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VIDEO: Post-American Speech and Book Signing at the Candidates Forum on Israel
Photo hat tip: Dan Maloney
I had the honor to speak Thursday evening at the candidates forum at Temple Hillel in Woodmere, New York. What a great, enthusiastic crowd. They are primed for a fight, and lord knows we've got the fight of our lives on our hands.
Congressional candidate Dan Maloney, who invited me, and I go back aways. I met Dan when he was a Gathering of Eagles leader, and our paths would always cross while counter-protesting the hostile ugly anti-war crowd or anti-Israel crowd. He was always out there, as was Pamela Hall, who joined me tonight, and David B, another protest warrior. It was old home week. Seriously. It was special. We came in off the street and we cleaned up real nice
![Smiley :)](
The indefatigable Pamela Hall videoed all - she posted my remarks, watch it! As soon as the candidates speeches are uploaded, I will update.
The forum was for candidates running in CD4 and CD5, along with Gary Berntsen running for Senate, regarding issues facing the State of Israel. The forum gave candidates the opportunity to discuss their views on the issues facing Israel and what solutions and options they believe can be achieved.
Every one of these challengers in my corrupt, cesspool Democrat state is impressive, but won't stand a chance against the political NY Democrat machine. This is New York, Chuck Rangel's New York. Gillbrand, who didn't even run, this idiot was picked by Boss Schumer as Hillary Clinton's replacement. I am telling you, it's a brothel.
These men and women I spoke to are so different. They are decent, proud Americans who understand the founding principles of this great nation. They unabashed in their support of our greatest ally in the world, Israel.
Gary Berntsen for Senate looks to be enormously impressive. Charlatan Schumer couldn't wipe this man's boots. Becker, Maloney and Blakeman, Berney, they get my vote in a heartbeat.
Gary Berntsen - U.S. Senate v. Chuck Schumer Google Gary Berntsen see what a war hero isBruce Blakeman - U.S. Senate v. Kirsten Gillibrand
Dan Maloney - U.S. Representative v. Carolyn McCarthy 4th CD
Frank Scaturro - U.S. Representative v. Carolyn McCarthy 4th CD
Fran Becker - U.S. Representative v. Carolyn McCarthy 4th CD
James Milano - U.S. Representative v. Gary Ackerman 5th CD
Liz Berney - U.S. Representative v. Gary Ackerman 5th CD
I don't know the name of the guy from AIPAC who represented Carolyn McCarthy.
Candidate forum 005
Fran Becker, Bruce Blakeman and a political aide
Candidate forum 001
Candidate forum 009
Candidate forum 008
Berntsen, Liz Berney, Dan Maloney, and the coward Carolyn McCarthy's really weak spokesman
Candidate forum 015
Blakeman speaking
Candidate forum 018
Tomorrow night, I am out on the Island to speak at a Candidates Forum at temple Hillel in Woodmere. I will be signing books as well as speaking...........
And don't miss our book signing in Saturday, July 31, Book Revue in conjunction with Premiere. C-Span Book TV will be there: