
First of all, thank you for the generous compliment but my English is really far from good. I hardly know some basic words.. My vocabulary is just embarrassing... :embarassed:
There are such good and talented English speakers on this forum that I cannot even bear the thought that I'm actually posting on the same forum they do..
And I'm not talking about guys who write in their mother tongue. Take Davka_Kach for example (who is one of our main Administrators on the Hebrew forum) and a few other Israelis I know. They REALLY have an outstanding, impressive, high-quality, rich and delicate English writing..!

Me?!! - Hehe..! I had to sneak to my English-Hebrew dictionary at least 3 times per sentence on reading FoTL's posts... LOL !!

Well okay, FoTL is a poet..

Or was.. whatever..
Anyways, the vast majority of Israelis do speak fair English due to the fact that English language is defined "a required / obligated lesson" by the Education System in Israel. Every young student gets English lessons at school starting from the age of eight.
But moreover than that - (which leads me to another subject but what the hell..): We also know your English "Slang" and English "low"-language! Sadly so, we're totally and entirely infected by American culture:

We watch American movies and American TV Shows, we're influenced by American life style, we adore "Hollywood" and all these idiotic "Idols" - entertainment, stars, celebrities and so on. Politically speaking, America represents the ultimate ideal of the "enlightened western society" which we so eagerly aim to resemble. Ironically as it is, we look up to America and perceive it like a role model country from which WE have to learn and to conclude what is right and what is wrong, what is just, what is forbidden, what is moral, what is immoral and so on and so forth. We are always concerned about "what America would say about this and about that", we've become dependent upon America's "Foreign Aid" and other financial support of organizations around America.
We simply blindly worship and admire every piece of nonsense that's coming out of America, what can we do? You guys have it all over us! Cau' wee infected, yao' maaaan! Ummmmmmmm...-Hmm!

And it's sad.

It really is sad. Generations upon generations have fought and dreamt just to touch the sand of the Land of Israel, they have sacrificed their lives for saving the Jewish people; and now there are people who live in Israel, who wouldn't be more thrilled to throw all that away and import the so-called "American dream" instead! Clearly, some of them would prefer to go for the "original thing" and will leave Israel one day or the other (if they haven't already) to America or even to Europe, G-d forbid (Chaim makes many Hebrew shows about this issue..).
Normally those are the same sick people who would also give up and surrender the Land of Israel to the Arabs. They are ashamed of their religion, ashamed of their past, denying their roots.. All they ever "wish" for is to be "accepted by all nations" (sounds familiar?

), and they are literally willing to give anything and everything for this purpose. They are really a disgrace for the Jewish people.
Chaim uses to call them "Erev Rav" or "kikes" (pardon me). In Israel, the Bolshevik media has found a more efficient way to describe them, by a term that would make them in fact "legitimate", "modern", "advanced"...:
- "
The media, as a part of the entire Israeli Bolshevik establishment, is controlled by a number of wicked rich families, whose only interest is their own ego and wealthiness. They couldn't care less if they bring upon the destruction of Israel in the process. They are well-arranged in life. Their children already aren't living in Israel anymore and they maintain huge bank accounts waiting for them in foreign countries.
This is the same story as the U.S. ruled by some mean people who don't care less about America and would be happy to preserve America's addiction to Arab oil. Only in our case it is a lot worse, because we are a small country with countless Nazzi Muslim enemies surrounding us.
BUT THEY WILL LOSE IN THE END, G-d willing. Question is- how many people will suffer until then.
Now you also asked where I am from in Israel. I am from the "Shfela" region, which is an area located at around Mid-Central Israel, somewhere between Jerusalem and Tel-Aviv.
And again, I call on everybody to register and post on the Hebrew forum as well. English posts are more than highly welcome (to say the least), as articulated above.