Author Topic: So I was in California...(long post, hopefully worth it lol)  (Read 4511 times)

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Re: So I was in California...(long post, hopefully worth it lol)
« Reply #25 on: July 21, 2010, 02:43:43 PM »
Ruby, why is it naive? The whole concept of the "anchor baby" is not the fault of the illegal Mexican. It's the US politicians who invented the concept of an "anchor baby". If the law simply stated that they couldn't use "anchor babies" that would solve it. The children of, say, a guest worker wouldn't get citizenship and wouldn't count. The child of Mexican citizens should be Mexican, not American obviously.

They are deliberately using this loophole in the law though in order to outbreed the white people in any one area and slowly conquer the territory for their own people.

If you don't believe me then look up Aztlan. It's a very deliberate invasion plan. They have many children loyal to Mexico, they insist that they aren't illegal, that white people are the illegals. They call states that are still supposed to be part of the USA parts of Mexico.

I'm not naive, I'm simply stating a fact that illegals make up a huge portion of the workforce in key sectors like hospitality, farming and trades. Thinking you can just kick them all out with the current legal framework in place is silly. It can't and won't happen. I'm sure even the liberal politicians know they're a drag to the state but it would be even more of a hit if they all went away because they'd lose a lot of workers.

If they all went away they wouldn't be there to buy stuff, and the state wouldn't need as many workers. You see they are hired, get paid, then spend that money on businesses that hire illegals. If you take them all away then certain cities or industries may collpase, but I don't see that as a bad thing. I think what would be left behind would be better after a period of adjustment. Furthermore you might not have had a lot of trouble during your visit, but if you had to live there it might be a different story. I've had to deal with Mexicans in service jobs that can't really speak any English at all, or even worse, ignore you and refuse to serve you at all. When I was growing up I didn't have to deal with it so much in the area I lived in. I never questioned whether the person on the other side of the counter would understand me or not. Now it's a big battle just to get basic stuff done. And you know what? I don't want them to learn English. I want them to go home and not integrate.

A guest worker program would work if immigration simply enforced the law. Their kids shouldn't entitle them to citizenship and kick them out or let them re-apply for another visa when their work visa ends. All it would take is for America to actually enforce its laws.

We've got an even bigger problem now. We have many, many people who have the technical "right to vote" that are loyal to a foreign power, not the USA. So they will vote for anything that benefits Mexico regardless of the toll it takes on the USA. We need to find a way to revoke this right or encourage these people to leave. Instead we have bilingual ballots that make their sedition easier to accomplish.

You're wrong when you say they fill the jobs. California is 35% or so hispanic yet virtually every one of the sectors I outlined are flooded with hispanics. Why are the waiters in restaurants not 65% white, asian or black and 35% hispanic? They're nearly ALL hispanics because the hispanics are willing to take those jobs and the liberal whites and asians in California think those jobs are beneath them.

Hispanics, especially illegals, are given preference because they work for less. Furthermore, they help fill diversity quotas.

I'm sure there are some people who do feel that getting a regular job is beneath them, but I think low-skilled jobs should be reserved for Americanpeople who need them. There are people with few job skills and there always will be. How do you think they feel that a foreigner is hired before them?