I'm not saying criminals from eastern Europe don't go there. I'm talking about the paranoid post of BEA, something only a european nazi would say. He thinks EuroVision is a conspiracy to...
promote eastern european countries
I would like to know who is the mastermind of that conspiracy?
Try: Me, because of what I see every day?
Why is the Dutch government financing polish farmers?
Holland has bigger problems than Bulgarians and Romanians, such as...
...muslims, foreign slavetraders, polish criminals, polish immigrants.
Actually, I know very well what you are writing about. Germany was the first country to be "blessed" with the EU expansion. Cars were stolen and broken and taken to Poland (where actually the very most of them were found by detectives).
The Polish immigrants themselves are much better than those who come here, steal, rob and leave. And yes, not only Polish farmers are financed. The whole of their industry is financed by the richer EU countries. And as a thank you they call us all names and take away our jobs.
The slave trading thing has become serious. Bulgarians and Romanians are carried around in transporters and do daily jobs, then they disappear without paying taxes or being registered in any place. Polish often work on construction sites - not registered, not paying taxes and thus taking away jobs from others.
And many of those who come here from Poland actually are very antisemitic and hostile towards other strangers/immigrants.
The problem is not the Poles, but those who organize all these things with criminal background and abuse the poorer people in Poland to work like slaves and give most of their salary to the slave traders. Same goes for Bulgarians and Romanians.
The most decent new entries to EU were Slovenia, Czech Republic and the Baltic countries.