Author Topic: My Stance on Homosexuals/Homosexuality (from Eminem thread)  (Read 10672 times)

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Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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To JTFEnthusiast in particular but all JTFers in general:

For the record--and I can't believe I have to explain this--I don't believe that homosexuals should all be killed any more than I do blacks (well, being black is not a sin, but I digress). I have nothing but sympathy for people who are trying to fight this horrible temptation, and I am more or less neutral towards gays who just mind their own business and don't try to shove their (sick) way of life down society's throat. (What they are doing is still very wrong, but it doesn't provoke my outrage.) The only gays I utterly hate are those who are trying to brainwash society into accepting and blessing their perversion--celebrities such as Eminem, Katy Perry, Adam Lambert, Lady Gaga, etc. I do think the above persons warrant the worst hellfire imaginable and won't apologize for that. I think that the whole entire gay movement is evil to the core and deserves the worst divine punishment that exists. (I'm not singling out gays; I feel just the same way about heterosexuals who promote perversion in society, like Vanessa Hudgens [yimach schma].)

I don't know how you felt personally judged from a thread that was solely intended to attack Eminem. Where did I imply that you agreed with him, or were a fan of his, or that you should be judged just like he is?

The second issue addressed was that a very valued and trusted member here (Christian Zionist) was mercilessly attacked when he did nothing wrong. He has every right to raise the issue of the consequences of the sin of homosexuality. He was accused of being a liar and called all sorts of horrible things. I would like for you to point out to me (this can be over PM) specifically where he lied. I did not see anything he posted that looked untrue. He never said that only gays have the various diseases that he listed. Nonetheless it is true that the vast majority of people with them are homosexuals, and/or that they are uniquely prevalent in the gay community. For instance, while HPV (human papilloma virus) is a common and widespread STD among all nations and people, it is a fact that rectal HPV is pretty much limited to homosexuals. Likewise the vast majority of the people who do fisting, have sex involving urine and feces, etc. are homosexuals. I didn't see in any of that where CZ implied that you do or did those things.

I think that is about it. If anyone has anything else to add, let them do so, but I covered everything and my conscience is clear.

Dr. Brennan Fan

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Re: My Stance on Homosexuals/Homosexuality (from Eminem thread)
« Reply #1 on: July 03, 2010, 10:07:06 PM »
Dr. Brennan Fan, I think you and JTFEnthusiast2 are in agreement about how wrong it is to shove the homosexual agenda/lifestyle down people's throats.  Now you say your problem is only with people like Eminem, Lady Gaga, etc., and I see your point.  However, if you're going to put up threads about these people, it usually ends up morphing into how all gays are bad, gross, etc.  So if you want to continue to post about these people, why not make it about how average people can respond to these celebs.  Perhaps you could write something about how ordinary people can boycott sponsors of such trash. 

Offline Christian Zionist

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Re: My Stance on Homosexuals/Homosexuality (from Eminem thread)
« Reply #2 on: July 03, 2010, 10:44:11 PM »
Thank you Dr. Brennan Fan.

When this forum was first incorporated into (used to be in proboards first), some gays (one guy called lulu)  invaded and started educating us.  Shlomo (then known as Jeffguy) led the counter attack.  Most of our prominent members today were not even registered in the forum at that time. I posted the same stuff that posted in the recent threads and Shlomo applauded me for that.  It was Shlomo who taught me about GRID which was the original name for AIDS.  It is in the Save America section.

JTF is a religious forum.  Religious Jews and Gentiles come here because they fear God of the Bible, love the Torah and love the nation of Israel.  It is disturbing to see how certain people are sympathetic to the cause of gays in the forum.   This is how gays invade into religious institutions.  In one sense I am glad that certain members of the forum started manifesting and we know who they really are.

As you described Dr. Brennan Fan, I don't believe all gays should be killed either.  I have sympathy for a gay or lesbian who realize that they are enslaved in sinful lifestyle.  They have hope if they repent and read the Torah regularly, God can set them free.  However I have no sympathy for gays or pro-gays who try to "educate" others.

As Ron stated in the gay-communism-nazi thread, gays invoke the wrath of God even if they practice it in secret.  This was the only sin that deserved a special punishment during the days of Abraham and Lot.   Gays defile societies and civilization.  Members with sympathetic views of gays are really defiling the JTF forum.

