Well then, what should we do about it? I'm serious, if enough is enough then its got to be stopped. Everyone vote BNP......
For the sake of not letting the blacks take all the jobs i will never step into that internet cafe again or any small shop run by a black. A nice American lady owns the one i'm at, at the moment and i rolled the chair over the black mans bag next to me.
Fruit, white people nearly all have a higher degree of education, in this country. The blacks who are immigrants and don't have an education then seek potential jobs that don't require a background education, while the whites stay fighting for a higher profession, harder to seek and acheive.
Its a vicious circle.
Number one. The BNP is worse than a bad joke. I hope there is no one who seriously pins their hopes on a BNP political victory.

Second, the phenomenon you refer to illustrates my point beautifully. Believe it or not but the average black in Scotland is MORE likely to have a professional or graduate qualification than the average white person. And in fact, in the UK as a whole, Afro-Caribbean women are more likely to have a middle class job than the average white male.
So you cannot turn round and say that blacks are everywhere 'victims' of white racism. And as I have said a million times before, usually to deaf ears, there is NO discrimination worth speaking of towards blacks in the youth culture - in fact, young black men are surprisingly fecund and popular with white ladies.
Let us therefore do away with the idea that blacks are victims. Many white people are poor and hard done by too. (Did you forget that most poor people in the UK are white?) There are some blacks who through their evil behaviour are not successful in life. Never mind - they have the dole queue, drug money, and blonde hoes to drown their sorrows with.