It's an
individual's personal business as to whether or not they choose to get a tan, smoke, own a firearm, or anything else that all the "experts" always tell us are "so bad for us".

I would seriously like to know what
isn't bad for us that people enjoy doing!

I can name one thing that is very bad about anything which someone might suggest is "good for me", or "healthy for me", and I can tell you exactly why it's bad and unhealthy!

Usually the very same folks who are always putting forth "what is best for my health so I can live a longer, healthier lifestyle" are the same ones who at cocktail and pot parties talk about how "there are too many people alive today on the planet!"..."Something
must be done to cut the population explosion!" "Our system
is unsustainable because too many people are living longer today which puts a strain on our resources!"....etc. etc....

Screw all the "do gooders" and screw the Mullahs too!

My name is MassuhD, and I support this message!