Author Topic: INVITATION to "Frum Yid" and his LEFT WING ASSASSINS to come and Debate us.  (Read 11752 times)

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Offline frumyid

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as I have said to others, any time you want to take this before a rav, I'm ready. I have no interest whatsoever in AsheDina except to the extent that her behaviour affecte my safety, and I will face you any time you wish.

Kahane-was-right, is this the kind of comment I have to expect from your allies?

Offline frumyid

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 I just received an email from AsheDina saying she is going on vacation, so I shall not post more than this until she returns.
Whatever my disagreements with her may be over her political views, that has never been the reason I have taken issue with her on any of the sites she claims I have "stalked" her.

To begin with, the only reason I have gone to any sites is because she has sent me an email to which I cannot reply because she has me blocked, and in those emails she provides a link to those sites.

Secondly, when I arrive at  those sites, if her comment is simply a general one on political issues, I never post anything.

The ONLY time I ever post is when she makes a PERSONAL attack on a fellow Jew. Period. And  I don't mean a constructive criticism or even a harsh criticism of a policy. I mean making fun of a fellow Jew's NOSE or spreading lashon hara about alleged sexual issues that have no basis in fact.

To tell you the truth, the reason I started following her work is because when I first saw the way she was writing, I presumed that she was in fact not really a Jew. I still want a shyla on the halacha about her comments on her Mad Jewess blog.

But this is the way I prefer to discuss issues. If you look at her blog and tell me that halachically it is acceptable for her to suggest that fellow Jews who disagree with her politically be executed, I shall have to consider   that. If you give me talmudic (yes, I know, I didn't capitalize it; sue me) support for her making fun of her Jewish adversaries' phyisical appearance, I shall review it with my Rav.  If you tell me that there is halachic support for her to send me a link to another place she is writing, and then submitting IC-3's complaining I am stalking her when she refuses to accept private emails from   me, I shall review that as well.

With all the respect it is due, Massuh, I don't find your comment either valid or amusing. I would love to know if your mother would agree that if the nicest things you can say are lashon hara, it's still acceptable to say them because everything else you might say would be worse.  I shall not pursue that line of discussion, because I am trying to keep this conversation civil, and I suspect you have less interest in civility than you do in tactical victory.

My major criticism of AsheDina and her husband is that they believe that the ends justify the means,  and that they are happy to sacrifice the lives of  jews with whom they politically disagree.  I see it a lot here in the US. I am  not going to go any farther with this discussion today, because I don't want to be accused of spoiling their vacation.  I will be happy however, if AsheDina will reprint here any comments I made to her on her blog that she considers to be more inappropriate than those she has made about me. Keep in mind that for most of our interaction, I had the right to presume that nothing I wrote would be posted, and that the only person who would see what I wrote would be she. I made a pledge, which I have kept, not to post on her sites  as long as we had a correspondence going. I only went back to posting when both she and her husband blocked my emails to them while still sending  emails to me and at the same time making comments about me on their blogs.

As for my "Stalking" her by coming here, the ONLY reason I came here was because SHE sent me the link to something she posted here after telling me that I could not reply to her through email. 

Enough. Hag Semayach everyone, and enjoy your Shavuot.

Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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Kahane-was-right, is this the kind of comment I have to expect from your allies?

I'm not sure which comment you refer to.
That said, I can't speak for other people, only for myself.  Some people choose to use very strong language when they care very deeply about something.  I don't blame them for that.  As to halachic violations, I'm not an expert, but like I said, this site goes in the derech of Rabbi Kahane who certainly cursed traitor Jews like Yossi Sarid.  We can point you to a video clip on youtube where he shouts at a rally about "Yossi Sarid, Yemach Shemo."  And Chaim ben Pesach, who was a close student of Rabbi Kahane and runs our site, certainly speaks strongly against self-hating Jewish enemies.

Whether this particular comment or that particular comment was within the bounds of halacha, I don't know, and it is silly that you demand our site JTF to go and ask a rav about comments you object to.   Because not everyone here is religious and not everyone here is asking a rabbi about complicated halachic matters.  Many of our members (it might be the majority) on our English forum are not even Jewish.    I personally am willing to accept such a criticism about something I say personally since I do intend to follow the halacha.  But others on this site are not in that position.  I'm pretty sure that Ashe Dina is not asking a rav for advice on how to conduct her blog.   So it makes no sense to then demand that JTF finds halachic justification for every word she says, and quite frankly it makes no sense to ask her to pass it by a rabbi. 

