Author Topic: GOP: Schwarzenegger 'a great disappointment'  (Read 1726 times)

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Offline MassuhDGoodName

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Re: GOP: Schwarzenegger 'a great disappointment'
« Reply #1 on: June 26, 2010, 09:31:57 PM »
Considering that "reigning in" California's out of control budget is simply not possible, and taking into consideration that Arnold is an immigrant muscleman body builder who built a great career for himself as an "action hero" in Hollywood films, I think he's done a rather decent job as California Governor - certainly no worse than his predecessors.  California was a sunken ship long before Arnold got elected, and there's no way to bale out that much water from your boat if Washington is making certain that the bottom of it is ripped open and leaking.  If you think he's been a bad governor, just wait until you get that evil b-i_t-c_h Meg Whitman in office, and then you'll see what "Emptying the Treasury' really means.  She's never been anything but a flat out Globalist One World Internationalist Yale University Elitist -- out to steal everyone's money, and when it comes to that she knows every trick in the book.  She's supported every radical insane cause that exists for the previous ten years.  Nor do I buy that "she built up a business all by herself" propaganda line.  Not only did she have plenty of help from her Yale elitist buddies, but the business she headed was a flat out monopoly designed to profit only herself and the shareholders.  Her business role model is the Communist Party of Red China.  She holds the idea of the average American earning a living in total comtempt.  Don't believe it?  Fine.  Wait and see and then read this about a year into her Governorship and then we can discuss whether I had her pegged or not.  I'll vote for Governor Moonbeam before I'll ever vote for that whore.

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Re: GOP: Schwarzenegger 'a great disappointment'
« Reply #2 on: June 27, 2010, 04:37:27 AM »
I am inclined to agree with you about Schwarzenegger... I actually thought Schwarzenegger going into politics was a joke but he did a lot better then I thought he would.....As you say California was a sinking ship with most of the decks under water when Arnold took office....He actually managed to keep it afloat a great deal longer than I thought he could. I think he gave trying to reverse things a good shot in his first term but saw that the situation was just unworkable. He did damage control from then on. Here in New York after being stabbed in the back by his own party our Democrat Governor has become a loose cannon. He speaks very freely about the pit falls of the office and whats facing the next Governor of New York. Like California New York has a legislature that has so many special interests that nothing to improve things will ever be accomplished. The governors seat itself is propped up on the backs of the municipal workers unions who shake it up every time something they don't like is proposed. With his political life just about over Patterson has decided to play hardball demanding the legislature make cuts or raise taxes both positions very unpopular.  In the end he will be sent packing but he has exposed the civil service unions and the state legislature for the evil culprits they are.
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Offline Debbie Shafer

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Re: GOP: Schwarzenegger 'a great disappointment'
« Reply #3 on: June 29, 2010, 08:13:37 AM »
Arnie should have stuck with acting, he has been a bad governor because he allowed Left-Wing ideologies to influence his views!!!!

Offline Confederate Kahanist

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Re: GOP: Schwarzenegger 'a great disappointment'
« Reply #4 on: June 29, 2010, 02:12:56 PM »
Arnie should have stuck with acting, he has been a bad governor because he allowed Left-Wing ideologies to influence his views!!!!

I agree

He could have reversed what was going on in the first place
Chad M ~ Your rebel against white guilt