This is my first computer IBM AT 5170 PC custom my dad built in 1988. (you can't see my face so the pictures fine)

I used to play all kinds of games on there and had internet and everything. Machine sold for about $5,000 dollars (that would be about $10,000 in todays world)
It had DOS 3.0
Intel 80286 8 mhz processor (that was fast for it's time)
10 MB harddrive (huge harddrive at the time)
and 16 MB of RAM (most machines had about 256 kb of RAM in the 80's)
i had DOS installed but I also had Windows 2.1 which could be accessed from the DOS menu, I never used it though, Windows was really crappy at the time

this is what windows 2.1 looked like for those of you curious.