Everyone has free will.   Hag Sameah.

Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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Also, you should know that people are speaking strongly against you because of harsh things you said to Ashe Dina, which she reported to us.  If you said she should be "cut off from the Jewish people," then I agree 100% with the one calling you a pig and with everyone else in this thread.   In that case you brought the insults on yourself.  Sincere teshuvah is required in such a case.

Offline frumyid

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before you judge me, I suggest you read the thread. I notice you do not comment at all about her published comments proposing that jews who disagree with her politically should be shot or the fact that she is trying to get be barred with IC-3's for simply following links that she sent me.
Perhaps you and I should correspond privately. If you do not have my personal email, let me know.
 But as I said earlier, I am not going to spoil their vacation.

Offline MassuhDGoodName

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frumyid:  "With all the respect it is due, Massuh, I don't find your comment either valid or amusing."


I'll make an adjustment on your invoice.

However, I must admit I am a bit surprised, because Rabbi Schmendrik gave me his permission to use a computer.

I'll be flying home from Las Vegas today, and I'll ask him what I can do to help you with some of your problems.

Offline frumyid

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you might also consider exchanging your interest in comedy for one in Talmud. You'll find it far more rewarding for both yourself and those with whom you interact.  Given your propensity for insult it might also spare you the inevitable beating looming on your horizon if you fail to mature before you make the mistake of allowing your  faith in your immunity to retribution to prompt you to present this attitude in a forum where you are not protected by anonymity.

frumyid:  "With all the respect it is due, Massuh, I don't find your comment either valid or amusing."


I'll make an adjustment on your invoice.

However, I must admit I am a bit surprised, because Rabbi Schmendrik gave me his permission to use a computer.

I'll be flying home from Las Vegas today, and I'll ask him what I can do to help you with some of your problems.

Offline frumyid

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The most recent post on MadJewess' blog:

 I cannot believe this. I have sat for 2 damned days in a state of total shock. For people that were not living in NYC during 9/11...I know that you felt the pain, but being in NY during that event was horrific beyond ALL comprehension.  I, personally lived in NY at that time. The smoke didn't clear for 3 months. The memorials were an everyday occurance. Bagpipes, crying, screaming, pain so terrible that it is unimaginable. Sleep? I didn't sleep more than 3 hours a night after this atrocity that made my world shake. Every town I went through were flags and crosses, stars of David. Mortifying days of death and terror.

  They tried to tell us to stop crying, go on with your lives. How can a person 'go on with their lives' when you walk down the street in NYC and watch grown men wailing? This OBVIOUSLY does not bother Bloomberg, the dictator KIKE of NYC.

someone want to tell me how this is NOT lashon hara?

Offline Lisa

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The most recent post on MadJewess' blog:

 I cannot believe this. I have sat for 2 damned days in a state of total shock. For people that were not living in NYC during 9/11...I know that you felt the pain, but being in NY during that event was horrific beyond ALL comprehension.  I, personally lived in NY at that time. The smoke didn't clear for 3 months. The memorials were an everyday occurance. Bagpipes, crying, screaming, pain so terrible that it is unimaginable. Sleep? I didn't sleep more than 3 hours a night after this atrocity that made my world shake. Every town I went through were flags and crosses, stars of David. Mortifying days of death and terror.

  They tried to tell us to stop crying, go on with your lives. How can a person 'go on with their lives' when you walk down the street in NYC and watch grown men wailing? This OBVIOUSLY does not bother Bloomberg, the dictator KIKE of NYC.

someone want to tell me how this is NOT lashon hara?

Frumyid, while you don't approve of the word kike, what AsheDina was trying to say is that Jews in political positions of power cannot be trusted.  Chaim Ben Pesach has said many times how he's against Jews taking any political positions except in Israel.  The fact of the matter is that Jews in political positions in America (and the rest of the Galut) go out of their way to prove how "objective" they are, and that they're not "Israel firsters."  In the process, they screw over their fellow Jews, as well as other Americans in the recent case of the mosque being built on Ground Zero.  Unfortunately, no matter how they harm their fellow Jews (or other Americans) they're still called Israel firsters. 

So if you don't agree with the word kike, why not tell her you don't like that word.  Otherwise, what I find more troubling is that you focus on that one word to the exclusion of everything else she writes, just to stalk her around the internet. 

Offline frumyid

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Look, Lisa, with all due respect, how dare you accuse me of stalking MadJewess?

