Where's Mel Gibson?
"Give Mel a break. What did you expect him to do, get drunk and say nice things about the Jews?" (Sarah Silverman)
Seriously, you should read between the lines of that ad. Notice that it says "democratic societies" - by which its supporters doubtless mean the Arabs who allegedly don't support Hamas.
You can read anything at all into that broadside, which is clearly designed to appeal to a far wider spectrum of Hollywood/Jewish types than will ever support Kahanism, and who doubtless largely revile it.
Nearly all of the well-known names on that list have participated in one way or another in the campaign to destroy America and Israel. Nicole Kidman, for example, recently made
The Interpreter, starring Sean Penn as a Secret Service agent

and the UN as mankind's only hope for salvation.

(The movie was filmed at the UN, with its full cooperation.)
Likewise, "Sir" Ridley Scott recently made
Kingdom of Heaven, a movie about Jerusalem, filmed in Muslim countries, without a single Jewish character. I guess that there weren't any Jews in Israel during the Crusades. But there
was a merciful Muslim warlord named Saladin, wonderfully tolerant toward Christianity. He was played by a Syrian actor.
There are some decent signatories on the list, for example Patricia Heaton and Gary Sinese, both of whom have come under Hollyweird fire for their patriotism. (And I do admire Michael Mann, who made
The Last of the Mohicans, a beautiful and truthful and moral film.) But all in all, it's no treasure trove of potential JTF supporters and contributors.