I also thought about my post regarding homosexuality and diseases - I should have stated that homosexuality itself is a disease.

The film "Boys Beware" in the 50's is about it.

Isaiah 62:1 -  For Zion's sake I am not silent, And for Jerusalem's sake I do not rest, Till her righteousness go out as brightness, And her salvation, as a torch that burns.

Offline muman613

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Re: My Stance on Homosexuals/Homosexuality (from Eminem thread)
« Reply #3 on: July 03, 2010, 10:46:34 PM »
Thank you Dr. Brennan Fan.

When this forum was first incorporated into (used to be in proboards first), some gays (one guy called lulu)  invaded and started educating us.  Shlomo (then known as Jeffguy) led the counter attack.  Most of our prominent members today were not even registered in the forum at that time. I posted the same stuff that posted in the recent threads and Shlomo applauded me for that.  It was Shlomo who taught me about GRID which was the original name for AIDS.  It is in the Save America section.

JTF is a religious forum.  Religious Jews and Gentiles come here because they fear G-d of the Bible, love the Torah and love the nation of Israel.  It is disturbing to see how certain people are sympathetic to the cause of gays in the forum.   This is how gays invade into religious institutions.  In one sense I am glad that certain members of the forum started manifesting and we know who they really are.

As you described Dr. Brennan Fan, I don't believe all gays should be killed either.  I have sympathy for a gay or lesbian who realize that they are enslaved in sinful lifestyle.  They have hope if they repent and read the Torah regularly, G-d can set them free.  However I have no sympathy for gays or pro-gays who try to "educate" others.

As Ron stated in the gay-communism-nazi thread, gays invoke the wrath of G-d even if they practice it in secret.  This was the only sin that deserved a special punishment during the days of Abraham and Lot.   Gays defile societies and civilization.  Members with sympathetic views of gays are really defiling the JTF forum.

I also thought about my post regarding homosexuality and diseases - I should have stated that homosexuality itself is a disease.

The film "Boys Beware" in the 50's is about it.

Remember that the sin of homosexual relations has the same punishment as:

Desecrating Shabbat

Do you see something common in all of them?

And as I said before, Sdom and Amora were not primarily destroyed for the gay sex... That was just a symptom of the larger problem that the inhabitants had very bad character traits, the opposite of Kindness, they were rude and instituted laws which were rude to guests...

Also, you understand that Abraham, our father, davened to Hashem to spare the righteous inhabitants of Sdom... It is not possible that everyone in Sdom was a sinner...


No Guests Allowed!
Although "mishpat" may be found in Sdom, "tzedek" is most definitely absent. The best example is the account of the city's reaction to Lot's harboring of his two guests. Review the story from 19:1, and we'll pick up the narrative from 19:4.

    "...they [his two guests] had not lain down yet when the townspeople, the men of Sdom, gathered outside his house - from young to old - all the people until the edge [of the city]. And they protested [outside his house] and shouted: 'Where are those men who came to visit you this evening? Take them out of your house so we can know them [v'nay'da'eym]." (see 19:4-5)

Most of us are familiar with Rashi's interpretation, that the gathering consisted of merely a small group of the lowest social and ethical stratum of Sdom, who wanted to 'know them' in the Biblical sense (based on 19:8 and 13:13; see also 4:1 and further iyun section) [See board #2]. Simple "pshat," however [as Rasag & Ramban claim], is that the entire city joined in the protest demonstration.

Why were they protesting? As Ramban explains so beautifully (see his pirush on 19:5), the Sdomites protested against "hachnasat orchim" - taking in strange visitors!

There's a strict law in Sdom: no guests allowed! The Ramban explains that the Sdomites don't want to ruin their exclusive [suburban] neighborhood. Should Lot accommodate guests this evening, tomorrow night more guests will come. [like cats,] by the end of the month, the city streets will be flooded with transients and beggars. Should the 'word get out' that there is 'free lodging' in Sdom, their 'perfect' city would be ruined. Furthermore, if everyone agrees not to take care of the needy, the needy will ultimately learn to take care of themselves. Thus, in the 'best interest' of the needy, the government of Sdom enacted such a policy (see board #3).

