Author Topic: Arizona Fever Catches Fire Nationwide!  (Read 1083 times)

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Offline Confederate Kahanist

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Arizona Fever Catches Fire Nationwide!
« on: May 17, 2010, 10:11:54 AM »

Yesterday the respected Pew Research Center released a new poll showing Americans are backing Arizona's recently passed immigration enforcement bill, SB 1070, by huge margins.

Seventy-three percent of Americans agree with "requiring people to produce documents verifying their legal status if police ask for them," according to the poll.

When the Pew Poll respondents were asked if the police should be able to "detain anyone unable to verify legal status," 67% said yes. The real encouraging sign here, though, is that Democrats, Republicans, and Independents all agreed that police should be able to detain those unable to verify their immigration status.

The Pew poll is just the latest sign of a fast-spreading Arizona fever! In fact, virtually all polls show that Americans are rallying behind Arizona's approach.

This is fascinating: According to the new Gallup Poll, the U.S. public is now more concerned about immigration than subjects like "terrorism," the "national debt," and "national security."

    Americans are desperate for relief, for any reasonable way to encourage illegal aliens to go home! Congress has failed to act. So now states are acting.

You probably have already heard that the open borders lobby (National Council of La Raza, the left-wing S.E.I.U., some major religious groups, etc.,) has gone hysterical over Arizona's SB 1070. They've made a cottage industry out of condemning Arizona and Arizonans as racists, xenophobes, backwards, bigots. You name it, and they've probably said it.

La Raza and even (which has usually avoided immigration fights) are busy organizing boycotts of the whole state of Arizona. For example, they want Major League Baseball to move the upcoming All Star game from Phoenix.

Will these boycotts succeed, drying up the Arizona tourist business, and pressuring Arizona to buckle under? Hard to imagine it, with the American people lining up behind Arizona. On the other hand, we're used to the elites controlling things. It could happen. The city councils of San Francisco and Los Angeles, California, among others, have already joined in a boycott.

Will you help us defend Arizona? Will you help us turn back the boycott effort? Will you help us spread the Arizona enforcement model to other states?

If you have never had a chance to donate to NumbersUSA, please toss in a few bucks and help us win this battle!

We need your help to keep the fire going. Our goal is $56,166.
Click Here to Donate Now

Arizona-type laws are being considered in nine states so far. In Colorado, 55% of voters want their own. In Florida, it's 62%. These states DO NOT WANT ILLEGAL ALIENS.

Spreading Arizona-type laws to other states is the best chance we've had of actually reducing illegal immigration in many, many years. I've been told that a difference is already being felt in Arizona.

Meanwhile, in Washington, Sen. Harry continues his quest to pass an Amnesty bill THIS YEAR. It's in the news here practically every day.

This is despite the bitter opposition of most Americans. A CNN poll released two weeks ago showed that 66% of Americans do not want the path to citizenship made easier for illegal aliens. According to the poll, six out of ten Democrats oppose legalization!

None of this apparently discourages Harry Reid (who is showing his desperation over his tight re-election fight). Reid hasn't stop, nor have his close buddies--Sen. Chuck Schumer and a couple of others. But their approach has DEFINITELY angered the Senate Republicans and several of the Democrats.

Did you hear what Sens. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and Jon Kyl (R-AZ) said in their joint press release? They blasted the Reid-Schumer Democratic immigration proposal as "nothing more than an attempt to score political points. It poisons the well for those of us who are working toward a more secure border and responsible, bipartisan reform of our immigration laws." Uh, I think Graham and Kyle really want amnesty, but they don't want it on Reid's terms.

We are fighting on so many fronts at once, our resources are getting stretched.

If you're the kind that keeps old emails, go back and look at my letters, Roy's alerts, and our weekly newsletters over the past three months.

    * We're fighting in the Senate.
    * We're fighting to defend Arizona and spread SB 1070.
    * We've been assaulted by the radicals of the S.E.I.U. at a mass illegal alien rally!
    * We're organizing in every state in our country.

We cannot do any of these things without your financial partnership. If you have not donated to NumbersUSA lately, please do so today. Momentum is on our side. WE CAN WIN IT IF WE DON'T BLOW IT!
Chad M ~ Your rebel against white guilt