Author Topic: Rav Kaduri: Moshiach has Arrived (what do you guys think)  (Read 2223 times)

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Rav Kaduri: Moshiach has Arrived (what do you guys think)
« on: July 29, 2010, 07:49:43 PM »

"After the Sharon government, the Moshiach will come" -- so foresees the Tzaddik, the G-dly Harav Yitzchok Kaduri, shlita. His words were reported in the Israeli newspaper Yediot Achronot.

In the words of the Rav, the Moshiach is already in the Holy Land, and will reveal himself in the future at the moment that is set for him. The Rav revealed to his students that according to calculations of the Vilna Gaon, the war of Gog and Magog began about [three] years ago (on Hoshana Raba), and will continue for seven years. During this time, every moment is suited for the Moshiach to reveal himself. (The American War on Terror began on Hoshana Raba when the Americans went into Afghanistan.)

Rav Kaduri has lately been speaking with greater frequency on the revelation of the Moshiach, and he said that signs have already been given for this from Heaven by way of cosmic events, which indicate -- according to the secrets of Torah -- the arrival of the benevolent end of days. "The world continues on and is being sweetened" -- thus is the Rav accustomed to addressing his students.

The revelation of the Moshiach, according to the Rav, will rescue Jerusalem from the hands of Islam and Xtianity, both of which seek to overwhelm Jerusalem and wrest ownership of her away from the Jewish people; but their ways will not succeed and they will wage war against each other. The Rav revealed that hidden in the garments of Moshiach is a Magen-David which grants him the power to conduct himself in a concealed way.

As will be remembered, at the time of the meeting between Rav Kaduri, shlita and the Lubavitcher Rebbe more than 12 years ago, the Rebbe said to him that he would merit to live until the revelation of Moshiach.

Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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Re: Rav Kaduri: Moshiach has Arrived (what do you guys think)
« Reply #1 on: July 29, 2010, 07:52:14 PM »
What does it mean to "arrive?"    Let's see what you mean by that word.

Is there someone who built the third temple, led the wars of the Jews against our enemies, spread the learning and knowledge of Torah to the Jewish nation and is an anointed King?   No, no, no, and no.    Well, it must be Rav Kaduri was incorrect.   Yeah it will be after the Sharon govt.  Just not immediately after. 

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Re: Rav Kaduri: Moshiach has Arrived (what do you guys think)
« Reply #2 on: July 29, 2010, 07:53:53 PM »
i also heard that when Sharon dies, Moshiach will arrive

Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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Re: Rav Kaduri: Moshiach has Arrived (what do you guys think)
« Reply #3 on: July 29, 2010, 07:54:55 PM »
And this is an old article you cited.  I'm sure you know that the Rav Kaduri has passed away as of January 2006.  

I'm pretty sure 7 years of the Afghan war have already elapsed too.   Today is July 29, 2010.

Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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Re: Rav Kaduri: Moshiach has Arrived (what do you guys think)
« Reply #4 on: July 29, 2010, 07:55:44 PM »
i also heard that when Sharon dies, Moshiach will arrive

You hear a lot of things.   You ever consider evaluating the things you hear? 

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Re: Rav Kaduri: Moshiach has Arrived (what do you guys think)
« Reply #5 on: July 29, 2010, 07:56:48 PM »
i also heard that when Sharon dies, Moshiach will arrive

You hear a lot of things.   You ever consider evaluating the things you hear? 

my sources are from people who knew the Rav

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Re: Rav Kaduri: Moshiach has Arrived (what do you guys think)
« Reply #6 on: July 29, 2010, 08:00:55 PM »
One who tries to calculate the date of Moshiach his bones will rot... This is the wisdom of the sages, greater sages than this Rav...



The Talmud records:

    Rabbi Shmuel ben Nachmani said in the name of Rabbi Yonaton: "May the spirit of those who calculate the end expire. For they say, "Since the pre-determined time has arrived, and [Moshiach] has yet to come, he will never come!" (Sanhedrin 97b)

    Whoever forecasts the date of Moshiach's arrival has no place in the World to Come. (Derech Eretz 11)

We see that the Talmud is concerned about making calculations regarding the precise day for Moshiach's arrival, since errors in such calculations usually result in national disappointment, and perhaps, revelations of false messiahs. Furthermore, the Talmud states:

    When Rav Zeira happened upon scholars who were engaged [in calculating the date of Moshiach's arrival], he told them, "I beg you! do not postpone it ... for it has been taught, 'Three things come when the mind is occupied otherwise: Moshiach ...'" (Sanhedrin 97a)

Additionally, there is the concern that believing in a specific date will prevent a person from expecting Moshiach earlier than that date, a violation of the principle of "anticipating him any day." Failure to believe this, says Mamonides, can give such a Jew the status of a heretic (Laws of Kings 11:1).

