The MORMON faith of
Titt Romney is another oppressive primitive POLYGAMIST cult dreamed up by that insane bum Joseph Smith who happened to be HANGED by the way by RIGHTEOUS Gentiles for his corrupt twisted teachings.
His psychopathic PEDOPHILE follower Bring-em Young was the nut actually responsible for carrying out the wishes of the warped doctrines of his DEMENTED predecessor.
The CULT is very similar to the infamous scribes of ISLAM brought to life a thousand years ago my that polygamist, rapist, ILLITERATE bum Muhammad !!
And whose jehad orders were carried out until his Death by that Arab DEMON Hitler Arafat that resulted in numerous deaths taken by the chosen people of ISRAEL !!
And btw the Mormon MORONS don't even believe the original Hebrew tribes of ISRAEL are God's chosen people...THEY believe their sick SATANIC CULT of
Latter Day Saints are the CHOSEN people !! LOL

Let's WAKE Up Fast people and remember our DECENT origins !