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Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Re: Muslim charged w/raping Jew
« Reply #75 on: July 24, 2010, 10:14:32 PM »
Can you please show me? I don't see where SB said that this Arab needs to get off scot-free or that it is not a sin for men to seduce women. I did not see that at all. Regardless, you know full well what I think should be done with all the Arabs in Israel whether or not they have laid a finger on a Jew.

I think that G-d judges us all according to our natures--according to what we were designed for and what we can handle. It is wrong for a man to sleep around with women but not as wrong as for him to sleep around with men--no?

Offline muman613

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Re: Muslim charged w/raping Jew
« Reply #76 on: July 24, 2010, 10:25:32 PM »
Can you please show me? I don't see where SB said that this Arab needs to get off scot-free or that it is not a sin for men to seduce women. I did not see that at all. Regardless, you know full well what I think should be done with all the Arabs in Israel whether or not they have laid a finger on a Jew.

I think that G-d judges us all according to our natures--according to what we were designed for and what we can handle. It is wrong for a man to sleep around with women but not as wrong as for him to sleep around with men--no?

I do not understand your final question "It is wrong for a man to sleep around with women but not as wrong as for him to sleep around with men--no?"... What does it mean 'not as wrong'?

It is wrong to have an adulterous relationship, both for the man and for the woman involved, both are wrong. In the sin of the Israelites with the women of Midian it was the responsibility of the men, they had to die along with the women who seduced them... I do not know what you mean it is more wrong for men to be with men. Obviously one who willfully flaunts his perversion is more culpable than one who seeks help and tries to change his wrong ways. But a man who engages in forbidden relationships is also guilty of great sins also... The man who goes to the prostitute is as guilty as the prostitute...

You shall make yourself the Festival of Sukkoth for seven days, when you gather in [the produce] from your threshing floor and your vat.And you shall rejoice in your Festival-you, and your son, and your daughter, and your manservant, and your maidservant, and the Levite, and the stranger, and the orphan, and the widow, who are within your cities
Duet 16:13-14

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Re: Muslim charged w/raping Jew
« Reply #77 on: July 24, 2010, 10:30:46 PM »
The man who goes to the prostitute is as guilty as the prostitute...
I didn't consider this to be quite the same as consensual prostitution but it makes no difference. Tell you what, rank the following sexual sins in order from least to most severe.

*A man tries to pick up and take home women at a bar.
*Two teenagers "in love" (probably just in lust, but that's besides the point) lose control one steamy afternoon.
*A man actively solicits homosexual coitus at a "men's club".
*A man cheats on his wife with a single woman that he "loves".

While all of the above are very wrong and against the Bible, are not some worse than others? Only a moral relativist would deny that.

Offline Secularbeliever

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Re: Muslim charged w/raping Jew
« Reply #78 on: July 24, 2010, 10:40:22 PM »

Everyone has free choice, men included.
Who disputed this?

Secular Believer did.

There are sexual prohibitions on men.   So it's not just the tenet of today's "religion" political correctness.
Once again, nobody disagreed. If you want to execute this Arab slimeball for sleeping with a Jewish girl, I certainly will not complain. But I think this woman has a lot of nerve.

Actually secular believer did, and he purported to speak in your name or at least explain your position.  So perhaps you and him do not agree.

I need to clarify I guess.  I think that all people are responsible for their behavior.  However, I think it is the nature of men to pursue casual sex with women more than the converse.  If women make casual sex freely available then many otherwise moral men will give into their impulses.  For much of recorded history (including my youth) men played offense when it came to sex and women played defense.  I am not aware of any society in which women are the more sexually aggressive people (I don't have  a subscription to National Geographic which might show rare exceptions) When women stop playing defense the floodgates open.  Again I know this is not politically correct and does not conform with the notions  common in feminized, gender neutral, society but it has been the nature of human beings.
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Re: Muslim charged w/raping Jew
« Reply #79 on: July 24, 2010, 10:41:30 PM »
The man who goes to the prostitute is as guilty as the prostitute...
I didn't consider this to be quite the same as consensual prostitution but it makes no difference. Tell you what, rank the following sexual sins in order from least to most severe.