Hence, should any citizen ["chas v'shalom"] bring home a guest, the city's 'steering committee' immediately calls for a public protest. [See also Sanhedrin 109a.]

Sdom may have "mishpat," a standardized system of laws, but it is warped. Not to mention the fact that "tzedaka" had no place whatsoever in this bastion of amorality.

[Chazal remark in Pirkei Avot that the social norm of "sheli sheli, shelkha shelkha" - what is mine is mine, what is yours is yours - is a 'custom of Sdom.' The attribution of this social philosophy to Sdom reflects this same understanding (see Pirkei Avot 5:10 - "arba midot b'adam...").]

« Last Edit: July 03, 2010, 11:01:22 PM by muman613 »
You shall make yourself the Festival of Sukkoth for seven days, when you gather in [the produce] from your threshing floor and your vat.And you shall rejoice in your Festival-you, and your son, and your daughter, and your manservant, and your maidservant, and the Levite, and the stranger, and the orphan, and the widow, who are within your cities
Duet 16:13-14

Offline Christian Zionist

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Re: My Stance on Homosexuals/Homosexuality (from Eminem thread)
« Reply #4 on: July 03, 2010, 11:06:08 PM »

Remember that the sin of homosexual relations has the same punishment as:

Desecrating Shabbat

Do you see something common in all of them?

And as I said before, Sdom and Amora were not primarily destroyed for the gay sex... That was just a symptom of the larger problem that the inhabitants had very bad character traits, the opposite of Kindness, they were rude and instituted laws which were rude to guests...

Also, you understand that Abraham, our father, davened to Hashem to spare the righteous inhabitants of Sdom... It is not possible that everyone in Sdom was a sinner...

I do see the commonality in all of them according to the law of Moses but the Sodam-Gomorrah incident pre-date the law of Moses.

Genesis 18:20

And the LORD said, "The outcry of Sodom and Gomorrah is indeed great, and their sin is exceedingly grave.

Genesis 19:13

for we are about to destroy this place, because their outcry has become so great before the LORD that the LORD has sent us to destroy it."

Ezekiel 16:49

"Behold, this was the guilt of your sister Sodom: she and her daughters had arrogance, abundant food and careless ease, but she did not help the poor and needy.

Ezekiel 16:50  "Thus they were haughty and committed abominations before Me.
Therefore I removed them when I saw it.

I believe homosexuality started thriving because of their arrogance, careless ease and unwillingness to help the poor and needy.  God allowed them to become moral reprobates when they neglected the poor and the needy.
Isaiah 62:1 -  For Zion's sake I am not silent, And for Jerusalem's sake I do not rest, Till her righteousness go out as brightness, And her salvation, as a torch that burns.

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Re: My Stance on Homosexuals/Homosexuality (from Eminem thread)
« Reply #5 on: July 03, 2010, 11:11:33 PM »
Regarding the Cry which went out from Sdom, our sages relate the following:


In this light we can understand a midrash regarding the verse (18:21), "I will descend and see; if they act in accordance with her outcry, then destruction!" Rashi quotes the midrash as explaining, "Our Sages explain `her outcry' to refer to the cry of a certain girl whom they put to death in an unnatural manner because she had given food to a poor man." Why, asks R' Kook, was this a reason to destroy Sdom? Perhaps this was an isolated incident! The answer is that even if such a murder did happen only once, it is a sign of a society's depravity that it happened at all. (Quoted in Likutei Ha'reiyah II p. 29)


Because the cry of [the victims of] Sodom and Gomorrah is great, and because their sin is very grievous (18:20)

In Sodom it was decreed: "Whoever hands a piece of bread to a pauper or stranger shall be burned at the stake."

Plotit, the daughter of Lot, was married to one of the leading citizens of Sodom. One day, she saw a pauper starving in the street, and her soul was saddened over him. What did she do? Every day, when she went to draw water from the well, she would take some of the food from her home in her pitcher and feed the pauper. But the people of Sodom wondered, "This pauper, how is he surviving?" Eventually the matter became known and she was taken out to be burned, and her cries rose to the Divine Throne.

(Pirkei d'Rabbi Eliezer, ch. 25)

Our Rabbis taught: The men of Sodom were corrupted only on account of the good which G-d had lavished upon them... They said: Since there comes forth bread out of our earth, and it has the dust of gold, why should we suffer wayfarers, who come to us only to deplete our wealth? Come, let us abolish the practice of lodging travelers in our land...

