Amalek Win?
July 25, 2010
The day after Tish b’Av, I had a chance to speak to Rabbi A., an elderly and highly respected Rabbi in the States (most readers know who he is, but I have no permission to publicize our conversation). I asked him, “Do you think Amalek won in WWII, in the sense that the Jewish people doubt that HaShem will save us in our current situation?”
He wisely replied (and confirmed my answer), “The Torah always tells us not to ever forget what Amalek did to us. Yes.“
Then, interestingly, he spoke tangentially about his “fear for his children and grandchildren” that America will become a Muslim nation in the next 20 to 30 years. He explained that sources say the final exile will be the exile of Yishmael, and hence, that Yishmaelic exile will perforce include America.
I suggested that sources indicate a partership between Esav and Ishmael at the End of Days, and that Ishmael is Esav’s spear, and that the Yishmaelic exile is, in fact, already happening with respsect to E”Y. I suggested that I don’t forsee America or Russia succumbing to Yishmael, but rather remaining true to charachter as Esav.
He replied, “I’m not so sure about that.”
I then asked him, “And so what is your response to this, l’maaser (in practice). Do you feel Jews should look toward moving to E’Y given your feelings?”
He replied, “Yes.” We spoke about his parenting in this regard, to both children and grandchildren, and he stated that several live in E”Y. He also he agreed that American Charedi educators and leadership should do much more to inculcate and emphasize that Jewish people strive to live in E”Y.
As I walked home from shul, I reflected on our conversation. I thought about the growing Islamic outreach phenomena in my mostly black neighborhood. It started about two years ago with a “Why Islam? A Religion of Diversity” billboard campaign. Now, when I visit the mall, I see many more black women with hijabs. And I also thought, in the future, could hoards of upset white Russians, Europeans, and Americans decide Islam is their answer?
I thought to myself, “Rabbi A. has a point.”
Then, later in the day, because of a payroll check mailing screw up, one of my managers had to come to my office to pick up her check. My manager is black, and her 21 year old daughter was with her. This daughter is a very nice girl, and attends college. I have met her before, and was impressed.
It was a very hot day and she wore a strapless dress. I noticed a tattoo on her arm, in red Arabic letters.
I’ve thought about the Islamization of American blacks before, but brushed it off as relatively insignificant. But given the synchronicity of events that day, HaShem was definitely trying to send me a message.
This trend is not insignificant.
Tragically, these new black converts to Islam have no idea what they are really signing up for. Faced with no religious alternative save the “white man’s” Christianity, they think that they are joining an upright religion of diversity and peace.
But really they are willing victims of Yishmael’s cynical campaign to build an army of second-class Muslim slaves. I can only imagine what the racist Arabs say behind closed doors after they do an “instant Shahadah (conversion)”.
Here is a video clip of a young African American explaining why he converted to Islam. Its gives good insight into what goes on in black convert’s minds and the tremendous naivete involved. And, at the end of the video, note who he thanks for helping him find this path!!