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Offline Chai

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A small q
« on: June 03, 2010, 10:57:33 PM »
I ultimately know not think America is will have to xxxx Israel hard ..Its the word of the master of the universe vs oil .. you already know what they are gonna pick..

Another thing hits me , a cult of worship 2 blocks away from ground 0? (no self respect)

If you think about it, Israel and the last few superpowers (United Stated , United Kingdom , The United European Union imo a sad replica of the Roman Empire flag color RED rOme edOME)
(In Hellenist religious tradition, gods were served by priests and goddesses by priestesses stark contrast to the religion i practice and very similar to reform Judaism with female priests and rabbis ..ok tangent)

are Identical to Israel(Jacob) and Esau

let me explain,

All throughout Israels life the little bother was always afraid what the older one would do . .  as a boy , I always  found Esau much more fascinating deep and interesting then Israel and people don't really know much about him.. indeed just like Israel, he to created his own nation that represented his personality;

allow me to break it down you can judge for yourself who does this reminds you of.

Esau ;
Physically; hair RED , bigger , stronger ,larger and older.

 Age; Interesting coincidence..Older.; at the same time however technically  younger, because we all know when you put food in an oven the first thing you take out is what you  had put in first.

Personality: Passion for the latest trends , loves technology ie the latest crazy contraption..  the latest bow ,brilliant , (this is all from text not me)  has the potential of being superior to Israel in every way and most of all had self respect to me this is an America id be proud to live in and indeed was the favorite of his father

Israel ..softer , less fiery ..gets lucky a lot ..and i mean lot .. gets suckered in all the time .. had to leave his own land and runaway (Rome analogy here or ever other nation but the US ...until now) his intelligence becomes a curse for him(holocaust analogy here , and indeed even here in the US Jewish politician are a curse for Israel It will be their undoing..hope that wasn't to Shakespearean  ) ..seen in his exile by his uncle Laban ..his sons already become divided, and at the same time he decided "no I'm gonna stand up for myself and go back to my land" , my namesake .. when this happens the wrath of Esau is ignited again .. however with all odds against Jacob and the incredible life Esau was having he just could not stand Israel going back to his home in Israel ...biggest mistake of his life .......he lost everything including his head

This is the Story of Genesis it was written over 3000 years ago

i will let you see the relation.

tell me what other book time and time again is right and remember is not some interpretation or Nostradamus BS it clearly sates . the person .Israel ..and is only about the people that follow Israel

I love America like a brother... like Jacob loved Esau but with Jews going home again it looks like the fire of Esau is ignited  .if there is a reply I really would want to know what you JTfers think about the question about to be asked,

1.What will happen when America and Israel are not allies anymore and the USA gives it up for oil????

2.Does anyone here really think someone like Sarah P is going to be the messiah for the Jews and America? The Regan years may have been good but how many Jews because of that left Israel  and are now assimilating This is a good thing? How many Jews now endeavor to come to the USA how bout after 6 more years of damage????

« Last Edit: June 03, 2010, 11:15:33 PM by 18chai »

Offline muman613

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Re: A small q
« Reply #1 on: June 03, 2010, 11:16:17 PM »

I think you have done a lot of good thought on the lesson of the story of Essau and Yacov. I too have thought about it, as I am the older brother... It is said the Yitzak loved Essau, despite the fact that Yacov was the studious one, and that Essau was a man who was a hunter. I think I have learned a thing or two about Essau from the Midrash...

One thing I remember is that Essau was able to make his father favor him because Essau was very good at the mitzvah of honoring his mother and his father. Essau had a special garment he would wear when serving his father his favorite delicacies. Essau also seasoned his meat just the way his father liked it, and went out of his way to be the favorite son. He would ask his father supposedly intelligent questions about tithing straw, and other ridiculous things...

Rabbi Avraham ben HaRambam explains that Yitzchak loved Eisav because he provided him with food, as the Targum explains. R. Avraham adds that some midrashim explain “ki tzayid befiv” (“because trapping was in his mouth”) to mean that Eisav trapped Yitzchak with his mouth by saying things that deceived Yitzchak and led him to believe he was careful about keeping mitzvos. This midrash clarifies the flow of the passuk: Yitzchak was able to retain his natural love for Eisav (despite his general deviation from God's path) because Eisav had been representing himself as being observant of the mitzvos. Even according to the midrash, however, Yitzchak's love came as a natural result of the physical benefit that he derived from him. Rivkah, however, loved Ya'akov beyond the natural love of a parent, because he spent more time at home, being a dweller of tents, and she therefore simply saw him more than she saw Eisav.

Rashi first cites the explanation of the Targum, just as R. Avraham does. He then cites the midrash, but he seems to understand it differently. Whereas R. Avraham finds a way to reconcile the midrash with the simple meaning of the verse, Rashi seems to understand it as being in contradiction to its simple meaning. Eisav, says the midrash, asked his father how one tithes straw and salt. In point of fact, only things which grow from the ground need to be tithed, and, so, Yitzchak was impressed by Eisav's scrupulousness in trying to fulfill the mitzvos. Rashi's apparent understanding of the midrash, explaining it to mean that Eisav deliberately fooled Yitzchak, is very difficult because it is in conflict with his approach to other midrashim about Eisav, as reflected in his commentary later in the parsha.

