I ultimately know not think America is will have to xxxx Israel hard ..Its the word of the master of the universe vs oil .. you already know what they are gonna pick..
Another thing hits me , a cult of worship 2 blocks away from ground 0? (no self respect)
If you think about it, Israel and the last few superpowers (United Stated , United Kingdom , The United European Union imo a sad replica of the Roman Empire flag color RED rOme edOME)
(In Hellenist religious tradition, gods were served by priests and goddesses by priestesses stark contrast to the religion i practice and very similar to reform Judaism with female priests and rabbis ..ok tangent)
are Identical to Israel(Jacob) and Esau
let me explain,
All throughout Israels life the little bother was always afraid what the older one would do . . as a boy , I always found Esau much more fascinating deep and interesting then Israel and people don't really know much about him.. indeed just like Israel, he to created his own nation that represented his personality;
allow me to break it down you can judge for yourself who does this reminds you of.
Esau ;
Physically; hair RED , bigger , stronger ,larger and older.
Age; Interesting coincidence..Older.; at the same time however technically younger, because we all know when you put food in an oven the first thing you take out is what you had put in first.
Personality: Passion for the latest trends , loves technology ie the latest crazy contraption.. the latest bow ,brilliant , (this is all from text not me) has the potential of being superior to Israel in every way and most of all had self respect to me this is an America id be proud to live in and indeed was the favorite of his father
Israel ..softer , less fiery ..gets lucky a lot ..and i mean lot .. gets suckered in all the time .. had to leave his own land and runaway (Rome analogy here or ever other nation but the US ...until now) his intelligence becomes a curse for him(holocaust analogy here , and indeed even here in the US Jewish politician are a curse for Israel It will be their undoing..hope that wasn't to Shakespearean ) ..seen in his exile by his uncle Laban ..his sons already become divided, and at the same time he decided "no I'm gonna stand up for myself and go back to my land" , my namesake .. when this happens the wrath of Esau is ignited again .. however with all odds against Jacob and the incredible life Esau was having he just could not stand Israel going back to his home in Israel ...biggest mistake of his life .......he lost everything including his head
This is the Story of Genesis it was written over 3000 years ago
i will let you see the relation.
tell me what other book time and time again is right and remember is not some interpretation or Nostradamus BS it clearly sates . the person .Israel ..and is only about the people that follow Israel
I love America like a brother... like Jacob loved Esau but with Jews going home again it looks like the fire of Esau is ignited .if there is a reply I really would want to know what you JTfers think about the question about to be asked,
1.What will happen when America and Israel are not allies anymore and the USA gives it up for oil?

2.Does anyone here really think someone like Sarah P is going to be the messiah for the Jews and America? The Regan years may have been good but how many Jews because of that left Israel and are now assimilating This is a good thing? How many Jews now endeavor to come to the USA how bout after 6 more years of damage?