resort.

Offline joshua

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Re: USA has fallen we have been captured
« Reply #1 on: March 16, 2010, 01:37:01 PM »
Poor spelling aside, I agree with you about keeping our guns.  Other than that, I don't advocate murder.  It's against the Ten Commandments.

Perhaps the Tea Party can save you.