Prejudice? You think I'm prejudice because I give the cops the benefit of the doubt? What this cop did went over the line. That does not make Louima an innocent. Why don't you ask yourself what Louima said or did that enraged that lunatic to the point that he essentially threw his life away over it.
By the way, if giving the benefit of the doubt to the police is be it. Call me prejudice.
Actually that was aimed at the idea that ALL Haitans or negroes are bad. But I will never give benefit of the doubt to a cop who commits a crime or sinks that low. A cop is supposed to be better than that, and there's no excuse under ANY circumstance. I didn't mean YOU were prejudice, I mean that anyone who thinks somebody is a certain trait based ONLY on their skin color, is prejudice.
I don't know about all Haitians or blacks being bad. I don't think that way. I have enough experience, living in New York, to think he was being arrested for a reason.
Give me the choice of being locked up with a black or a cop, and I don't know either, it's the cop hands down. Sorry - if that sounds racist.
If I got arrested standing outside of a social club. I would cooperate. Especially, if I were innocent of any crime. Even if I were taking verbal abuse. Why [censored] a cop? They have a tough job. There are lots of creeps, especially in N.Y.. They don't always have the time or patience to determine which you are. Besides, they carry a gun, nightstick and might have a plunger down at the station.