hey chaim
1)why does hollywood and the tv shows portray indians and asians in a bad light? I can understand a motive perhaps for potraying whites in a bad light, even though its wrong. But the self hating whites make out that indians are all bumbling corner shop/super store owners and aisans are either baddies/hench men or evil kung fu masters, that are evil in the way they protect their daughters.
It makes me laugh that asians are hench men, its bad enough whites are often the evil criminals but aisans, whats with that. yet blacks are the air of reasoning. Blacks are the judges, the head c.i.a. agents etc. What is this all about, why are whites hyping up blacks who are a horrible race physically and mentally. Yet hating on races that in some areas whites could use as role models. it seems self hating whites are "racist" to the wrong groups of people.
2). Chaim i love your comedy and satire, although sometimes its on veey serious subjects. You have a style of comedy which is very british. Which is a massive compliment by the way, as in my opinion the brits, for all their faults produce some incredible comedy. Do you have any comedians from the uk that you liked, as your style is not of the american mould.