*A man tries to pick up and take home women at a bar.
*Two teenagers "in love" (probably just in lust, but that's besides the point) lose control one steamy afternoon.
*A man actively solicits homosexual coitus at a "men's club".
*A man cheats on his wife with a single woman that he "loves".

While all of the above are very wrong and against the Bible, are not some worse than others? Only a moral relativist would deny that.

From a Torah perspective they all fall under the category of Sexual immorality.

We all know that a man who has a sexual relationship with a man is a sinner because Torah clearly states that Hashem abhores that act, and thus the one who is guilty by the finding of the court of this sin can be executed {according to the Jewish law system which existed in Biblical times, and will be restored when Moshiach comes}.

A man who has sex outside of wedlock with a woman will have to marry her, if she becomes pregnant. The Torah clearly is against a man having too many wives because it will cause quarreling in the home and then the children will grow up wicked {as in the juxtaposition of the laws of the beautiful captive and the rebellious son}.

A man who picks up women at bars to have quick sex and move on, and two teenagers in love, both are in situations where they are trying to live lives of physical pleasure. They are guilty of the sin of sexual immorality although I do not know that there is a punishment for these acts of immorality. The spiritual damage of these acts will be felt in the future.

You shall make yourself the Festival of Sukkoth for seven days, when you gather in [the produce] from your threshing floor and your vat.And you shall rejoice in your Festival-you, and your son, and your daughter, and your manservant, and your maidservant, and the Levite, and the stranger, and the orphan, and the widow, who are within your cities
Duet 16:13-14

Offline muman613

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Re: Muslim charged w/raping Jew
« Reply #80 on: July 24, 2010, 10:42:43 PM »

14. Caution Regarding Sexual Immorality

Rabbi Zalman Baruch Melamed
Written by the rabbi

Dedicated to the speedy recovery of
Dvorah bat Miriam

Unless one is persistent in his efforts to build a healthy and exemplary character, one will not be able to make any substantial headway it this area. This is especially true when it comes to those things which the heart passionately seeks out - for example, sexual immorality.

One who wishes to make himself completely taintless in this respect will have to invest quite a bit of effort. All the more so in this day and age, due to the many changes in modes of living. Women today work in most of the professional fields just like men. Men and women spend many work hours together, sometimes more so than with their own spouses. Naturally, friendly relations develop between coworkers during the course of their work, and even if the workers are the sort who practice caution and draw clear moral boundries, the very presence of camaraderie is problematic and can take its toll on the family life.

The prohibition against sexual immorality is not limited to the actual act, but includes anything which leads to it. The Torah is quite explicit in this regard, stating, "Do not come near to uncover nakedness." The Sages, too, have said that G-d declared, "Don't say to yourself that, 'though it is forbidden for me to cohabit with that woman, if I just hug her a bit I won't have done any thing wrong,' or, 'if I caress her I won't have harmed anybody,' or, 'if I kiss her I will not have done any harm.'" The Almighty says, "Just as when a Nazarene vows to abstain from wine he is forbidden to eat even grapes, raisins, grape juice, or anything derived from the vine, so too, it is forbidden to touch, even in the slightest, any woman other than your own wife. And one who touches a woman other than his own brings death upon himself."

The Sages, we see, compared the prohibition against sexual immorality to the restrictions of a Nazarene. Even though the principle prohibition concerning the Nazarene is the prohibition against drinking wine, the Torah forbade even those substances derived from the wine. In so doing the Torah was in effect teaching the Sages how to enact safeguards to prevent people from violating actual commandments of the Torah. Just as the Torah forbade not only the actual prohibition - the drinking of wine - but forbade and distanced the Nazarene from anything even related to the wine, so it must be with all the commandments of the Torah, for this is G-d's will.