If a person had rows of bricks the Sodomites came and each took one brick, saying, I have taken only one. If a person spread out garlic or onions to dry, each one came and took one, saying, I have taken only one.

There were four judges in Sodom: Shakrai, Shakurai, Zayyafi, and Mazle Dina. If a man assaulted his neighbor's wife and caused her to miscarry, they would say to the husband, Give her to him, that he may make her pregnant for you. If one cut off the ear of his neighbor's donkey, they would order, Give it to him until it grows again. If one wounded his neighbor they would say to the victim, Pay him a fee for bleeding you.

They had beds upon which travelers slept. If the guest was too long, they shortened him; if too short, they stretched him out.

If a poor man happened to come there, every resident gave him a dinar, upon which he wrote his name, but no bread was sold to him. When he died, each came and took back his dinar.

A certain maiden gave some bread to a poor man, hiding it in a pitcher. When the matter becoming known, they daubed her with honey and placed her on the parapet of the wall, and the bees came and consumed her. Thus it is written: "And G-d said: 'The cry of Sodom and Gomorrah, because it is great.'"

(Talmud, Sanhedrin 108b-109a)
You shall make yourself the Festival of Sukkoth for seven days, when you gather in [the produce] from your threshing floor and your vat.And you shall rejoice in your Festival-you, and your son, and your daughter, and your manservant, and your maidservant, and the Levite, and the stranger, and the orphan, and the widow, who are within your cities
Duet 16:13-14

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Re: My Stance on Homosexuals/Homosexuality (from Eminem thread)
« Reply #6 on: July 04, 2010, 02:36:13 AM »
I don't believe that homosexuality is the very worst of sins, but it is by far the sin that is the most promoted and hyped these days. There is not an organized adultery lobby, murder lobby, lying lobby, etc.

That is why it gets so much focus.

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Re: My Stance on Homosexuals/Homosexuality (from Eminem thread)
« Reply #7 on: July 04, 2010, 03:43:20 AM »
i dont know why media in the west give so much importance to liberty of "gays" and "lesbians". Fortunately in India, nobody gives too hoots about them. Personally i have never come across any gays. Till recently India had laws that consider gay/lesbianis as indulging in criminality, until the courts recently abolished the laws of past.

Offline The One and Only Mo

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Re: My Stance on Homosexuals/Homosexuality (from Eminem thread)
« Reply #8 on: July 04, 2010, 05:13:22 AM »
Dr. Brennan Fan, I think you and JTFEnthusiast2 are in agreement about how wrong it is to shove the homosexual agenda/lifestyle down people's throats. 

and up people's rectums.  :o :laugh:

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Re: My Stance on Homosexuals/Homosexuality (from Eminem thread)
« Reply #9 on: July 04, 2010, 05:21:03 AM »
You know in Sodom the people actually had the "tradition" of gang raping men who strayed into their town. That is what sodomy is truly about.

Offline Raulmarrio2000

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Re: My Stance on Homosexuals/Homosexuality (from Eminem thread)
« Reply #10 on: July 04, 2010, 06:47:49 AM »
Since Muslims are the only one who kill gays now, what about a Gay Pride Parade in Mecca for Ramadan. If Arabs oppose, sue them for discrimination.

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Re: My Stance on Homosexuals/Homosexuality (from Eminem thread)
« Reply #11 on: July 04, 2010, 07:02:01 AM »
Thank you Dr. Brennan Fan.

When this forum was first incorporated into (used to be in proboards first), some gays (one guy called lulu)  invaded and started educating us.  Shlomo (then known as Jeffguy) led the counter attack.  Most of our prominent members today were not even registered in the forum at that time. I posted the same stuff that posted in the recent threads and Shlomo applauded me for that.  It was Shlomo who taught me about GRID which was the original name for AIDS.  It is in the Save America section.

JTF is a religious forum.  Religious Jews and Gentiles come here because they fear G-d of the Bible, love the Torah and love the nation of Israel.  It is disturbing to see how certain people are sympathetic to the cause of gays in the forum.   This is how gays invade into religious institutions.  In one sense I am glad that certain members of the forum started manifesting and we know who they really are.

