Author Topic: I live in Cochise County, Arizona and Here is What is Really Going On  (Read 3187 times)

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Offline Linda

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Hello, my name is Linda.  I live in Arizona along the Mexico border.  Here is the truth about the Arizona law and situation.  First of all, we already have in our Federal law a requirement that all non-citizens have to carry their documentation with them at all times.  That is a Federal law that has been on the books a long time.  Secondly, our Arizona law merely gives police the right to enforce that law within the state.  IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH RACE.  When anyone, of any race, drives through a Federal Border Patrol checkpoint on our highways, he or she is stopped and questioned about citizenship.  This is a Federal practice that has been going on for a long time.  Everyone gets stopped, regardless of race.  As for our Arizona law, it prohibits cases being brought to our Attorney General solely on the basis of race.  The bill, therefore, clearly makes racial profiling NOT a part of this law.  Third, 87 percent of people crossing into the United States from Mexico have a prior criminal record with an average of six convictions.  SIX.  These are not people coming to work on farms.  9 out of 10 people who come here have criminal pasts.  Four, people cross our borders from OVER 100 COUNTRIES.  We certainly are not racist against 100 different nationalities.  The law is not about race.  It is about crime.  Many of our police are Hispanic.  They do not want these criminals in our state either.  The Tucson Hispanic Chamber of Commerce opposes a boycott of Arizona.  They understand this law while most people who oppose it don't even live in Arizona nor have they read the law (Janet Napolitano, former Gov. of AZ admitted she did not read the law nor did AG Eric Holder).  Five, the Obama Administration might want open borders so his friends from The Nation of Islam (Wright, Farrakhan, et al) can cross over.  Six, Obama's own aunt has been in the US illegally. 7.) The Admin. wants to divide the US.

Offline Linda

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8.)  No one can be questioned by the state (unlike the Federal law, no less), UNLESS they are already breaking some other law like speeding.  When Obama scared Hispanics by saying they would get harrassed when they go to buy ice cream, is such an out and out lie that I cannot believe people aren't calling for his impeachment.  Our law is akin to the seat-belt law, in that you have to be doing something else wrong in order for a cop to write you a ticket.  Our law is even more appropriate in that there is no federal seat belt law, but there is a federal law saying non-citizens must have their documentation with them at all times.  9.)  We are not talking here about migrant workers who have the right to come and work here legally.  We have a Migrant and Seasonal Worker program for those people.  We are talking about criminal drug cartels and terrorists.  The drug cartel operatives have no regard for the humans they smuggle, carry AK-47s, drive down our highways high on meth and kill innocent people, crashing nearly every other day in my county.  Their prior convictions include murder, child molesting and rape.  10).  The myth that "Mexicans" will take jobs that Americans don't want is a myth.  Half of my town here in unemployed, and these Americans (many of whom are Hispanic) would be very happy to get any kind of a job, even at McDonald's.  Just ask them.  11.)  No Arabs live in my town, yet the FBI was called in when a backpack with suspicious Arabic writing was found 3 miles from my home, here near the border.  12.)  Terrorists want to do us harm and if anyone doesn't believe that, they need to read the book Why We Want To Kill You, by former PLO terrorist Walid Shoebat.  Open borders is a good way to get into this country.  Obama knows that and so rather than address the real problem, he plays a fake race card and Americans believe the lie about Arizona law.

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Correction, I think the seat belt laws are state laws, but maybe they're federal.  Sorry.  My point is that you have to be doing something wrong before a cop can give you a ticket for not wearing a seat belt, and in the same vein, you must be doing some sort of crime in order for a cop to question you about your citizenship with the Arizona law. 