Following the Torah's lead, the Sages forbade anything even slightly related to the actual prohibition against sexual immorality, whether carried out through action, speech, hearing, sight, or even thought. Thoughts of transgression are more severe than the transgression itself. All of the man's senses have to be shaken clean and purified of every trace of transgression. Do not say to yourself, "I know how to establish boundries, I know how to protect myself. I won't allow myself to get carried away. Since I have good self control I need not be cautious, distancing myself from immoral speech, sights and sounds. It won't cause me to sin." No. The mere act of discussing things which involve sexual immorality, the mere act of viewing or listening to such material, is forbidden in its own right, regardless of the fact that they invite the act itself.

In order to be completely free from sexually immoral impulses one must work very hard. Yet, the more a person advances in cleaning himself of them, the more he frees himself from the enslavement of these impulses. As a result, his life becomes purer and happier, his family life untainted. The children grow up in a healthy and united family, and the effort pays off.
You shall make yourself the Festival of Sukkoth for seven days, when you gather in [the produce] from your threshing floor and your vat.And you shall rejoice in your Festival-you, and your son, and your daughter, and your manservant, and your maidservant, and the Levite, and the stranger, and the orphan, and the widow, who are within your cities
Duet 16:13-14

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Re: Muslim charged w/raping Jew
« Reply #81 on: July 24, 2010, 10:43:52 PM »
From a Torah perspective they all fall under the category of Sexual immorality.

We all know that a man who has a sexual relationship with a man is a sinner because Torah clearly states that Hashem abhores that act, and thus the one who is guilty by the finding of the court of this sin can be executed {according to the Jewish law system which existed in Biblical times, and will be restored when Moshiach comes}.

A man who has sex outside of wedlock with a woman will have to marry her, if she becomes pregnant. The Torah clearly is against a man having too many wives because it will cause quarreling in the home and then the children will grow up wicked {as in the juxtaposition of the laws of the beautiful captive and the rebellious son}.

A man who picks up women at bars to have quick sex and move on, and two teenagers in love, both are in situations where they are trying to live lives of physical pleasure. They are guilty of the sin of sexual immorality although I do not know that there is a punishment for these acts of immorality. The spiritual damage of these acts will be felt in the future.

You have just proven my point that they are indeed not all of the same degree of wickedness.

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Re: Muslim charged w/raping Jew
« Reply #82 on: July 24, 2010, 10:54:14 PM »
I should also have mentioned this:

One of the three cardinal sins a Jew is prohibited to do, even upon threat of death, is sexual immorality...

These three are Murder, Idolatry, and Sexual immorality..

There are three cardinal sins: Promiscuity, Idolatry, and Murder. It is forbidden to commit one of these three cardinal sins even at the expense of one's own life. If a person is put into a position in which he is forced to commit one of these three cardinal sins, then he must sacrifice his life rather than trespass.

As an example, if a group of thugs come to a man and tell him they will kill him unless he has sexual relations with this specific married woman; he is not allowed to have sex with her. He must let himself be killed rather than sin.

Similarly, if a group of idolaters come and tell him that if he does not bow down to an idol he will be killed, he must not bow down to the idol, but rather let them kill him. There are some who say that this only applies if ten Jews are present.

The third cardinal sin is that of murder. If a group of thugs come and tell a man that he must kill another person, he must decline even though it means that they will kill him.

Three Cardinal Sins

With regards to the three cardinal sins – idolatry,5 murder, and sexual sins (such as adultery, incest, and homosexuality)6 – we are obligated to allow our lives to be sacrificed rather than transgress them. Regarding these sins, it makes no difference who is the one (or ones) compelling the Jew to transgress, or in the presence of how many people it is done.

In Public

With regards to all other commandments, we are required to transgress rather than die. If, however, it is the intention of the person forcing the transgression to compel the person to sin, and the sin will be done is in the presence of a minyan (ten Jews), then one is obligated to be martyred for rather than transgress any sin.
You shall make yourself the Festival of Sukkoth for seven days, when you gather in [the produce] from your threshing floor and your vat.And you shall rejoice in your Festival-you, and your son, and your daughter, and your manservant, and your maidservant, and the Levite, and the stranger, and the orphan, and the widow, who are within your cities
Duet 16:13-14

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Re: Muslim charged w/raping Jew
« Reply #83 on: July 24, 2010, 10:54:56 PM »
I am going to post a New Testament passage that explains some of my views here, so that you can see where I am coming from. I hope this is okay. Of course most people who read this thread will be Jews but I don't think very many people would disagree with the content of these verses.

