Rubystars: "...(there are starving white kids, how about caring about them for a change!)"
It never ceases to amaze me how every "activist" who spends their time "organizing" and "fund raising" for Somalia, Gaza, etc. could care less about the social injustices and poverty right down the road from where they live!
In their innermost psyches, the "leftists" and "progressives" loathe and despise other races and people from lesser or disadvantaged socio-economic backgrounds. Their feigned "concern" about others in faraway regions of the globe is in fact a "cover", both for the contempt they secretly hold for those of lesser and disadvantaged backgrounds, as well as for their own inner self-loathing and guilt. "Leftists" and "progressives" attempt to battle their own "psychological issues" by diverting the attention of others away from themselves, instead shifting public attention as far away as possible.
"Dishonesty is the universal hallmark of the Left." -- Rabbi Meir Kahane