1. This is a direct quote from her blog.
2. She created this thread as a challenge to me to debate her.
3. I have NEVER stalked her anywhere, and I CHALLENGE you to provide ONE IOTA of evidence that I have.
4. This is the ONLY place I can make my observations, since she and her husband have blocked me from sending them email.

I object to the lashon hara that is being spread. If you can justify it, then please do. If you cannot, then I suggest that very possibly you may owe me an apology, since you have slandered me.

Offline Spiraling Leopard

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Frumyid you kike, your perverse fixation on the word 'kike' is obscene and makes very clear where your intentions lie.
Chaim has called many people 'kikes', why are you not bothering him?

I think your perverted brain needs some tikun olam. The easy way would cost about one dollar.

Offline muman613

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I strongly rebuke Mr Blomberg for his callous treatment of the victims family, myself and my mother, and my step-father being three living victims of 9/11 because my brother, my mothers second son, was killed in the WTC on 9/11.

She has written, protested, and shed tears because the very site where my brother was killed is going to become as place where new terrorists will meet and plot the next attack. Our FBI knows full well what goes on in these mosques. You know that several of them have been infiltrated and are being monitored.

Mr Blomberg is a traitor to the Jewish people, and more importantly a traitor to the American people... I don't care if you like them apples, mr yid... But there comes a time when the people must speak up forcefully. I do not condone the use of the 'K' word, and have been outspoken on that issue.

But do not attempt to poison us against AsheDinah. She is a very sincere woman who believes, as most of us here, that America is on a path of self-destruction. It is wrong to build a Islamic recruiting center on the ashes of the World Trade Center, where my brothers blood was spilled. You do know the Mitzvah from our Torah which says. "Do not stand idle by your brothers blood"? To me this means I must actively resist the evil which is perpetuated by the killers of my brother, who murdered and destroyed in the name of Islam.

You know that Islam traditionally builds a mosque on the sites it has conquered. You know that the abomination on the temple mount was built in order to show Islamic dominance over the Jewish state. We should not allow America to be the next Islamic conquest as the Jihadists are currently plotting...

You shall make yourself the Festival of Sukkoth for seven days, when you gather in [the produce] from your threshing floor and your vat.And you shall rejoice in your Festival-you, and your son, and your daughter, and your manservant, and your maidservant, and the Levite, and the stranger, and the orphan, and the widow, who are within your cities
Duet 16:13-14

Offline Lisa

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Look, Lisa, with all due respect, how dare you accuse me of stalking MadJewess?

1. This is a direct quote from her blog.
2. She created this thread as a challenge to me to debate her.
3. I have NEVER stalked her anywhere, and I CHALLENGE you to provide ONE IOTA of evidence that I have.
4. This is the ONLY place I can make my observations, since she and her husband have blocked me from sending them email.

I object to the lashon hara that is being spread. If you can justify it, then please do. If you cannot, then I suggest that very possibly you may owe me an apology, since you have slandered me.

OK perhaps I used the wrong word.  I think harassment would be more appropriate in your case.  I would say that repeatedly threatening to have her cut off from the Jewish people, and constantly demanding approval from a rabbi for her blog posts comes pretty close to harassment. Also, I saw a comment on Nicholas Stix's blog which sounded like you criticizing her.  You wrote that you intend to follow her around the internet.  So there!

Offline frumyid

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Frumyid you kike, your perverse fixation on the word 'kike' is obscene and makes very clear where your intentions lie.
Chaim has called many people 'kikes', why are you not bothering him?

I think your perverted brain needs some tikun olam. The easy way would cost about one dollar.

And you have some justification for a defacto breaking of your word in terms of the above violating the TOS? How can you be trusted when you cannot even abide by the TOS to which you agreed? You spew slander  at me because you can hide behind your anonymity. Such a brave man you are.

I strongly rebuke Mr Blomberg for his callous treatment of the victims family, myself and my mother, and my step-father being three living victims of 9/11 because my brother, my mothers second son, was killed in the WTC on 9/11.

She has written, protested, and shed tears because the very site where my brother was killed is going to become as place where new terrorists will meet and plot the next attack. Our FBI knows full well what goes on in these mosques. You know that several of them have been infiltrated and are being monitored.

Mr Blomberg is a traitor to the Jewish people, and more importantly a traitor to the American people... I don't care if you like them apples, mr yid... But there comes a time when the people must speak up forcefully. I do not condone the use of the 'K' word, and have been outspoken on that issue.