Quote from: Romans 1:21-27
For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like mortal man and birds and animals and reptiles. Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen. Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones. In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion.

The Apostle Paul is speaking of Gentile nations--most likely Greeks given his own cultural background--rejecting G-d and being hardened of heart similarly to Pharaoh, and subsequently giving themselves to ever worse degrees of sins. It culminates in sexual perversion; meaning not just unchecked sexual appetites, but sexual acts that involve a substantial degree of deliberate defiance of G-d. We are not told exactly what the "unnatural relations" are that the women were engaging in like we are for the men (sodomy), but conceivably it could mean women offering themselves to random multiple male partners, which is as against nature and design as it is for men to desire other men physically.

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Re: Muslim charged w/raping Jew
« Reply #84 on: July 24, 2010, 10:59:32 PM »
Yes, but I think you agree that sexual immorality is sexual immorality, whether it is originated from a woman, or originated from a man... They both should know better, and the man should be able to control his impulses more than the woman, because he is not supposed to be controlled by his emotions and his instincts... Both male and female should be responsible partners in creation, not using the gift of procreation for simple pleasure...

There is nothing to argue about concerning an illicit relationship such as homosexual or lesbian relationships. I have said it is considered wrong. But there is no excuse for sexual immorality from a Jew especially, who wants to live a life of holiness.

You shall make yourself the Festival of Sukkoth for seven days, when you gather in [the produce] from your threshing floor and your vat.And you shall rejoice in your Festival-you, and your son, and your daughter, and your manservant, and your maidservant, and the Levite, and the stranger, and the orphan, and the widow, who are within your cities
Duet 16:13-14

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Re: Muslim charged w/raping Jew
« Reply #85 on: July 24, 2010, 11:06:37 PM »
the man should be able to control his impulses more than the woman, because he is not supposed to be controlled by his emotions and his instincts... Both male and female should be responsible partners in creation, not using the gift of procreation for simple pleasure...
I am not sure what the Judaic view is but in the Christian view, any unrepented sin leads to hell. That means both the male Arab and the female Jew in this case. In that they are no different.

The difference that I see is that it is part of male nature to desire frequent, spontaneous sexual release with a woman. G-d's word is very clear that the ONLY acceptable place for that is marriage. It is part of female nature to desire to be deeply and intimately loved by one man--emotionally first, and sexually second. Not every single woman is wired that way, but the vast majority are. I believe that it took more corruption for that woman to get to where she was than that man (not counting the fact that Islam corrupts every last bit of the soul, but I digress).

Don't forget too that I will always expect better behavior from a Jew than an Arab. The former is a member of a holy and exalted people; the latter barely qualifies as a human being. Like I said earlier, I think it is quite natural to call Bobby Fischer more evil than Sheik Nasrallah. The latter is pretty much an insensate wild beast. The former made a long series of premediated choices to hate, and declare war upon, his very own holy and chosen nation.

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Re: Muslim charged w/raping Jew
« Reply #86 on: July 24, 2010, 11:17:30 PM »
Yes, I agree that those who turn their back on their Jewish heritage are very low in character... Especially when they have reached an old age without realizing their mistake. I do forgive some of the liberal Jews because they do not know, but those who willingly work against the Jewish people are traitors, such as NK and Piss now...