Offline Linda

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Finally, and I apologize for being so loquacious here, but this is a multi-faceted topic.  I would like to add that I am originally from Chicago.  I was raised in the same town as Hillary Clinton, in fact.  I am well-acquainted with Chicago politics and the tactics Obama & Co. use.  One thing they do is plant someone in a crowd to shout "racist" or some other fabricated slur.  They also pre-empt issues such as they did with the Arizona law.  Before the law was passed, Obama spoke out against it.  Why?  So that opinions would be formed before 99 percent of people even read the law.  The strategy works quite well.  The reason this Administration would like a conflict between Hispanics and Whites is very simple and the goal of their "racism" cry against our AZ law.  The reason is that Obama doesn't want Blacks getting involved in the Machiavellian Divide and Conquer tactic of this administration, because he doesn't want to hurt his own.  The reason he wants to divide this nation is to conquer it.  Divide and Conquer.  This is the goal, according to Walid Shoebat, former terrorist, of Radical Islam:  To have a Muslim President or a Muslim-sympathizing President in the White House so the US can be destroyed economically and socially from the inside out.  In my Arizona town, everyone gets along fine.  Mexicans celebrate Cinco de Mayo and they attend 4th of July.  Now, people look at each other suspiciously since Obama spoke against our law and lied about it being racist.  A divided and broke country can now easily be taken over by Radical Islam.  Martial Law will be enacted, if my predictions are correct, to stay any riots that result from these fabricated race wars.  Martial Law will eventually be termed Muslim Sharia Law.  Get the picture?  Spread the word about the facts of the Arizona law. Write to every city which boycotts Arizona.  This has to be stopped now.  Thank you. 

Offline Confederate Kahanist

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I can see what you are saying.  Seems like where you live just sounds like a rough place to live.  There taking jobs,committing crime,running our schools and hospitals in a third world state and causing massive unsustainable debt to our local governments.  Course people who employ them will continue to play the race card so they will keep coming in.

 >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(
Chad M ~ Your rebel against white guilt

Offline Confederate Kahanist

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Finally, and I apologize for being so loquacious here, but this is a multi-faceted topic.  I would like to add that I am originally from Chicago.  I was raised in the same town as Hillary Clinton, in fact.  I am well-acquainted with Chicago politics and the tactics Obama & Co. use.  One thing they do is plant someone in a crowd to shout "racist" or some other fabricated slur.  They also pre-empt issues such as they did with the Arizona law.  Before the law was passed, Obama spoke out against it.  Why?  So that opinions would be formed before 99 percent of people even read the law.  The strategy works quite well.  The reason this Administration would like a conflict between Hispanics and Whites is very simple and the goal of their "racism" cry against our AZ law.  The reason is that Obama doesn't want Blacks getting involved in the Machiavellian Divide and Conquer tactic of this administration, because he doesn't want to hurt his own.  The reason he wants to divide this nation is to conquer it.  Divide and Conquer.  This is the goal, according to Walid Shoebat, former terrorist, of Radical Islam:  To have a Muslim President or a Muslim-sympathizing President in the White House so the US can be destroyed economically and socially from the inside out.  In my Arizona town, everyone gets along fine.  Mexicans celebrate Cinco de Mayo and they attend 4th of July.  Now, people look at each other suspiciously since Obama spoke against our law and lied about it being racist.  A divided and broke country can now easily be taken over by Radical Islam.  Martial Law will be enacted, if my predictions are correct, to stay any riots that result from these fabricated race wars.  Martial Law will eventually be termed Muslim Sharia Law.  Get the picture?  Spread the word about the facts of the Arizona law. Write to every city which boycotts Arizona.  This has to be stopped now.  Thank you. 

Even if the Barack Hussein Osama raped  a two year old boy he would still get away with it due to his race. 
Chad M ~ Your rebel against white guilt

Offline HiWarp

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You are making the age old mistake of using FACTS to support your stance! Don't you know that leftists with an agenda are not interested in FACTS! It's all about FEELINGS!
"When the people fear their government, there is tyranny;
when the government fears the people, there is liberty.”
---Thomas Jefferson

Offline Confederate Kahanist

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You are making the age old mistake of using FACTS to support your stance! Don't you know that leftists with an agenda are not interested in FACTS! It's all about FEELINGS!

Feelings for all sorts of dregs.
Chad M ~ Your rebel against white guilt

Offline Linda

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My Feelings about the poor people of my county, Hispanic and others, is that they are suffering terribly because of the crime induced by illegals.  The Rancher who was recently shot was well-liked by many ethnicities, including Hispanics whom he had compassion for when they crossed over the border, kindly providing them water and assistance, and the thanks he got was to get shot and killed.  We must have tolerance and compassion for Americans.  We must be concerned about human rights violations of Arizonans.  Yes, indeed, we must. 

Offline Linda

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You gave me an idea...maybe I'll make some bumper stickers to counteract the boycotts, which say things like:  "Love Arizona!"  "Peace and Love To Arizona!"  "Tolerate Arizona!"  "Don't Boycott Arizona; We Have Diversity Here!"  hahahahahahahahahaha  "Love The Legals"  "Tolerate Citizens"  I could go on. ha  "Minorities For Arizona" ... anyone got a printing press?  We'll go halves.  Thanks. 

Offline eb22

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Linda,   welcome to JTF!

I proudly support Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer and the people of Arizona.

Regarding Islam,   there's no much thing as " Moderate Islam".     ALL Islam should be classified as " Radical".     It's a religion that commands all non- Muslims who don't convert to Islam to be killed,    when the opportunity presents itself.     
"Israel's leaders seem to be more afraid of Obama than they are of G-d. Now we're getting to the real root of the problem. Secular politics won't save Israel. Denying the divine nature of the Jewish State has brought Israel neither stability nor peace. When that changes Israel will finally be blessed with both in abundance"-----------NormanF   ( Posted on Israel Matzav's Blog )


Offline Confederate Kahanist

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You gave me an idea...maybe I'll make some bumper stickers to counteract the boycotts, which say things like:  "Love Arizona!"  "Peace and Love To Arizona!"  "Tolerate Arizona!"  "Don't Boycott Arizona; We Have Diversity Here!"  hahahahahahahahahaha  "Love The Legals"  "Tolerate Citizens"  I could go on. ha  "Minorities For Arizona" ... anyone got a printing press?  We'll go halves.  Thanks. 

That might work even though if you go out of state nowadays with an AZ tag, your car is liable to be vandalized especially if it's somewhere like L.A
Chad M ~ Your rebel against white guilt

Offline Linda

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Actually, Walid Shoebat agrees that there are no "moderate" Muslims, but he also says that in Islam, Christians can be "tolerated" once Sharia Law takes over, in their world view.  Tolerated equals:  paying taxes, etc. to them.  All "Jews must be killed" according to Shoebat's account of Islam, Christians "tolerated" (at their discretion, which might change according to their particular whims).  I do think a handful of Muslims probably have no real idea what their "religion" entails, if they merely were born into and do not attend mosques, so for the sake of "argument" I allow exception for the 3 Muslims who truly are "moderate" due to lack of "knowledge" of their "religion."  (I hope you people appreciate my sarcasm.)   If the average person knew that Muhammed was illiterate (which is not a problem unless you're planning on starting a world "religion" and don't have your facts straight), thought he may have been "possessed by a demon" and thought the Christian "Trinity" was The Father, Jesus and Mary, they wouldn't be following him in the first place.  According to legend, Muhammed thought that he himself was the Parclete (Christian Holy Spirit) and when Christians told him he wasn't, he went to the local Jews and said he was the Messiah (and they said no you're not), and so he started Islam.  Walid Shoebat's book Why We Want To Kill You and Elishua Davidson's book that I mention pretty much sum up what we're dealing with regarding Islam.  (Elishua Davidson:  Islam, Israel and the Last Days).  Speaking of Islam, Here is a sample of what transpires at the border and Who is coming here:  Iraqis, Iranians, TERRORISTS, etc....