Author Topic: Being a City Mayor Means Favoring Illegal Aliens Over Jobless Citizens  (Read 1219 times)

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Offline Confederate Kahanist

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A gathering of 200 city mayors today condemned Arizona's enforcement efforts. And it asked Congress to pass an amnesty giving 7 million illegal foreign workers permanent work visas while increasing future importation of foreign workers.


    The first resolution opposing the Arizona law was sponsored by Phoenix Mayor Phil Gordon. It opposes the enactment of similar laws in other states.

    A second resolution by Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa calls for the repeal of the Arizona law and calls upon Congress to pass comprehensive changes to immigration law.

    -- Associated Press, June 14, 2010

The U.S. Conference of Mayors in its Oklahoma City meeting proved itself a traitor to vulnerable citizens of the cities whom they supposedly serve.

You would think the nation's cities had zero unemployment rates. In fact, most of these cities have worse joblessness than the nation as a whole.

But on voice votes, the city mayors took the side of foreign workers and the employers who hire them.

    Conference spokeswoman Elena Temple-Webb says both resolutions were approved on a voice vote, with some opposition to both measures.

If those opposing had the real courage of their convictions, they would have asked for a roll call vote so the nation's unemployed urban dwellers could see which mayors sold them out.

But you can't really blame the reluctant minority. The peer pressure is so great among the nation's city mayors and appointed police chiefs to protect illegal immigration at all costs, it is probably too much to expect a mayor to make him/herself forever an outcast among fellow mayors by speaking up for jobless citizens and legal immigrants.

Thank goodness for the organizations representing the nation's rank and file police officers and elected sheriffs. At least, they continue to think that U.S. jobs belong to legal residents and not to those who break the law to steal them.
Chad M ~ Your rebel against white guilt