What is it!?

It becomes pretty annoying!

Every question, every week on "Ask JTF" TonyCali asks the very same question, with a very slight variations pertaining to the sodomization! It appears to me that TonyCali is obsessed with this nauseating subject. I suspect that he is either insincere and is "yanking" Chaim's chain or he is still in a closet, considering coming out.
I think it is enough - week after week Chaim's answers to TonyCali do not differ much from one another and every week we need to hear another sordid question pertaining to this sick abomination. The typical question goes like this:
"Dear Chaim, a person of authority or a friend said this homosexuality is normal and is/was accepted widely. I don't know what to make of this. Please let me know your opinion on this?"TonyCali, homosexuals are sick people - you don't need to hate them (and I don't) but their behavior is abnormal and is a consequence of a mental illness.
I only wish that you spend a similar amount of effort learning how to spell, write properly and accurately express your thoughts as you allocate to the subject of homosexuality.
Don't you have any other interests?! Why don't you ask questions pertaining to relationship with girls, healthy diet, politics, Judaism, Israel, relationship with parents, history, military strategy, sports or myriad of other topics that a young man should have an interest in?!
lisa heres my last ask jtf until ferthr notise,
chaim i wont be around 4 some time, the semetsers over and i go home. you showed me a lot and you gave me a chanse, and to that i will alwayes be greatfull. my profesor's are sick and wierd but you showed me that. homosexuality is such a big subjek, its hard to prosese even if we both know its wrong. so my last ? to you for now is, in intro to sociology the professor, whose a lesbien, taugt that historys greatist mind's, alsander the great, playdo, moeses, jesus, lincon, washenton, were all gay. i KNOW that is a hugg lie but give me profe it is so i can tell p'pl it is a lie. thanks tony.