You shall make yourself the Festival of Sukkoth for seven days, when you gather in [the produce] from your threshing floor and your vat.And you shall rejoice in your Festival-you, and your son, and your daughter, and your manservant, and your maidservant, and the Levite, and the stranger, and the orphan, and the widow, who are within your cities
Duet 16:13-14

Offline IsraeliGovtAreKapos

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Re: Muslim charged w/raping Jew
« Reply #87 on: July 24, 2010, 11:17:48 PM »
Jewish men don't behave like Jewish men. They behave like European rats and not like Israelite Lions. That's the most dangerous and painful example of the spiritual Holocaust we're experiencing. This fact is one of the reasons some Jewish women go for Arab men - women love dangerous men that will make them feel safe. Some Jewish women don't feel safe with Jewish men because generally Jewish men's masculinity was overrun by Communist brainwash that men should be FemiNazi feminine proud faggots. and the stereotype is that Arab men (although they're they most cowardly, because they can only fight in huge numbers, and against little children and girls, but never 1 on 1 or anything fair, they're coward snakes that use deception because they're too much of cowards to really fight and not bag for mercy and stab in the back like they did in Khaybar and in Oslo) are dangerous and respectful to women.

Same goes to Jewish women. They don't behave like Jewish women but rather some Hollywood trash rebellious whores and it makes Jewish men feel hatred and contempt to Jewish women and that's why many of them go for Russian, Druze, Thai, Chinese and American women who they view as high-levelled, intellectual, feminine and loyal women (that's the stereotype). It's known that this is false.

This may not be the subject of the debate that has started in the topic, but this is why this girl went on for that Arab - she knew it was an Arab guy, most have an accent. We need to wake up and protect our women and you sisters should do the same because no filthy Arab will touch our Holy sisters.
« Last Edit: July 24, 2010, 11:23:31 PM by Ron Juan »

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Re: Muslim charged w/raping Jew
« Reply #88 on: July 24, 2010, 11:24:43 PM »
This fact is one of the reasons some Jewish women go for Arab men - women love dangerous men that will make them feel safe.
It is human female biology to desire an alpha male--a strong, hard, fierce man who will be tough in defense of the home and provide well.

Some Jewish women don't feel safe with Jewish men because generally Jewish men's masculinity was overrun by Communist brainwash that men should be FemiNazi feminine proud faggots.

and the stereotype is that Arab men (although they're they most cowardly, because they can only fight in huge numbers, and against little children and girls, but never 1 on 1 or anything fair, they're coward snakes that use deception because they're too dumb and too much of cowards to play fair warfare) are dangerous and respectful to women.
... and they beat everything weaker than they are (which some women are turned-on by, it's a perversion of their desire for a tough alpha male; look at the phenomenon of women falling in love with serial killers).

Same goes to Jewish women. They don't behave like Jewish women but rather some Hollywood trash rebellious whores and it makes Jewish men feel hatred and contempt to Jewish women
Or man-hating feminazis like you already said.

and that's why many of them go for Russian, Druze, Thai, Chinese and American women who they view as high-levelled, intellectual, feminine and loyal women (that's the stereotype). It's known that this is false.
Of course it is false. All of the women you mentioned, especially Russian, are at least as trashy as trashy secular Jewish women.

This may not be the subject of the debate that has started in the topic, but this is why this girl went on for that Arab - she knew it was an Arab guy, most have an accent. We need to wake up and protect our women and you sisters should do the same because no filthy Arab will touch our Holy sisters.
Whether or not her desire for the Arab had some basis in human female instinct does not make it any more understandable. What she did was beyond debased and disgusting. It is not female nature to put out for anonymous men under any circumstances. I have a very sweet, pure, devout, somewhat naive Christian female friend, somewhat younger than me, who is very open about desiring a man who is a bit of a "bad boy" for marriage (within very strict limits), but she would not have sex with random multiple partners under any circumstances (or any man, before marriage)!

Offline IsraeliGovtAreKapos

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Re: Muslim charged w/raping Jew
« Reply #89 on: July 24, 2010, 11:28:12 PM »
... and they beat everything weaker than they are (which some women are turned-on by, it's a perversion of their desire for a tough alpha male; look at the phenomenon of women falling in love with serial killers).

