Are we dealing with the emasculated Kevin "Registered pedafile who served a 23 month sentence for child porn" Strom?

Or this guy: "David Duke wrote a self-help book for women to raise money under the pseudonym Dorothy Vanderbilt and James Konrad, titled Finders-Keepers - Finding and Keeping the Man You Want which contains sexual, diet, fashion, cosmetic and relationship advice, published by Arlington Place Books in 1976. Professor Lawrence N. Powell, who read a rare copy of the book given to him by Patsy Sims, wrote that it includes advice on vaginal exercises, fellatio, and anal sex. The book is out of print and difficult to find; however, according to Tyler Bridges, The Times-Picayune obtained a copy and traced its proceeds to Duke who compiled the information from women's self-help magazines."
Nazis and Judenhassers are a bunch of mamzers... Strom molests kids, and Duke wants to be a woman... who knows what the yutz who started this thread is on... Mord already refuted his points, what does he want... a kick in the ear?