Yet we see that great rabbis over the ages did attempt to predict the precise date of Moshiach's arrival. This is because the prohibition has been interpreted differently by many rabbis throughout the ages, as follows:

According to the Abarbanel (15th century Spain), it is only forbidden to make calculations based on astrology, however it is permissible to calculate the date of Moshiach;s arrival based on Biblical sources (Maayeni HaYeshuah 1:2).

Nachmanides says that the prohibition applied only to earlier generations, and now that we are on the eve of redemption (he was writing in the 13th century!), there is no prohibition (Sefer HaGeulah, Ma'amer 4).

The Malbim (19th century Europe) provides an analogy of a father and son traveling a long distance. As they start out, the son begins to ask when they will arrive, and of course the father does not answer. However, as they near the town, the son asks the same question, and this time the father readily answers that it is only a short while before they reach their destination. "So too, as the time of redemption is clearly approaching, we cannot help but notice the signs all around us that foreshadow that redemption. As the end grows nearer, doubts will become smaller, and at the very end, all doubts will be removed... As the time grows closer, uncertainty recedes in the wake of increasingly abundant wisdom" (Introduction to the Book of Daniel).

The Vilna Gaon (18th century Lithuania), whose commentary offers a formula for calculating the end, entreats those who understand the formula not to reveal it to others:

    "...And from here [what I have just written] you can calculate the time of the Final Redemption if, G-d forbid, we do not merit [to bring it earlier]. However, I have imposed an oath, in the name of the G-d of Israel, on the reader of this that he should not reveal it." (Biur HaGra, Safra D'Tzniusa, Chapter Five)

The events of the 20th century were put into perspective by the greatest Sage of our time. Rabbi Eliyahu Lopian wrote:

    heard in London from the holy Rabbi Elchanan Wasserman, quoting the Chafetz Chaim, that the Sages say the war of Gog and Magog will be threefold. After World War One, the Chafetz Chaim said that this was the first battle of Gog and Magog, and in about 25 years (1942) there would be a second world war, which would make the first one seem insignificant. And then there would be a third battle...

    Rav Elchanan concluded that one must suffer the pangs of Moshiach, but the wise man will quietly prepare himself during that time -- perhaps he will be worthy of seeing the comforting of Tzion and Yerushalayim." (Leiv Eliyahu, Shmot p.172)

It is frightening to think that after so many years of pain and persecution, the Jewish people may be on the brink of true redemption. Who will merit to see this awesome reality? The Talmud teaches:

    Rava said: When they bring a person for judgment, they will ask: "Did you deal faithfully in business? Did you set aside fixed times for Torah? Did you try to have children? Did you anticipate the redemption..."(Shabbat 31a)

This question is not merely theoretical. It will actually determine the quality of each individual's redemptive experience. As Rabbi Yechezkel Levenstein wrote:

    The Exodus from Egypt liberated only one out of five Jews (and some say one out of every 50) because all those who were bound to Egypt and did not want to depart died in the three days of darkness and were not privileged to leave. Only those who desired redemption with all their hearts were redeemed. The Final Redemption, likewise, depends upon our yearning. (Ohr Yechezkel, Emunat HaGeulah)

May we all merit to see the Redemption, speedily in our days.

You shall make yourself the Festival of Sukkoth for seven days, when you gather in [the produce] from your threshing floor and your vat.And you shall rejoice in your Festival-you, and your son, and your daughter, and your manservant, and your maidservant, and the Levite, and the stranger, and the orphan, and the widow, who are within your cities
Duet 16:13-14

Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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Re: Rav Kaduri: Moshiach has Arrived (what do you guys think)
« Reply #7 on: July 29, 2010, 08:02:44 PM »
i also heard that when Sharon dies, Moshiach will arrive

You hear a lot of things.   You ever consider evaluating the things you hear? 

my sources are from people who knew the Rav

I repeat, do you ever consider evaluating the things you hear?

Do you ever consider evaluating the things you hear from rabbis?

Or did have a lobotomy on your cerebral cortex and your mind serves as a robotic recording device instead?

Offline MassuhDGoodName

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Re: Rav Kaduri: Moshiach has Arrived (what do you guys think)
« Reply #8 on: July 29, 2010, 09:02:33 PM »
Rav Kaduri said this at least five years ago.

That is, if he even said it.