As you described Dr. Brennan Fan, I don't believe all gays should be killed either.  I have sympathy for a gay or lesbian who realize that they are enslaved in sinful lifestyle.  They have hope if they repent and read the Torah regularly, G-d can set them free.  However I have no sympathy for gays or pro-gays who try to "educate" others.

As Ron stated in the gay-communism-nazi thread, gays invoke the wrath of G-d even if they practice it in secret.  This was the only sin that deserved a special punishment during the days of Abraham and Lot.   Gays defile societies and civilization.  Members with sympathetic views of gays are really defiling the JTF forum.

I also thought about my post regarding homosexuality and diseases - I should have stated that homosexuality itself is a disease.

The film "Boys Beware" in the 50's is about it.

Well as one old timer to another I tell you threads like this are not going to get the movement here very far.... I signed up on the Proboards forum with Yacov and the handful of other members from JTF's old QPTV, Manhattan Cable days almost on the opening day of that forum.  Despite a very busy lifestyle I put in a great deal of time here on forum. I try to watch forum trends over the years. What brings new people in and what does not... Threads like the one in question seem to get the handful hard core members posting in a can you top this fashion but really end up showing  a radical tendency in our movement....The Gay issue is always the worse it brings out a level of stupidity and crassness that really is below educated people... I often come away from threads like this with a they protest to much notion in my head. Medical and religious facts are fine in a thread like that but once the "[censored]" comments start everything goes down the tubes.
   Proboards JTF and JTF forum in it's early days was far different then what we have today it was an easier going more friendly place and the numbers show that... For new forums the numbers were always impressive... People came and stayed for a while... It really is to bad the old Kahane Forum is taken down because that was a prime example of how to kill a forum and make it unappealing to new membership.... I don't want to see our forum over run by moderates and liberals but I do want people interested in our movement to come here and see whats here stay a while bring in an additional friend or two. I always saw JTF as a Religious and Political movement which allowed it to appeal to a larger demographic of Conservative minded people.  While it is important to show the dangers of what happens when Gay activist agendas become the norm in society we also have to remember there are bigger issues facing the well being of Israel and America today.
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Re: My Stance on Homosexuals/Homosexuality (from Eminem thread)
« Reply #12 on: July 04, 2010, 07:15:34 AM »
Great post, DBF and CZ.

This is what I was talking about when I said expressing yourself in an educated manner and not screaming was the best way to go. I know the both of you did that and clarified yourselves extremely well. Bravo!  I appeal to Ron to do the best he can on future threads. I know I don't misunderstand him, but people who don't know him will. Ron reminds me of a younger version of DBF aka CF
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

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Re: My Stance on Homosexuals/Homosexuality (from Eminem thread)
« Reply #13 on: July 04, 2010, 08:28:13 AM »
I don't believe that homosexuality is the very worst of sins, but it is by far the sin that is the most promoted and hyped these days. There is not an organized adultery lobby, murder lobby, lying lobby, etc.

That is why it gets so much focus.

You have a strong point except for the murder lobby. Both abortion and euthanasia are being pushed for very hard by liberals and many people have died from both.

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Re: My Stance on Homosexuals/Homosexuality (from Eminem thread)
« Reply #14 on: July 04, 2010, 08:31:34 AM »
i dont know why media in the west give so much importance to liberty of "gays" and "lesbians". Fortunately in India, nobody gives too hoots about them. Personally i have never come across any gays. Till recently India had laws that consider gay/lesbianis as indulging in criminality, until the courts recently abolished the laws of past.

India has so many people that some people being gay are like a drop in the bucket. For a smaller country it can really harm the society if many people engage in active homosexuality, push for adopting children when there are two men or two women instead of a mother and father, etc. In the West the liberal goal is to destablize the family. When a liberal sees a white mother and father, and a child that looks like them,  the liberal gets angry. Anything they can do to destablize this family they will do.  They feel this family is too homogeneous.

They want diversity in the family, and feel the traditional structure of the family is oppressive.

