Author Topic: Jewish woman assaulted in supermarket in France for shopping ramadamm  (Read 2555 times)

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Jewish woman victim of Ramadan attack in France

Le Point (French) reports on a young Jewish woman who filed a complaint after being assaulted in a supermarket in Toulouse. The victim said she was harassed by two teenagers who accused her of buying food during the day of the Ramadan fast. The woman told them that she was allowed to buy food because she wasn't Muslim as they assumed, but Jewish.

Big mistake.

This new fact caused the "youths" to become more angry. After they called her a "dirty Jewess", they hit her on the head, knocking her down to the floor.

A security guard watched the scene without intervening. When questioned by investigators about the reasons for his indifference, the man explained that he respected Ramadan and also he was hungry and anxious to leave in order to eat at sunset.

In an earlier incident, a Senegalese man who was eating during the daytime in a restaurant in Lyons was attacked, hit in the head with both a glass bottle and with a chair. His skull was fractured and he underwent surgery.
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Re: Jewish woman assaulted in supermarket in France for shopping ramadamm
« Reply #1 on: August 25, 2010, 11:31:54 AM »
I'm waiting for the Leftists to protest the barbarism to the Jewish woman and the Senegalese man.
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Re: Jewish woman assaulted in supermarket in France for shopping ramadamm
« Reply #2 on: August 25, 2010, 06:50:21 PM »
Forget the leftists, how about average French?

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Re: Jewish woman assaulted in supermarket in France for shopping ramadamm
« Reply #3 on: August 25, 2010, 06:52:54 PM »
They wont do sh**, they are the new Hitlers, the Left

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Re: Jewish woman assaulted in supermarket in France for shopping ramadamm
« Reply #4 on: August 25, 2010, 06:57:09 PM »
Forget the leftists, how about average French?

They don't care. France has always been an antisemitic country.

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Re: Jewish woman assaulted in supermarket in France for shopping ramadamm
« Reply #5 on: August 25, 2010, 07:02:06 PM »
Forget the leftists, how about average French?

What's the difference
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Re: Jewish woman assaulted in supermarket in France for shopping ramadamm
« Reply #6 on: August 25, 2010, 07:09:59 PM »
The Euronazis would rather see their countries destroyed than lift a finger at the enemies of the Jews.

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Re: Jewish woman assaulted in supermarket in France for shopping ramadamm
« Reply #7 on: August 25, 2010, 09:36:50 PM »
Forget the leftists, how about average French?

They don't care. France has always been an antisemitic country.

Why do you say that?

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Re: Jewish woman assaulted in supermarket in France for shopping ramadamm
« Reply #8 on: August 25, 2010, 10:09:37 PM »
Forget the leftists, how about average French?

They don't care. France has always been an antisemitic country.

Why do you say that?

From Dreyfus to Vichy they have a sordid history.  Not that they are all bad.
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Re: Jewish woman assaulted in supermarket in France for shopping ramadamm
« Reply #9 on: August 25, 2010, 10:59:15 PM »
France is certainly making an antisemitic turn lately...

Have you heard about the synagogue desecrations, death threats, and cemetery desecrations?

Here is an article from today on A7 news...

Death Threats, Bullets and a Pig's Head: Attacks on Synagogues
Elul 15, 5770, 25 August 10 07:27
by Chana Ya'ar

( Neo-Nazis are continuing to perpetrate anti-Semitic attacks in countries across both eastern and western Europe, with at least two incidents reported this week, although one actually occurred earlier in the month.

Officials at a French synagogue received an envelope containing bullets and a letter with death threats when they returned this week from summer vacation. The letter, also marked with a swastika, was mailed August 14 but was only discovered Tuesday.

The synagogue is located in Drancy, a northern Paris suburb that had been the site of a Vichy government internment camp during World War II. Some 65,000 Jews were imprisoned in the camp from which they were then deported to Nazi death camps.

According to the AFP news agency, a memorial at the site of the Drancy internment camp has been vandalized by anti-Semites at least twice since it was was established in 1976.

Sammy Ghozlan, head of a national French organization that monitors anti-Semitism, has urged the government to “beef up security in all places of worship” in advance of the approaching Jewish High Holy Days.

Ghozlan himself was targeted in May by arsonists who torched his car outside his home in the Paris suburb of Blanc-Mesnil. A retired French police captain, Ghozlan heads the Bureau National de Vigilance Contre l'Antisemitisme (National Bureau for Vigilance Against Anti-Semitism).

The Jewish New Year, Rosh HaShanah, begins September 9, followed 10 days later by the holiest day in the Jewish calendar, Yom Kippur, and shortly thereafter by the week-long holiday of Sukkot, which concludes with the holiday of Simchat Torah.

Pig’s Head at the Synagogue Door

A pig’s head was left at the door of a synagogue in the second largest city in Lithuania, Kaunas – a particularly offensive attack due to the non-kosher status of swine in Jewish dietary laws. The incident occurred on Saturday, the Jewish holy day of rest.

Chief Rabbi Chaim Burstein and Lithuanian Jewish community executive director Simonas Alperavicius together issued a statement condemning the incident. “The Lithuanian Jewish community and the religious community of Lithuanian Jews judge this as a Nazi provocation aimed at insulting the ethnic and religious feelings of Lithuanian Jews,” they said.

“We hope that Lithuanian society will not be impassive as this act of a few anti-Semitic vandals does not reflect the attitude of Lithuanian society,” Gurevicius added in a subsequent comment to the AFP news service.

