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Offline Confederate Kahanist

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The End Of The Rule Of Law
« on: August 02, 2010, 05:40:33 PM »

August 2, 2010 by Bob Livingston
The End Of The Rule Of Law

Some call the Barack Obama administration progressive. Some call it socialist. Other terms used are Marxist and communist.

I have called it fascist and corporatist in the past. Now I’ll just call it Evil.

That’s because the rule of law is dead in America. Now we have the rule of man—or government agency. The rule of man—or government agency—is a rule of Evil because it knows only the moral bounds of those making the rules. And it’s evident this administration, its appointments and its goals are amoral, if not immoral.

In America there is a Federal law that makes being in the United States illegally illegal. There is a requirement in the law that those who are not United States citizens but are here legally must carry papers designating their legal status.

That law is not enforced. Why? Someone decided not to. Granted it hasn’t been enforced for some time, maybe since its enactment in the 1940s, but it is a law and it should be enforced or changed. Were we under the rule of law it would be.

In Arizona the legislature followed the rule of law—and the will of its citizens—and passed an immigration law, subsequently signed by Governor Jan Brewer, that mirrored the U.S. law. However the Obama administration made it plain it would not only not help Arizona enforce its law it would work actively against its enforcement. It sued to stop the law from being enacted. It ordered its Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Division not to pick up any illegals Arizona arrested under the law.

What you have is the Federal government prohibiting a state from enforcing a law the Federal government has refused to enforce. Obama decided the law was contrary to his self interest. Obama became the law.

The rule of law was dead and the rule of man—or government agency—had triumphed.

The administration’s challenge of the law was upheld by Federal Judge Susan Bolton and the law gutted and effectively stopped on the day before it was set to take effect. That’s not a surprise. Federal judges, after all, are entities of the government and have come to regularly strike down laws passed by the people.

Bolton, appointed by Democrat Bill Clinton, is probably now hoping for a promotion to the Ninth Circuit, or perhaps to the Supreme Court. With the way Obama hands out job offers, perhaps she’s already been promised one.

Notice that Federal judges rarely strike down laws passed by the fascist elected class contrary to the people’s wishes—or the Constitution.

And while the U.S. Justice Department was working to get Arizona’s legally-passed and lawful immigration law struck down it was doing nothing to require sanctuary cities—those which provide safe harbor to law breakers—to enforce the current immigration law.

The rule of man—or government agency—strikes again.

Meanwhile, thousands of acres of Arizona are now declared off limits to Americans and ceded to Mexican drug cartels and human traffickers. Calls for assistance by local law enforcement to take back their territory—U.S. territory—are ignored by this Evil administration.

On July 23 the Mexican drug cartel Los Zetas crossed into Texas and commandeered two ranches just outside of Laredo. The ranchers, thankfully, escaped without injury. Local law enforcement, outgunned and outmanned by a paramilitary group trained by U.S. agents, don’t know what to do to remove Los Zetas and return the ranches to their owners. Calls for Federal help have gone unheeded. You probably have not even heard about this. The mainstream media didn’t report the incident.

Obama has decided enforcing our Southern border is contrary to his interests. He told Senator Jon Kyl (R-Ariz.) that he was not interested in border enforcement because if border enforcement was stepped up Republicans would be reluctant to move on comprehensive immigration reform.

The rule of man—or government agency—is sovereign.

The Obama Justice Department under Attorney General Eric Holder—who has called Americans a nation of cowards when it comes to race—threw out charges against three members of the New Black Panther Party (NBPP) who were convicted of intimidating voters outside a Pennsylvania voting booth. Some of those same NBPP members have called for the killing of “white cracker babies.”

The Obama Justice Department turned a blind eye.

The rule of man—or government agency—takes precedence.

Ignoring the Constitution Congress passed a healthcare reform bill—dubbed Obamacare—against the will of the majority. It will impose onerous taxes and regulations on the citizens and result in rationing of substandard healthcare and higher prices.

Obama, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) are the new Axis of Evil. They pushed the bill through despite massive grassroots protests, and when asked where in the Constitution they got the authority, they scoffed.

The rule of man—or government agency—is supreme. The Axis of Evil knows this.

Seeking to drive up energy costs and limit the amount of energy resources available to Americans, Obama and his Axis of Evil cohorts want to pass a Cap and Trade bill. Obama is on record and on video acknowledging such a bill will “necessarily cause energy costs to skyrocket.”

Fascists hoping to secure their re-election have become hesitant to embrace a comprehensive energy tax bill before November, but hold out the prospect of passing it after the election. The Axis of Evil wants it done as soon as it’s politically feasible—even if that means during a lame duck session of Congress.

If that fails the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has said it will enact its own version of Cap and Trade. There is no provision for such a thing in the Constitution. That no longer matters.

The rule of man—or government agency—trumps all.

After several false flag terrorist events on airliners the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) began installing backscatter x-ray machines—naked body scanners—in airports and requiring passengers to pass through them before boarding an airplane.

