Author Topic: How a Chile supposa get dere foot in dat shoe  (Read 772 times)

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Offline Rubystars

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How a Chile supposa get dere foot in dat shoe
« on: March 24, 2010, 03:03:26 PM »
Last night I was working and this big black woman was in there with what was probably her young son. He needed shoes and had wide feet, so I was trying to help this woman find some wide width shoes. There weren't very many available right then but I found one that happened to have some stretchy bands instead of laces and gave it to the lady so that her son could try it on.

It was this shoe, with the bungee closure instead of laces:

You can probably see the feature better on this one:

The shoe might have been a little bit too small, I was actually looking for a larger size when I heard her start chimping out.

"Who designed this shoe?" she eeked. I told her New Balance designed it and someone at Corporate decided to buy it to sell. In talking to her, I got the distinct impression that she actually thought the shoes were designed at store level. She said she wanted to speak to "Mr. Corporate"!

She kept saying "You can't even unlace it! How a Chile supposa get dere foot in dat shoe!"

I would have tried to show her how to stretch the shoe open, but she was too busy with her chimpout.

"Dere is NO WAY a CHILE can get dere foot in dere! Whoever designed dis shoe needs to be fired!"

I asked her if she wanted me to put it back and she said "Naw! Imma gonna go up to the front an' give dem a piece of my mind!"

Not that she had much to spare.

Anyway, her poor son looked really embarassed about the whole thing and just kept silent.

I laughed a little when she had left and this black guy needed me to help him and he said "Don't worry I won't act like that". I told him I didn't expect ANYONE to act like that! I can't say I'm surprised, though.

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Re: How a Chile supposa get dere foot in dat shoe
« Reply #1 on: March 24, 2010, 03:29:01 PM »
I was in a Quiznos sub shop once and a Black lady with two kids got into some kind of dispute with the owner and wanted her money back.  They agreed to give her money back but said they wanted back the drinks the kids had taken.  She ripped them away from the kids and the kids started crying.  The Black guy behind the counter apologized saying he was sorry I had to see that.  Finally when we got our sandwhiches we left and I noticed this old BMW parked outside.  I was interested because it was quite old.  Suddenly the Black woman from inside the shop jumped out and started yelling at me "what you looking at"

Actually the ugliest thing I ever saw was with Russians (probably Jewish but I hope not) in Brighton Beach where I grew up.  I was visiting because my father was sick and I was driving his car.  Parking was usually tough there and I saw a rare parking space.  A Russian man was standing there along with a woman in a wheel chair who was missing a foot.  The man told me not to park there because his son was parking his van there.  I asked where his son was and he said the son was getting the van.  I said sorry there are no reserved spaces on the street and started to back in.

The man pushed the wheelchair with the woman with the missing foot down into the street to block my car.  I never felt as much contempt for a human being as I did then.
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