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Re: My Stance on Homosexuals/Homosexuality (from Eminem thread)
« Reply #15 on: July 04, 2010, 08:54:03 AM »
DBN if you were a professor in Israel you would lose your job :::D :::D,7340,L-3914683,00.html   

University dismisses lecturer over anti-gay remark

Ben-Gurion University cancels bioethics course after Dr. Yeruham Leavitt says children of same-sex couples deprived of 'normal' upbringing. Lecturer: Personal opinions allowed in ethics courses

Ilana Curiel
Published:    07.04.10, 12:28 / Israel News
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A bioethics course taught by Dr. Yeruham Leavitt at Ben-Gurion University was canceled after he implied that homosexuality was a flaw that could be "contained", Ynet learned Sunday.

Leavitt, a professor emeritus and a resident of the West Bank settlement of Kiryat Arba, has been teaching the course to students at the Clinical Pharmacology Department for years. About a month ago he received a letter saying the course had been cancelled due to a "hurtful and inappropriate" remark he made in class.

During a discussion on artificial insemination among same-sex couples, a female student said children of gay parents may be influenced by their parents' sexual inclination. Another student, a homosexual, took offense to the comment and said clinical research has shown children of same-sex couples develop normally.

The student said sexual tendencies are not a matter of choice, but Leavitt claimed same-sex couples may harm children who are uncertain of their sexual preferences and deprive them of a "normal" family life.

According to the lecturer, sexual inclination can be chosen and contained. "Take me for example. I'm attracted to all women – but I contain myself," he said. "So can homosexuals."

Some students who were offended by the remarks complained to the university's faculty committee, which summoned Leavitt. During the hearing, the lecturer admitted to making the remarks and said they had been understood correctly by his students.

Leavitt claimed it was acceptable to voice personal opinions during ethics courses.


Ynet obtained a letter in which Prof. Riad Agbaria, head of the Clinical Pharmacology Department, confirmed that Leavitt's contract has been terminated.


"There is no room for personal opinions that offend some of the students," the letter read.

The faculty committee decided to cancel the course.

Dr. Leavitt told Ynet, "My embarrassing dismissal from Ben-Gurion University constitutes a severe violation of basic rights, including the right to dignity, academic freedom and freedom of expression."

The lecturer, who said the affair hurt his reputation, added, "I have nothing against the gay and lesbian community. Moreover, during my many years at the university I have always instilled the values of tolerance and liberalism."

Leavitt called the administrative procedure that lead to his dismissal "undemocratic" and "inappropriate."

The university said in a statement, "The lecturer made a categorical comment on the homosexuality phenomenon. During his hearing, (Leavitt) did not apologize for his offensive comments and even repeated them.

"Ben-Gurion University sanctifies freedom of thought and expression, but the lecturer blatantly crossed the line," the statement rea
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

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Re: My Stance on Homosexuals/Homosexuality (from Eminem thread)
« Reply #16 on: July 04, 2010, 09:28:41 AM »
First of all, to avoid any misunderstanding, I am completely on the same page as Dr Brennan Fan’s first post, which is very well put, so I have nothing to add to it.
I just want to say that I think it is a mistake to believe that sexual inclination can be chosen. I guess that when you are naturally attracted to men and feel (sexually) indifferent to women, you will not be able to reverse the natural course of your attraction by a simple decree of your will. It should be a simple fact to understand when you are a heterosexual normal person and, as such, you feel no attraction to men.
A religious person who has a homosexual inclination has no choice but to stop all sexual activity (or to live in sin) but there is no way he can become attracted by women.

Offline The One and Only Mo

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Re: My Stance on Homosexuals/Homosexuality (from Eminem thread)
« Reply #17 on: July 04, 2010, 09:32:42 AM »
gays are bad m'kay.

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Re: My Stance on Homosexuals/Homosexuality (from Eminem thread)
« Reply #18 on: July 04, 2010, 09:44:06 AM »
Yaacov mendel has a good point. With that being said, if the homosexual desire is a flaw, we doctors and psychologists, and spiritual leaders need to get to the bottom of this sickness find out how its caused and fix it. If we can make 3D tvs fly to the mone create atomic bombs create medicines to prolong the life of the sick, then we can figure out this flaw and fix it rather than ignore it ba accepting it or (being blindly intolerant instead of being compassionate yet hate the behavior).

The only problem is that it seems that 99 percent of homosexuals acting or not acting on their behaviors refuse to accept homosexuality to be a flaw that should be "cured".
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

In your heart you know WE are right and in your guts you know THEY are nuts!