Yes, but some Jewish women don't understand because that's NOT the stereotype, they're dead brainwashed. By the way, they wouldn't like the wife-beating type, because most women find that as fear). They think they're some masculine Macho men but they're nothing but cockroaches who can do nothing but wine, lie and stab in the back like inferior snakes.

Of course it is false. All of the women you mentioned, especially Russian, are at least as trashy as trashy secular Jewish women.

That's not the stereotype in Israel. In Israel Russian women are considered loving and caring wives (the mature ones).

Whether or not her desire for the Arab had some basis in human female instinct does not make it any more understandable. What she did was beyond debased and disgusting. It is not female nature to put out for anonymous men under any circumstances. I have a very sweet, pure, devout, somewhat naive Christian female friend, somewhat younger than me, who is very open about desiring a man who is a bit of a "bad boy" for marriage (within very strict limits), but she would not have sex with random multiple partners under any circumstances (or any man, before marriage)!

Of course I agree it was treason and she should be hanged for this. What I'm saying is the psychology that drived her to do that. So we agree here.

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Re: Muslim charged w/raping Jew
« Reply #90 on: July 24, 2010, 11:33:06 PM »
Yes, but some Jewish women don't understand because that's NOT the stereotype, they're dead brainwashed.
How can their character not be obvious? Even the most insane white liberal in America would know better than to hang out in a black neighborhood at night.

That's not the stereotype in Israel. In Israel Russian women are considered loving and caring wives (the mature ones).
That makes no sense to me. Everyone knows that Gentile Russian women are cheap, have many abortions, and are prone to alcoholism and any other number of disgusting habits. Why would they change by being in Israel?

Of course I agree it was treason and she should be hanged for this. What I'm saying is the psychology that drived her to do that. So we agree here.
She should be hanged for this even if it were a real Jewish guy she had sex with.

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Re: Muslim charged w/raping Jew
« Reply #91 on: July 24, 2010, 11:36:44 PM »
Yes, but some Jewish women don't understand because that's NOT the stereotype, they're dead brainwashed.
How can their character not be obvious? Even the most insane white liberal in America would know better than to hang out in a black neighborhood at night.

That's not the stereotype in Israel. In Israel Russian women are considered loving and caring wives (the mature ones).
That makes no sense to me. Everyone knows that Gentile Russian women are cheap, have many abortions, and are prone to alcoholism and any other number of disgusting habits. Why would they change by being in Israel?

Of course I agree it was treason and she should be hanged for this. What I'm saying is the psychology that drived her to do that. So we agree here.
She should be hanged for this even if it were a real Jewish guy she had sex with.

I don't know many, but the Russian Jewish girls I have met are nice girls... I know one who is the wife of a friend in my minyan, he too is a recent immigrant to America from Russia...

You shall make yourself the Festival of Sukkoth for seven days, when you gather in [the produce] from your threshing floor and your vat.And you shall rejoice in your Festival-you, and your son, and your daughter, and your manservant, and your maidservant, and the Levite, and the stranger, and the orphan, and the widow, who are within your cities
Duet 16:13-14

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Re: Muslim charged w/raping Jew
« Reply #92 on: July 24, 2010, 11:37:46 PM »
I don't know many, but the Russian Jewish girls I have met are nice girls... I know one who is the wife of a friend in my minyan, he too is a recent immigrant to America from Russia...
We both meant Russian Gentiles.

Offline IsraeliGovtAreKapos

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Re: Muslim charged w/raping Jew
« Reply #93 on: July 24, 2010, 11:38:01 PM »
How can their character not be obvious? Even the most insane white liberal in America would know better than to hang out in a black neighborhood at night.

You don't know the situation in Israel. Many people think that "not all Arabs are like that", "there are Jews who do that too" and many other excuses that they actually believe in.

That makes no sense to me. Everyone knows that Gentile Russian women are cheap, have many abortions, and are prone to alcoholism and any other number of disgusting habits. Why would they change by being in Israel?

Believe it or not --- Israeli men are tired of Israeli women acting like a monstrous militant egoist Feminazi pitbull and are for weak, European princesses such as Russian girls. Russian mature women are stereotyped as intellectual, caring, loving, feminine women. That's the stereotype, face it (although it's certainely not true, I know Russians better than Ukranians).