Barely 10 percent of Lithuanian’s 5,000-strong Jewish population lives in Kaunas, according to Gurevicius. The Jews of Lithuania are a scant remnant of the 220,000 Jews who once resided in the country. Prior to the Holocaust, Kaunas had some 25 synagogues and shtiebelach (prayer houses). Today, only one synagogue, built in 1872, remains.

The nation’s capital, Vilnius, was known prior to World War II as “Jerusalem of the North,” with more than 100 synagogues in that city alone. A cultural metropolis for Torah Judaism, Vilnius was the world center for yeshiva learning at the end of the 1800s.

The Nazis and their Lithuanian collaborators succeeded in murdering 95 percent of the country’s Jewish population between 1941 and 1944.

 Kaunas police have launched a formal investigation into the latest anti-Semitic incident, but no suspects have as yet been arrested.
You shall make yourself the Festival of Sukkoth for seven days, when you gather in [the produce] from your threshing floor and your vat.And you shall rejoice in your Festival-you, and your son, and your daughter, and your manservant, and your maidservant, and the Levite, and the stranger, and the orphan, and the widow, who are within your cities
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Re: Jewish woman assaulted in supermarket in France for shopping ramadamm
« Reply #10 on: August 26, 2010, 12:46:30 AM »
I wish I had been there. I would have "assisted" the Jewish woman. I would have sent a STRONG message to the store. I am one tough Jew.

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Re: Jewish woman assaulted in supermarket in France for shopping ramadamm
« Reply #11 on: August 26, 2010, 06:36:11 AM »
I think maybe she should have said she has an interest in Islam but has not yet adopted the religion. That way she wouldn't have had to lie about being a non-Muslim but she wouldn't have had to give them the whole truth either. Also her interest in Islam could in reality be an interest in how to defeat it, but she didn't need to say that either. She could also have said she was buying food to eat after sunset.

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Re: Jewish woman assaulted in supermarket in France for shopping ramadamm
« Reply #12 on: August 26, 2010, 09:13:03 AM »
BS to Ramajhan.

France is not a muslamic country and no Jewish woman is supposed to make excuse in any country on this earth for eating and purchasing food during the so-called ramajhan. The muslamice hooligan terrorist youths have no business attacking any Jew on any pretext anywhere.

Both involved muslimices should be hanged.
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Re: Jewish woman assaulted in supermarket in France for shopping ramadamm
« Reply #13 on: August 26, 2010, 02:04:47 PM »
I think maybe she should have said she has an interest in Islam but has not yet adopted the religion. That way she wouldn't have had to lie about being a non-Muslim but she wouldn't have had to give them the whole truth either. Also her interest in Islam could in reality be an interest in how to defeat it, but she didn't need to say that either. She could also have said she was buying food to eat after sunset.

We must not try to appease violent criminals by using 'what if' scenarios. 

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Re: Jewish woman assaulted in supermarket in France for shopping ramadamm
« Reply #14 on: August 26, 2010, 02:20:50 PM »
I'm waiting for the Leftists to protest the barbarism to the Jewish woman and the Senegalese man.

There you can wait long EB. The leftists have completly sided with the quranimals. The Muslims have beaten a black guy in Berlin into invalidity, there was no word from the left. Victims didn't count if the perpetrator is a Muslim. Muslims are free to commit in any western countries every crime. I think sometimes the leftists think that non Muslims deserve to be victimized. It is no issue of color or race, but faith. I hope the Muslims will get the leftists first. They deserve an iislamic enrichment.
"Cities run by progressives don't know how to police. ... Thirty cities went up last night, I went and looked at every one of them. Every one of them has a progressive Democratic mayor." Rudolph Giuliani

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Re: Jewish woman assaulted in supermarket in France for shopping ramadamm
« Reply #15 on: August 31, 2010, 08:53:47 PM »

From Dreyfus to Vichy they have a sordid history.  Not that they are all bad.

I didn't know about the dryfus affair, a very interesting event. This event demonstrated France to be divided to an extent because even though military personell conspired to keep dreyfus locked up when they knew he was innocent it was actually public outrage that helped drefus to eventually become free. The public split into two factions and the faction wishing dreyfus to be free must have been stronger and so a significant portion of the french population wasnt antisemitic then.

Word of the military court's framing of Alfred Dreyfus and of an attendant cover-up began to spread largely due to J'accuse, a vehement public open letter in a Paris newspaper by writer Émile Zola, in January 1898. The case had to be re-opened and Alfred Dreyfus was brought back from Guiana in 1899 to be tried again. The intense political and judicial scandal that ensued divided French society between those who supported Dreyfus (the Dreyfusards[2]), such as Anatole France, Henri Poincaré or Georges Clémenceau, and those who condemned him (the anti-Dreyfusards), such as Edouard Drumont (the director and publisher of the antisemitic newspaper La Libre Parole) and Hubert-Joseph Henry.

Eventually, all the accusations against Alfred Dreyfus were demonstrated to be baseless. Dreyfus was exonerated and reinstated as a major in the French Army in 1906. He later served during the whole of World War I, ending his service with the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel.

« Last Edit: August 31, 2010, 09:01:02 PM by lines »

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Re: Jewish woman assaulted in supermarket in France for shopping ramadamm
« Reply #16 on: August 31, 2010, 08:59:56 PM »
Vichy France was a very shameful perid in French history, in the vichy period Ffrance seemed to split into two factions as it did with regards to the dreyfus affair based on this wiki article:

Within Vichy France there was a low-intensity civil war between the French Resistance drawn mainly, though not exclusively, from the Communist and Republican elements of society against the reactionary elements who desired a fascist or similar regime as in Francisco Franco's Spain. This civil war can be seen as the continuation of a division existing within French society since the 1789 French Revolution...