« Reply #5 on: June 02, 2010, 01:05:20 PM »
I tried several times to post a comment and for some reason it is not showing...
This is what I wrote:
I am a victim of 9/11, my brother died in the WTC on that day. I am adamantly against the building of this Islamic recruiting center nearby the grounds where Islamic martyrs performed their holy Jihad and killed by brother in cold blood. What kind of mind allows Islam, a religion with a long history of destroying and killing, to build a center on the site which they destroyed? This is not intelligence, this is not kindness, it is pure and unadulterated evil.
Study the history of Islam which started with the forced conversions, the looting and pillaging of Jewish communities in Saudi Arabia... The history of the Islamic conquests of the middle ages... The tradition of building mosques and shrines on the top of captured peoples holy sites... And with this knowledge these people are allowed once again to spread their vile 'religion'.
Imagine for a moment that a Jew were to fly a plane into Mecca and destroy the Kaaba... Do you think for a moment that the Saudis would allow a synagogue to be built on top of the site where that ugly black box is? There is no way in hell that would happen... Why should we allow them to build a vile Islamic recruiting center on the site of the WTC?
I am very, very angry at Rabbi Avi Weiss whom I have attended shuir from... This man is no Jewish patriot or even a very good rabbi. I am sorry i had to walk out of the rabbis talk... I dont know if he remembers me but I went to my rabbi to complain about Rabbi Weiss...
Do not allow these people to laugh at my pain...
Good letter maybe it's moderated I posted your letter i used my e-mail it says waiting moderation
well done both of ypu.but realy we shouldn't talk to this kikes.
Your right but they should see people are dismayed by this attitude
they don't care about other people.they just care what hteir negroes/muslims freinds thinking about them.

enemies:negroes,musulmans and commies/liberals.
alleis:israel,united states,canada,european union,greater serbia,russia,australia and new zealand and japan/south korea and india.togheter we maight win this war.