She should be hanged for this even if it were a real Jewish guy she had sex with.

If it was a Jew, she should have been rebuked for that. But since it's an enemy of the Jewish people, it's treason and the cost is execution.

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Re: Muslim charged w/raping Jew
« Reply #94 on: July 24, 2010, 11:42:01 PM »
I don't know many, but the Russian Jewish girls I have met are nice girls... I know one who is the wife of a friend in my minyan, he too is a recent immigrant to America from Russia...
We both meant Russian Gentiles.


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Re: Muslim charged w/raping Jew
« Reply #95 on: July 24, 2010, 11:46:12 PM »
You don't know the situation in Israel. Many people think that "not all Arabs are like that", "there are Jews who do that too" and many other excuses that they actually believe in.
I know exactly how perverse things are in Israel and America is just as bad. Still, I believe these leftist lunatics know the truth full well and choose to deny it. Like I said, even the most flaming white liberal, even someone who would date/marry a black, knows better than to hang out in a housing project at night.

Believe it or not --- Israeli men are tired of Israeli women acting like a monstrous militant egoist Feminazi pitbull and are for weak, European princesses such as Russian girls. Russian mature women are stereotyped as intellectual, caring, loving, feminine women. That's the stereotype, face it (although it's certainely not true, I know Russians better than Ukranians).
Feminism is bad of course but I think it's a major character flaw for men to only want submissive, meek women. That's why white American men go for Asian women and it bothers me a lot. What kind of a man only is interested in women he can dominate? I for one would call that an extremely boring and lifeless marriage.

If it was a Jew, she should have been rebuked for that. But since it's an enemy of the Jewish people, it's treason and the cost is execution.
If you believe her, she did not know he was an Arab. It makes no difference to me. To me, it was treason against womankind for her to put out for a strange man regardless of what his religion was.

Offline IsraeliGovtAreKapos

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Re: Muslim charged w/raping Jew
« Reply #96 on: July 24, 2010, 11:53:56 PM »

I know exactly how perverse things are in Israel and America is just as bad. Still, I believe these leftist lunatics know the truth full well and choose to deny it. Like I said, even the most flaming white liberal, even someone who would date/marry a black, knows better than to hang out in a housing project at night.

They seriously think it's not all Arabs (or in other words - "it's not an Arab thing"). They're real Communist Liberals who have contempt for other people's cultures knowingly or unknowigly. When Jews tell that to a Jewish girl who went for an Arab dog her first reaction will be "not all Arabs are like that, don't be racist" etc.

Feminism is bad of course but I think it's a major character flaw for men to only want submissive, meek women. That's why white American men go for Asian women and it bothers me a lot. What kind of a man only is interested in women he can dominate? I for one would call that an extremely boring and lifeless marriage.

Would you want a woman that all she does is telling you that you should worship her, buy her the whole world etc? That's what married Israeli men are living through.

If you believe her, she did not know he was an Arab.

It's either she's dumb or she's lying.

It makes no difference to me. To me, it was treason against womankind for her to put out for a strange man regardless of what his religion was.

It's a sin against her body and soul to have a sexual intercourse with a man that doesn't have a permission to do it, but it is not treason unless she sins knowingly (if we're talking "Secular" Jewish women such as this whore). If she does that and doesn't know why it's wrong fully, we need to rebuke her.

What you're saying is not the Jewish view so I respectfully disagree.

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Re: Muslim charged w/raping Jew
« Reply #97 on: July 25, 2010, 12:10:22 AM »
They seriously think it's not all Arabs (or in other words - "it's not an Arab thing"). They're real Communist Liberals who have contempt for other people's cultures knowingly or unknowigly. When Jews tell that to a Jewish girl who went for an Arab dog her first reaction will be "not all Arabs are like that, don't be racist" etc.
I think it's knowing. Brainwashed or not, I think being that perverse is a choice. The evidence of the character of Arabs is very abundant.