Oh yes, you can decline the cancer-causing dose of radiation, but you must subject yourself to a full-body groping by TSA personnel. Many who have chosen this alternative have described the procedure as being done contemptuously by the agent, as if by declining the irradiation you have somehow offended the agent in charge of your humiliation.

Some who have protested at the vigor with which the agent poked, prodded and felt in the most private of places have then been hauled into back rooms, interrogated as if they were criminals and strip searched. Usually this extra-curricular harassment lasted until the passenger’s plane had long since left the terminal. Some passengers have even been arrested.

Now there is word the TSA wants portable backscatter x-ray machines so they can irradiate and ogle passengers boarding trains and buses and people entering sporting events and concerts.

This is the Evil of the rule of man—or government agency.

For the last several years Federal Reserve policies kept interest rates unjustifiably low, creating a bubble in housing and other sectors of the economy. Large financial institutions, with nothing to lose because of government regulations in place to save them, played fast and loose with investments. They played both sides against the middle and falsified the risk to their investors.

The economy imploded and about 15 million Americans are now out of work, millions more are underemployed, and many have lost their homes, their retirements, their businesses and their dignity.

At the same time, those responsible for regulating those institutions—including members of Congress—received special enrichment deals like low-interest loans and cushy lobbying jobs. The institutions received government bailouts, the members of Congress and the regulators felt no pain, only gain.

In the recently-passed financial reform legislation, pushed by the Axis of Evil and signed into law by Obama last week, is a provision that exempts the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) from disclosing records or information compiled during investigations, even if requested under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). It was FIOA requests by Fox Business Channel that led to the discovery of SEC failures in the Bernie Madoff, R. Allen Stanford and Pequot Asset Management cases that resulted in new charges being filed and a revamp of SEC policies.

The SEC was embarrassed because it had failed to properly investigate those cases. You can be certain it’s no accident those provisions were in the new law.

The financial reform legislation also puts an end to free checking accounts, raises fees for ATMs and makes credit difficult to obtain. It gives the President broad new unconstitutional powers. What it doesn’t do is what the Axis of Evil said it would: reduce the chance that another financial meltdown will occur.

The rule of man—or government agency—prevailed.

As the economy continues to limp along we get mixed signals out of the Axis of Evil and their minions—Ben Bernanke, Timothy Geithner . “Everything is fine.” “We’ve created or saved millions of jobs.” “The economy is on the rebound.” “Green shoots.” “The weakness will continue.” “We need more stimulus.” “Extend tax cuts.” “Repeal tax cuts.”

All the while they are killing jobs and stifling economic growth through stimulus bills, regulation, uncertainty, higher taxes, extended unemployment benefits and outright, overt attempts to destroy the oil industry in America by preventing new drilling in the Gulf of Mexico and on the U.S. mainland.

They don’t warn you of the coming crash. They don’t tell you to buy gold. They deny that inflation is here and hyperinflation is coming. They want you impoverished. They want you subservient. They want you crawling to them in need. They are Evil.

The rule of man—or government agency—protects its own at the expense of the populace.

And Obama surrounds himself with like-minded thinkers, appointing czars over this and that and making unjustified recess appointments—bypassing the Constitutional requirement that cabinet heads be appointed with the advice and consent of the Senate.

And who are these people he’s appointing? They are avowed communists, practicing Marxists, anti-Semitic Islamists, perverts that promote sex with children, homosexual activists, secularists, atheists and radical environmentalists.

Unlike the rule of law, which is color blind and equal, the rule of man—or government agency—is out for one thing: Creating a totalitarian state and advancing the agenda and enrichment of the man (or woman) setting the policy and running the agency.

That is Evil.
Chad M ~ Your rebel against white guilt

Offline Debbie Shafer

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Re: The End Of The Rule Of Law
« Reply #1 on: August 22, 2010, 05:47:55 PM »
Every day we wake up to see more changes implemented.  Will God Intervene?

Offline MassuhDGoodName

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Re: The End Of The Rule Of Law
« Reply #2 on: August 22, 2010, 06:29:30 PM »
Debbie Shafer:  "Will G-d Intervene? "

G-d can only intervene on behalf of a people who are worthy and deserving.

He will not do for us what we are not willing to do for ourselves.

The path to Freedom and Liberty is well known, but so far most Americans are proving to the entire world as well as to their Creator that they are more interested in "Jersey Shore", beer, drugs, and sex than they are interested in restoring their Constitution and Bill of Rights.

America is following closely the same road as ancient Rome and in my opinion the U.S.A. is fast approaching the conditions described in the last two sentence below:

Several hundred years of glorious Republic, the Rule of Law, austerity and sacrifice leading to prosperity and great wealth.

Soon thereafter the following generations succumb to luxury and become corrupt.

Civil unrest and rebellion, followed by the establishment of a welfare entitlements to pacify a  growing restless underclass.

Endless foreign military adventures to secure more wealth and resources required to replenish an ever smaller Treasury, all under the guise of "stopping the barbarian invasion and civilizing them".

Bankruptcy, civil war, the internal collapse of The Republic.

A strong man - The Imperator - having personal charisma and the backing of the military and underclass, rises to power to restore domestic order and peace, all done "in the name of the Republic" which no longer exists.