Author Topic: The letter I wrote to a local radio show.  (Read 2682 times)

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Offline cosmokramer

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The letter I wrote to a local radio show.
« on: May 11, 2007, 06:04:03 PM »
There is a radio program in Seattle called Sytman and Boze. A so called "Conservative" radio show. They are always glorifying "Moderate Islam". They have Moslem callers all the time and kiss their behinds. I wrote a letter to the Jewish host on the show, His name being Dan Sytman, a self-hating Jew if I ever saw one this following letter.


Hello Mr. Sytman and good day to you.

I am writing this email to you because I have to ask you a serious question. Do you really think that there are moderate Moslems? In this country and any other country including Arab countries do you really believe this? Sorry to break it to you sir, but there are no moderate Moslem's. None. Their religion is based on killing, stealing, raping, and everything bad under the sun. When you and your host bring this topic up it annoys me terribly. To hear a conservative say there are Mosley moderates. Just yesterday six Moslems were going to attack Ft. Dix NJ. Their goal, was to kill as many soldiers as possible. Now what makes you think that there are moderate Moslems? What? They have killed countless scores of innocent people. Including their own. They come to this country and try to spread their evil message to masses of people. They have almost completely wrecked Europe. They join our Military, which I think is a big mistake since they will use the tactics right back on us, its just a matter of time. Work in our stores, public utilities, office buildings and schools. Their goal, to convert of kill. Lying boldly to a nation who has shown them the utmost compassion. We are in a horrid war trying to help a people who are primitive, stupid and evil. They kill our soldiers everyday. A bright, young intelligent man who wanted so passionately to guard his country comes home in a casket draped with the American Flag. Just because we had to give Moslems freedom. Our soldiers should have let them alone. They will kill each other, but an infidel is top priority to them. Something they will never embrace. Now Mr. Sytman, You are probably asking yourself, "This man is a extremist, he doesn't care about the Iraqi people or peace". I do care about peace Mr. Sytman, and Mr. Boze if he reads this also. This country is fighting a war it can never win if we still have the constraints placed upon our troops. Soldiers going to jail if they shoot a Moslem who tried to kill them. Moslems will never assimilate into a civilized society, nor would they want to. In the next twenty years most of Europe will be Islamic. A fate that I don't want to see. As a Jew, So are you Mr. Sytman, Israel will become worse and worse and worse if the Moslems are not kicked out. American's will be slaughtered on the streets by these people if they are not deported. They are telling us what to do in our schools and cities. A Jewish or Christian man cant pray, but a Moslem can. I ask you Mr. Sytman, A people who sexually mutilate their women, A people who want to kill the innocent, A people who want the whole world to be Moslem is not a peaceful religion nor a Moderate religion. They all want us dead. They will smile in your face and stab you in the back the second you turn it. No Mr. Sytman. We need them out of this Nation and back to their own countries. It is their natural environment. They can't hold up in civilized nation's without destroying them. You can call me a racist if you want, but I only speak the truth to you. You cannot show me a moderate Moslem because they are using us, including the ones that call your show and agree with you. They do not agree with you. They want us all to be like them. In your subconscious you know this to be true. I hope you take the time to read this. Because our families, our friends, our sons and daughters are all in jeopardy if we don't get them out of all civilized nations. I just hope that you take this letter I am writing you into consideration.

Thank you,
Hello Mr. Sytman and good day to you.

Offline mord

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Re: The letter I wrote to a local radio show.
« Reply #1 on: May 11, 2007, 06:06:24 PM »
Excellent letter ,the only moslems who are good moslems do not follow the quran
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

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Offline Dr. Dan

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Re: The letter I wrote to a local radio show.
« Reply #2 on: May 11, 2007, 06:24:04 PM »
Excellent letter ,the only moslems who are good moslems do not follow the quran

nice and polite. I would have used quotes of the Koran indicating the Mein Kampfness of the Koran.
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

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Offline cosmokramer

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Re: The letter I wrote to a local radio show.
« Reply #3 on: May 11, 2007, 06:33:56 PM »
Unfortunately I could find any until too late. :embarassed:

Offline nessuno

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Re: The letter I wrote to a local radio show.
« Reply #4 on: May 12, 2007, 08:22:16 AM »
Great letter -
Let us know if you get a response.
Be very CAREFUL of people whose WORDS don't match their ACTIONS.