But do not attempt to poison us against AsheDinah. She is a very sincere woman who believes, as most of us here, that America is on a path of self-destruction. It is wrong to build a Islamic recruiting center on the ashes of the World Trade Center, where my brothers blood was spilled. You do know the Mitzvah from our Torah which says. "Do not stand idle by your brothers blood"? To me this means I must actively resist the evil which is perpetuated by the killers of my brother, who murdered and destroyed in the name of Islam.

You know that Islam traditionally builds a mosque on the sites it has conquered. You know that the abomination on the temple mount was built in order to show Islamic dominance over the Jewish state. We should not allow America to be the next Islamic conquest as the Jihadists are currently plotting...

I cannot believe the double standard you are maintaining. I know it's easy, since you are all hiding in the shadows, and I am the only one who has offered to appear with any of you at a din torah.  But really.

1. I am only here because AsheDina CREATED THIS THREAD AS A CHALLENGE TO ME. I am NOT in any way attempting to poison you against AsheDina. I am doing exactly what YOU Muman, indicated I should do when you quoted earlier the elements of Lashon Hara and its remedies. If anyone is trying to poison, it seems to be YOU trying to poison people against ME by twisting my words.

2. The mosque was not intended to show dominance over the Jewish state, because at the time it was built, there was effectively no Jewish State. Jerusalem was controlled prior to Moslem conquest by Byzantine Catholics and the last Jewish State was some 600 years in the past. 

3. Since you have sufffered a personal loss on 9/11, I shall not discuss the issue.

The most revealing issue is that in twisting my words, you are violating Hillel's first principle. Why don't you and AsheDina stop treating me in ways you would object to me treating you. Why don't you criticize Electric Apprentice for his slander? Why don't you agree to a Din Torah? or at the very least, why don't you abide by the TOS you signed when you signed on to this site?

Offline syyuge

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The mosque was intended to show dominance over the erstwhile Jewish state, because at the time it was built, there was effectively no Jewish State.
There are thunders and sparks in the skies, because Faraday invented the electricity.

Offline syyuge

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If a mosque near the blank of WTC is not an insignia of muslamic victory, then what else constitutes a victory. 
There are thunders and sparks in the skies, because Faraday invented the electricity.

Offline muman613

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I strongly rebuke Mr Blomberg for his callous treatment of the victims family, myself and my mother, and my step-father being three living victims of 9/11 because my brother, my mothers second son, was killed in the WTC on 9/11.

She has written, protested, and shed tears because the very site where my brother was killed is going to become as place where new terrorists will meet and plot the next attack. Our FBI knows full well what goes on in these mosques. You know that several of them have been infiltrated and are being monitored.

Mr Blomberg is a traitor to the Jewish people, and more importantly a traitor to the American people... I don't care if you like them apples, mr yid... But there comes a time when the people must speak up forcefully. I do not condone the use of the 'K' word, and have been outspoken on that issue.

But do not attempt to poison us against AsheDinah. She is a very sincere woman who believes, as most of us here, that America is on a path of self-destruction. It is wrong to build a Islamic recruiting center on the ashes of the World Trade Center, where my brothers blood was spilled. You do know the Mitzvah from our Torah which says. "Do not stand idle by your brothers blood"? To me this means I must actively resist the evil which is perpetuated by the killers of my brother, who murdered and destroyed in the name of Islam.

You know that Islam traditionally builds a mosque on the sites it has conquered. You know that the abomination on the temple mount was built in order to show Islamic dominance over the Jewish state. We should not allow America to be the next Islamic conquest as the Jihadists are currently plotting...

I cannot believe the double standard you are maintaining. I know it's easy, since you are all hiding in the shadows, and I am the only one who has offered to appear with any of you at a din torah.  But really.

1. I am only here because AsheDina CREATED THIS THREAD AS A CHALLENGE TO ME. I am NOT in any way attempting to poison you against AsheDina. I am doing exactly what YOU Muman, indicated I should do when you quoted earlier the elements of Lashon Hara and its remedies. If anyone is trying to poison, it seems to be YOU trying to poison people against ME by twisting my words.

2. The mosque was not intended to show dominance over the Jewish state, because at the time it was built, there was effectively no Jewish State. Jerusalem was controlled prior to Moslem conquest by Byzantine Catholics and the last Jewish State was some 600 years in the past. 

3. Since you have sufffered a personal loss on 9/11, I shall not discuss the issue.

The most revealing issue is that in twisting my words, you are violating Hillel's first principle. Why don't you and AsheDina stop treating me in ways you would object to me treating you. Why don't you criticize Electric Apprentice for his slander? Why don't you agree to a Din Torah? or at the very least, why don't you abide by the TOS you signed when you signed on to this site?

