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Am I the last Jew who has enough self-respect to hate Germany for murdering over 6 million Jews? This thread disgusts me.
Hyades is a Jew who wants to leave this forum out of loyalty to Germany, and no one except for Ron Ben Michael understands how grotesque this is? Hyades is offended by attacks on Nazi Germany, which to this day does everything possible to help the Arabs perpetrate another holocaust against tiny Israel. Nazi Germany which is the leading nation in the Nazi European Union who demand day and night that Israel commit national suicide. Nazi Germany and the Nazi European Union which fund "Peace Now" and every traitor organization that is committed to getting Israel to self-destruct. Nazi Germany, which to this day has a public that is overwhelmingly anti-Israel and anti-Semitic.
Hyades is offended? I am offended on behalf of 6 million murdered Jews that Hyades is loyal to Nazi Germany.
Ron Ben Michael has responded here like a Jew with self-respect.
I logged in to deactivate e-mail notification for private messages. So I will take this chance to answer here for the last time.
And some of the things I say now, you can take very personal since they ARE personal:
You are the proof of the most most evil way to be loyal. This means by using jihadist, lethal and coward bomb laying and immitating typical Muslim islamofascist methods.

You are disgusting. "Coward bomb-laying?" Are you serious? You mean the bombs that blew up Soviet diplomatic property and put the issue of Soviet Jewry on the map when no one would do a damn thing for them? And which helped free a million Soviet Jews? This is "cowardly" to you? You are the selfhating coward.
You are showing that you were against JTF all along and just hiding it.
At least I have never had any problems with the justice so far, not even for parking my Bentley in a wrong place.
Is that an accomplishment?
Whose law is more important? Soviet diplomatic law, US law, or GOD'S LAW? Does God not say You shall not stand idly by on your brother's blood?
I cannot believe what trash I am reading right now.
G*d is surely pleased to see people like you who breath hatred and spitting violence in His name. People committing crimes and violence in cases other than defence do clearly desecrate G*d's name. And from what I read you have done such things repeatedly in the past.
From what you have read, LOL. Chaim speaks about this endlessly in videos and ask JTF programs and everyone here praises him for it. As if you didn't know about these things and just "realized" now? You were a coward here who never revealed what you really felt about JTF or about Chaim or about his Soviet Jewry activism. How can any of us respect that? At least the people who disagree with us have the guts to say it openly and argue with us.
Yes, I am loyal to Germany, one of the very first countries in the whole world to grant full citizenship to Jews.
LOL, was that before or after they murdered 6 million of us?
Wow, I really hate to say it, but I think I need to apologize to Ron and that he was right.
You think you have the patent on right Judaism. But you haven't.
Well, the chachamim do have the patent on Judaism, and the Torah itself says Jews should be in Israel, so does the halacha of the Talmud, the Rambam, the Ramban, the Rashbatz, etc etc we can list all the rabbis all day long. So what so-called "Judaism" do you refer to that says Jews should live in galut? There is no such thing. You may not like it, but you have to face facts about what Judaism really is.
If you think that Jews should be in Israel, go! Travel to Egypt, pass through the tunnels of Gaza and get into Israel. Or go to justice and fight for your right to be in Israel.
Moron. He petitions again and again to be allowed in.
Just the way that many people here slap Christian members' faces repeatedly on and on again is sickening!
This crap again?
I am happy to have started this thread. Now I see that you and Ron and others of your kind are just evil and strengthen my position to leave more than anything else.
Nobody cares if you leave, just don't harbor any illusions: What Chaim did was 100% right and justified, and the Torah calls for Jews to live in Israel.
Oh and one more thing. Never Again!
When I last visited Israel, I heard a lot of noise in the streets on shabbat.
LOL, is noise forbidden?
I've read enough.