When Eisav discovered that Ya'akov deprived him of their father's blessings, he said in his heart: "The days of mourning for my father will draw near, then I will kill my brother Ya'akov" (Bereishis 27:41). Rashi there writes that this is to be understood 'as it sounds,' meaning, in its literal sense, that Eisav did not want to cause his father pain. Therefore, he would wait to kill Ya’akov until after his father's death. Rashi then points out that there are aggadic midrashim which explain the verse in several ways.

Of course the entire story of the blessing is a difficult one to explain...

I think that either the Jewish people in America will wake up and make aliyah to Israel, or else they will assimilate and attempt to hide their Jewish identity.

I am one who was woken up by the events of recent history.
You shall make yourself the Festival of Sukkoth for seven days, when you gather in [the produce] from your threshing floor and your vat.And you shall rejoice in your Festival-you, and your son, and your daughter, and your manservant, and your maidservant, and the Levite, and the stranger, and the orphan, and the widow, who are within your cities
Duet 16:13-14

Offline Chai

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Re: A small q
« Reply #2 on: June 03, 2010, 11:24:30 PM »
Has Israel become more like Edom now then another nation ( the Israeli fiery temper , the love for technology , the love for US trends) , is it not because of the permutations of Roman Culture and ideals and Love for Democracy that is ultimately destroying Israel. I may not be Israeli but i bet i know what they think " they look at Israel as a mini America wanna be so they want the real thing" I don't blame them, though , Israelis deserve a decent life, It kills me that my uncle who is an engineer has to be a janitor because of Israels [censored] economy The ILs economy is like a heroin addict allays looking for a quick fix via us $ and its not even that much ... but just right to make bribes etc. Am i in error?

Offline Chai

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Re: A small q
« Reply #3 on: June 03, 2010, 11:26:09 PM »

I think you have done a lot of good thought on the lesson of the story of Essau and Yacov. I too have thought about it, as I am the older brother... It is said the Yitzak loved Essau, despite the fact that Yacov was the studious one, and that Essau was a man who was a hunter. I think I have learned a thing or two about Essau from the Midrash...

One thing I remember is that Essau was able to make his father favor him because Essau was very good at the mitzvah of honoring his mother and his father. Essau had a special garment he would wear when serving his father his favorite delicacies. Essau also seasoned his meat just the way his father liked it, and went out of his way to be the favorite son. He would ask his father supposedly intelligent questions about tithing straw, and other ridiculous things...

Rabbi Avraham ben HaRambam explains that Yitzchak loved Eisav because he provided him with food, as the Targum explains. R. Avraham adds that some midrashim explain “ki tzayid befiv” (“because trapping was in his mouth”) to mean that Eisav trapped Yitzchak with his mouth by saying things that deceived Yitzchak and led him to believe he was careful about keeping mitzvos. This midrash clarifies the flow of the passuk: Yitzchak was able to retain his natural love for Eisav (despite his general deviation from G-d's path) because Eisav had been representing himself as being observant of the mitzvos. Even according to the midrash, however, Yitzchak's love came as a natural result of the physical benefit that he derived from him. Rivkah, however, loved Ya'akov beyond the natural love of a parent, because he spent more time at home, being a dweller of tents, and she therefore simply saw him more than she saw Eisav.

Rashi first cites the explanation of the Targum, just as R. Avraham does. He then cites the midrash, but he seems to understand it differently. Whereas R. Avraham finds a way to reconcile the midrash with the simple meaning of the verse, Rashi seems to understand it as being in contradiction to its simple meaning. Eisav, says the midrash, asked his father how one tithes straw and salt. In point of fact, only things which grow from the ground need to be tithed, and, so, Yitzchak was impressed by Eisav's scrupulousness in trying to fulfill the mitzvos. Rashi's apparent understanding of the midrash, explaining it to mean that Eisav deliberately fooled Yitzchak, is very difficult because it is in conflict with his approach to other midrashim about Eisav, as reflected in his commentary later in the Parasha.

When Eisav discovered that Ya'akov deprived him of their father's blessings, he said in his heart: "The days of mourning for my father will draw near, then I will kill my brother Ya'akov" (Bereishis 27:41). Rashi there writes that this is to be understood 'as it sounds,' meaning, in its literal sense, that Eisav did not want to cause his father pain. Therefore, he would wait to kill Ya’akov until after his father's death. Rashi then points out that there are aggadic midrashim which explain the verse in several ways.

Of course the entire story of the blessing is a difficult one to explain...

I think that either the Jewish people in America will wake up and make aliyah to Israel, or else they will assimilate and attempt to hide their Jewish identity.

I am one who was woken up by the events of recent history.

Thank you so much boss. Yes , I to have read this and I am an older brother as well. Essau to me is the most fascinating person in the entire bible.