There is no doubt that the homosexuals have an agenda in teh schools and universities to mainstream homosexuality and by beginning with very young children. But still the Teletubbies? Spongebob Square Pants?!
I have a feeling that Falwell's operative made that statement not out of silliness but rather in a calculated effort to get the media's attention, and to get a debate going. Don't forget that in 1999, the idea of homosexuals pushing their agenda on children wasn't so widely accepted as it is today. (However, if it was a deliberate tactic, it admittedly may have backfired in some respects.)
Contrary to what the media implied, Falwell never publicly endorsed the Teletubby statement, which was made in an article of his university's magazine. Asked about the article, he merely criticized homosexuals attempting to indoctrinate children.
However, we shouldn't think that Hollywood weirdos aren't constantly trying to sneak in subliminal messages on us.
In the 1960s, one of the most popular family shows was
Leave It to Beaver, about a typical suburban American family called the Cleavers. The main character was a preadolescent boy named Theodore, nicknamed Beaver.
Get it?

Little Jerry Mathers (on the right) played Beaver Cleaver.
At least it was a heterosexual innuendo.