Mr Yid,

I have done nothing to you, I have not attacked you, nor have I said anything other than what I have experienced from you here at JTF.

The history of Islam building mosques at sites they conquered is well documented. Are you an apologist for the Muslims? You know that Islam forbade Jews from worshiping at the Kotel, don't you... Only after 1967 were Jews finally allowed to pray at the second most holy site in Judaism. There is nothing you can say to convince me that the Muslims are not trying to erase Judaism and Jewish presence in this world.

I do not speak Lashon Hara against you, as you seem to think. You seem to have a problem and you are not going to solve it by continuing your current path..
You shall make yourself the Festival of Sukkoth for seven days, when you gather in [the produce] from your threshing floor and your vat.And you shall rejoice in your Festival-you, and your son, and your daughter, and your manservant, and your maidservant, and the Levite, and the stranger, and the orphan, and the widow, who are within your cities
Duet 16:13-14

Offline Lisa

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Since when is it the job of rabbis to monitor the blogosphere to make sure Jews don't get "out of line?"  

Also, since you keep harping on the topic of whether or not a rabbi would approve of our posts, I believe you already got your answer.  But I'll repeat it, since you didn't get it the first time.  We go by the teachings of the late Rabbi Meir Kahane (may G-d avenge his blood)!  The owner of this forum, Chaim Ben Pesach worked very closely with Rabbi Kahane.  

Furthermore, Orthodox Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, who is a brilliant Talmudic and Torah scholar, has also cursed other Jews such as then prime minister Ehud Barak and Meretz party chairman Yossi Sarid.

In March 2000, shortly before Purim, Rabbi Yosef verbally attacked then-Education Minister and Meretz Party chairman Yossi Sarid. Yosef referred to Sarid as "the 'Dark Side", a term synonymous in Jewish parlance with the unholy realm of existence. Rabbi Yosef continued, saying, "He is Satan, may his name and memory be erased. How long do we have to suffer this wicked man? God will extirpate him, the way He will extirpate Amalek. Cursed is Haman, cursed is Yossi Sarid. He will be uprooted from the seed of Israel. Just as revenge was wrought on Haman, so it will be wrought on him."

Offline MassuhDGoodName

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:dance:   :dance:    You tell'em, Lisa!        ;D   :)

Offline frumyid

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OK perhaps I used the wrong word.  I think harassment would be more appropriate in your case.  I would say that repeatedly threatening to have her cut off from the Jewish people, and constantly demanding approval from a rabbi for her blog posts comes pretty close to harassment. Also, I saw a comment on Nicholas Stix's blog which sounded like you criticizing her.  You wrote that you intend to follow her around the internet.  So there!

Talk about Lashon Hara! " I saw a comment on Nicholas Stix's blog which sounded like you criticizing her". Where do you get off accusing me of that. I have NEVER posted on that blog. There are NO posts with my name on that blog. There is only Chana's speculation that some "anonymous" was I. And that is a LIE.

My initial anger with AsheDina was fueled because when I first read her posts, I googled her and found the following link:

have any of you accessed it? Go ahead and see what it looks like. You tell me what you would think if the only information that you had about AsheDina were her angry statements condemning Jews and African Americans and this link. Might you not think that she was in fact not who she was claiming to be? That was why I challenged her to prove herself, and warned her of the consequences.  Then she opened this thread, and I realized that it was more than likely the connection with was an error; although I wonder why no one has yet notified nme of their error.....

Since this thread has been instituted, I have not ONCE posted on her site. I have NOT ONCE posted at all while she was on vacation. And I have NEVER posted any argument with her other points of view. My only argument with her has been her slandering of her fellow Jews, like so many who post here have been calling Elena Kagan a lesbian even though there is not ONE piece of probative evidence to that effect.

Since when is it the job of rabbis to monitor the blogosphere to make sure Jews don't get "out of line?"  

Also, since you keep harping on the topic of whether or not a rabbi would approve of our posts, I believe you already got your answer.  But I'll repeat it, since you didn't get it the first time.  We go by the teachings of the late Rabbi Meir Kahane (may G-d avenge his blood)!  The owner of this forum, Chaim Ben Pesach worked very closely with Rabbi Kahane.  

Furthermore, Orthodox Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, who is a brilliant Talmudic and Torah scholar, has also cursed other Jews such as then prime minister Ehud Barak and Meretz party chairman Yossi Sarid.  

