Re: NK
I read the written debate/dialogue on the Yeshiva World News and found their rationale for their position to be extremely weak.
They worship the East European shtetl experience that gave rise to their cult, and therefore must at all costs reject anything that would threaten their Exile. They openly beg G-d in their prayers to torture and kill all the Jews left in the world as a proper and suitable treatment for Jews, rather than accept the reality of a State of Israel now having the majority of the world's Jewish population living in it. They worship a G-d whom they have anthromorphize in their own image. According to the NK position, if Ha'Shem had actually approved of the Jews return to Eretz Yisrael the land would have suddenly and immediately bloomed with fruit and flowers of gigantic proportion without a single Jew doing so much as lifting a finger to plant a tree! ... and only Moshiach is allowed to would go throughout the world and personally send all the Jews back to Eretz Yisrael on the backs of eagles [quite literally eagles]. I strongly agree with muman613 as to their wickedness: If their only disagreement was in their rejection of a Jewish State and they kept to themselves and practiced their version of Judaism, there would be no problem with them. It's their open and activist support of outright Nazis and Islamic Jihad Terrorist Murderers which is an outrage - made doubly so by the fact that those to whom they publicly lend support call for the immediate extermination of all Jews. Look hard at these characters and then perhaps you might at the least have some understanding of why the Labor Zionists rejected religion early on in their struggle to reach power. There is nothing such a mentality as these NK promote could have ever done to achieve Jewish freedom in the Jewish Homeland - their very presence would guarantee failure and disunity. Nowhere in scripture are the Jews presented as being puny, whiny, weak men with black coats and black hats who don't do any work, refuse to stand on their own two feet to help themselves, and beg and plead for their enemies to torture and murder Jews.