I love cats! Thorberg Maccabee, Frankie Raye, and Jamie Fur Claws, are highly valued feline members of my household. We love to spoil our cats. I had another cat I saved who later died [Odin], he was my 1st cat, I think he lost his Mom somehow because he looked like roadkill when I found him and he was covered with bugs, and had anemia, the vet said he was about 6 weeks old, he was SO tiny that he was hard to pet for awhile until he got bigger... I nursed him back to health spoon feeding him all his meals... he died early in life [a great sadness], at 6 months old [allergic reaction to tranquillizer when I went to have him neutered], but every day with him was a true joy, and he made me a cat lover, before I was a dog person but now I am both.
Although love dogs as well, I have none now. I'd like to get a Canaan dog in the future. Trying to save up and fulfill my responsibilities here in California so I can make Aliyah, two cats are all I can take from what I understand [JFC is my roommates cat so that should work out].