"Science without religion is lame; Religion without science is blind."  - Albert Einstein

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Re: My Stance on Homosexuals/Homosexuality (from Eminem thread)
« Reply #19 on: July 04, 2010, 10:04:29 AM »
First of all, to avoid any misunderstanding, I am completely on the same page as Dr Brennan Fan’s first post, which is very well put, so I have nothing to add to it.
I just want to say that I think it is a mistake to believe that sexual inclination can be chosen. I guess that when you are naturally attracted to men and feel (sexually) indifferent to women, you will not be able to reverse the natural course of your attraction by a simple decree of your will. It should be a simple fact to understand when you are a heterosexual normal person and, as such, you feel no attraction to men.
A religious person who has a homosexual inclination has no choice but to stop all sexual activity (or to live in sin) but there is no way he can become attracted by women.

Whenever I hear of people who think they can "fix" homosexuals I worry about these poor women who marry a homosexual man knowing they will be devestated when he returns to form.
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Re: My Stance on Homosexuals/Homosexuality (from Eminem thread)
« Reply #20 on: July 04, 2010, 01:32:05 PM »
For those of you who want to try and "fix" homosexual men, let me ask you something. 

Would you want your daughters or your sisters or any of your female relatives married to a man who has no interest in women?  Is that really fair to your daughters, sisters, and your female relatives?  Don't they deserve to be happy in their marriages? 

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Re: My Stance on Homosexuals/Homosexuality (from Eminem thread)
« Reply #21 on: July 04, 2010, 01:39:22 PM »
For those of you who want to try and "fix" homosexual men, let me ask you something. 

why the quotation marks?

Would you want your daughters or your sisters or any of your female relatives married to a man who has no interest in women?  Is that really fair to your daughters, sisters, and your female relatives?  Don't they deserve to be happy in their marriages? 

I know a guy who used to be gay and now he's more straight than most men I know. It's all psychology.

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Re: My Stance on Homosexuals/Homosexuality (from Eminem thread)
« Reply #22 on: July 04, 2010, 02:12:39 PM »
Dr. Dan,  there are no accurate medical facts in any of Christian zionist's posts.

Dr. Brennanfan,  your message to me seems to answer things I never said or felt.  Thank you to everyone who responded.

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Re: My Stance on Homosexuals/Homosexuality (from Eminem thread)
« Reply #23 on: July 04, 2010, 02:19:53 PM »

I would personally never force a homosexual to live a heterosexual life. My suggestion is to scientifically, psycologically, and spiritually find out what causes homosexuality and find a cure for it or even prevention of it ever taking place.

Currently before we have these answers, we should condemn pro homosexual behavior and show compassion towards homosexuals who stop that behavior or want to stop their behavior. We should show bo tolerance for pro sodomite groups who encourage homosexuals or heterosexuals to behave that way.

For the record, many homosexual men are attracted to men like straight women are. Its as if they were supposed to born as a woman, but something went wrong. Many of these men cannot help it the way they look at certain men especially the decent homos who know its a part of them, but want to prevent sin. Maybe when we condemn homosexual behavior we need to aknowledge that there are some people like the ones I mentioned and that we should show compassion to help them to not sin.

As far as becoming straight, that's up to the homosexual. Personally, I don't know the answer but think it is important to find the answers.
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

In your heart you know WE are right and in your guts you know THEY are nuts!

"Science without religion is lame; Religion without science is blind."  - Albert Einstein

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Re: My Stance on Homosexuals/Homosexuality (from Eminem thread)
« Reply #24 on: July 04, 2010, 02:25:45 PM »
For those of you who want to try and "fix" homosexual men, let me ask you something. 

why the quotation marks?

Would you want your daughters or your sisters or any of your female relatives married to a man who has no interest in women?  Is that really fair to your daughters, sisters, and your female relatives?  Don't they deserve to be happy in their marriages? 

I know a guy who used to be gay and now he's more straight than most men I know. It's all psychology.

I use quotation marks for fix because I've heard from a psychologist that sexual orientation is *extememly* difficult to change.  Also, I used to know many gay men, back from when I was in college.  They always told me that they knew since they were little, that they were "different." 

As for your friend, who's now "straight," perhaps he's not giving in to his urges, or he's gone back into the closet.  That doesn't make him straight.