Once again, you twist things to suit you.
1. you don't respond at all to the issues I mention.
2. I never said that rabbis should monitor the web. I asked AsheDina to tell me the name of ONE rabbi who approves of her behavior.
3. THere is not ONE halachic authority in history who will agree that your claim to be followers of Reb Meir is the same as a rabbi approving of your posts. Xtians all say they are followers of Torah to the extent that their Testament is a fulfillment of ours. That's just .......... silly.
4. The fact that Reb Yosef made comments does not give you the right to make them without approval from a posek with equal recognition.

Why don't you think how YOU would feel if someone talked to YOU the way you talk to me? Why don't you give me the consideration you demand for yourself?

Offline MassuhDGoodName

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Henceforth, he should be addressed as Mamzer Bloomberg !

Or at the very least, DrekMamzer Bloomberg !

 >:(    >:(   >:(   >:(   >:(   >:(   >:(  >:(   >:(   >:(   >:(   >:(   >:(   >:(   >:(   >:(   >:(   >:(   >:(   >:(   >:(    >:(   >:(   >:(   >:(   >:(   >:(  >:(   >:(   >:(   >:(   >:(   >:(   >:(   >:(   >:(   >:(   >:(   >:(   >:(   >:(    >:(   >:(   >:(   >:(   >:(   >:(  >:(   >:(   >:(   >:(   >:(   >:(   >:(   >:(   >:(   >:(   >:(   >:(   >:(   >:(    >:(   >:(   >:(   >:(   >:(   >:(  >:(   >:(   >:(   >:(   >:(   >:(   >:(   >:(   >:(   >:(   >:(   >:(   >:(   >:(    >:(   >:(   >:(   >:(   >:(   >:(  >:(   >:(   >:(   >:(   >:(   >:(   >:(   >:(   >:(   >:(   >:(   >:(   >:(   >:(    >:(   >:(   >:(   >:(   >:(   >:(  >:(   >:(   >:(   >:(   >:(   >:(   >:(   >:(   >:(   >:(   >:(   >:(   >:(   >:(    >:(   >:(   >:(   >:(   >:(   >:(  >:(   >:(   >:(   >:(   >:(   >:(   >:(   >:(   >:(   >:(   >:(   >:(   >:(  >:(   >:(   >:(   >:(

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Mr. FrumYid  you know nothing of Islam read up on the Imam who has close ties to the Muslim brotherhood yes his father was high ranking leader .Have you ever read he's writing in Arabic ? Do you you know when they build a mosque next to a famous place it means ownership of it for Islam.P.S. when the attempted bombing of Times square occurred Blommberg  was quick to say it's probably some white militia group
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03

Offline mord

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The imam of the new mosque speaks in Arabic i don't believe in inter religious dialogue 

The Headline Imam of the Great mosque in N.Y. i do not believe in dialogue 

What Muslims say about Rifqa Barry this is in English

« Last Edit: May 28, 2010, 01:34:14 PM by mord »
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03

Offline Lisa

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Once again, you twist things to suit you.
1. you don't respond at all to the issues I mention.
2. I never said that rabbis should monitor the web. I asked AsheDina to tell me the name of ONE rabbi who approves of her behavior.
3. THere is not ONE halachic authority in history who will agree that your claim to be followers of Reb Meir is the same as a rabbi approving of your posts. Xtians all say they are followers of Torah to the extent that their Testament is a fulfillment of ours. That's just .......... silly.
4. The fact that Reb Yosef made comments does not give you the right to make them without approval from a posek with equal recognition.

Why don't you think how YOU would feel if someone talked to YOU the way you talk to me? Why don't you give me the consideration you demand for yourself?

Once again I ask you, why is it the job of a rabbi to approve what some Jewish woman writes on her blog?  We're all entitled to our opinions.  Are you saying Jewish people are not allowed to express strong opinions unless they're pre-approved by some rabbi?  That's news to me.  Jews have many opinions on different things.  Are you saying rabbis should monitor what every Jews says in writing?  

Offline MassuhDGoodName

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Frumyid, you are such a Woos!     :P

Yet, such as you deserves a margin of pity.     :'(

Therefore, before I simply 'write you off' as a basketcase,  I am personally willing to see you go 10 rounds in the ring with our beloved Halachic Master, Authority on Ancient Aramaic, and Jewish Cagefighter, none other than the esteemed Rabbi Schmendrik.

As soon as I can get it worked out with the judge for him to be let out on work release for three hours we'll set up the match.

Don't even think about money!  The T-Shirt concessions are mine !    >:(