Would you want a woman that all she does is telling you that you should worship her, buy her the whole world etc? That's what married Israeli men are living through.
There is supposed to be a balance to all things in life. No I don't want a cruel harpy but I don't want a doormat either. I want to marry a passionate, intellectual Christian woman with strong opinions (that would be close to mine) and a forceful personality, but does not want to dominate her man either.

It's either she's dumb or she's lying.
Without knowing her I'll give her the benefit of the doubt. Either way she is dumb, period.

t's a sin against her body and soul to have a sexual intercourse with a man that doesn't have a permission to do it, but it is not treason unless she sins knowingly (if we're talking "Secular" Jewish women such as this whore). If she does that and doesn't know why it's wrong fully, we need to rebuke her.
I believe that natural law/creation witness (I don't know if such concepts exist in Judaism) shows that anonymous sex is perverse. People don't need the Bible or Torah to know it is wrong.

What you're saying is not the Jewish view so I respectfully disagree.
I never said it was. It is my view. But do think about it. How many millions of women, since time itself began, have been cruelly raped by anonymous, strange men? Here this woman chose to give herself to an anonymous, strange man of her own free will. In light of the above is that not a form of treason against G-d himself?

Offline IsraeliGovtAreKapos

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Re: Muslim charged w/raping Jew
« Reply #98 on: July 25, 2010, 12:29:45 AM »

I think it's knowing. Brainwashed or not, I think being that perverse is a choice. The evidence of the character of Arabs is very abundant.

Again, the girls who do that are so-called anti-racists who cannot accept that this is the Arab culture, that all Arabs are like that. They really think not all Arabs are like that and that these Arab men should be given a chance. It's even seen in the way Arab men are chasing after Jewish girls - buying them presents they buy using money they got on welfare (=Jewish money), rain them with compliments, make them feel like queens. The stereotype of the Arab (or Eastern) man plays a role here is well. So that's why they always think "he's different", "he's a good Arab", etc. Thinking otherwise is an illusion unless the girl is an outright self-hater.

There is supposed to be a balance to all things in life. No I don't want a cruel harpy but I don't want a doormat either. I want to marry a passionate, intellectual Christian woman with strong opinions (that would be close to mine) and a forceful personality, but does not want to dominate her man either.

I don't agree completely but my point is different. When you've been suffering from something for too long, you want the complete opposite of that to re-create your emotional balance and security. It's some sort of revenge-psychology and the judging is stereotypical, but this is how deseperate men and women think.

I believe that natural law/creation witness (I don't know if such concepts exist in Judaism) shows that anonymous sex is perverse. People don't need the Bible or Torah to know it is wrong.

Well, yes. They know it's wrong but only because the society views it as "being a Sharmoota" (Arabic for a "rag" or in other words a worthless whore). Some do the opposite. They do it as a rebellion against society because they love the attention. But anyhow they don't feel it's wrong, especially not because of Torahnic reasons (many of those who do that don't give a ruble on Torah).

I never said it was. It is my view. But do think about it. How many millions of women, since time itself began, have been cruelly raped by anonymous, strange men? Here this woman chose to give herself to an anonymous, strange man of her own free will. In light of the above is that not a form of treason against G-d himself?

In Judaism, we have the value of mercy. The mercy as G-D defines it - mercy upon the ones who deserve mercy and love. If a Jewish girl does it not knowing it was a sin the way she should, we may give her a second chance and rebuke her until she understan why it's wrong. If all proofs are shown to her and she doesn't accept it, she's called a wicked Prutza (prostiute). But those who do that with a Jewish guy, unknowingly of its immorality, are to rebuke because they're mistaken, not wicked. In this generation, even the religious Jews have lack of knowledge of Torah and values, because all are influence by the Western Hellenist garbage.

It's wrong, but it's not treason, sorry.

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Re: Muslim charged w/raping Jew
« Reply #99 on: July 25, 2010, 12:50:17 AM »
The arab should be hanged.
There are thunders and sparks in the skies, because Faraday invented the electricity.