Author Topic: Black rapist  (Read 39283 times)

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Re: Black rapist
« Reply #25 on: September 22, 2006, 03:31:44 PM »
That last post was neither mature nor justified, from what I have read of his posts, "Rich" is only just beginning to understand a lot of what goes on in the world, calling him evil just because he is yet to understand some things is neither kind, nor justified.

I second you on that, Rhuan.
Yeah, the second part is a bit too much.

Offline Rich

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Re: Black rapist
« Reply #26 on: September 22, 2006, 03:49:08 PM »
You guys are all clearly intelligent (other than thunderbolt, who's too far up his ass to realise that #1, i couldn't care less what Chaim has to do with my personal life, and #2, associating me with evil, purely because i'm trying to convince some of you to stop spreading hate, is one of the stupidest things i've ever heard), which makes me even more surprised to hear such stupidly superioristic, racist views coming from you.

As for my treatment-of-blacks-in-history comment, i'd like to make it clear i was only using that as a way of perhaps broadening your minds as to how bad white people can be as well as all other races. Don't take that as me giving others an excuse to hate whites.

Back to the point:

Look at all the countries run by black themselves. All there is is crime, corruption, genocide, rapes, and slavery
Yes, i do not doubt that in history it can be proved that Black origin countries have had far worse problems than us, but i fail to see what that has to do with the modern world. The point is, in this multicultural society that we all live in, where all races should be able to live together as equals, why is there any need to have such racist views? Racism is one huge vicious circle.

El Cabong!

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Re: Black rapist
« Reply #27 on: September 22, 2006, 03:54:17 PM »
I'm telling you that they can't govern themselves because of their instinctual primitive thinking. Look at all the European countries and look at the african countries where the blacks that were brought here as slaves came from. Look at the difference in culture, social, religious and technological advancements. They just don't have it yet to join the modern world. They're like muslims without islam.
« Last Edit: September 22, 2006, 04:05:07 PM by El Cabong! »

Offline kahaneloyalist

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Re: Black rapist
« Reply #28 on: September 22, 2006, 04:03:08 PM »
We are not racists, we judge people as individuals. If someone is white and bad he is bad if he is black and good he is good. It just happens to be that most blacks are Jew haters. The three biggest black leaders are all proud Jew haters, Farakkan, Jackson, and Al Sharpton.

Polls have consistently shown the vast majority of blacks support the Arabs against the Jews, and this has been the case for decades.

When the Black Panthers were a force it was not the white man they had a special hatred for but Jews. Their were attempts by the Black Panthers, foiled by Rabbi Kahane zt'l to force Jewish shuls to pay "reparations" to the black community. The rhetoric and sheer vile Jew hatred that flowed from that organization is comparable with that of the Nazis.

But I repeat there are good and bad people. If anyone black is a friend of the Jewish people I consider them a good person.

I also wish to make absolutely clear that anyone regardless of race can be Jewish and is as Jewish as anyone born to Jewish parents.
"For it is through the mercy of fools that all Justice is lost"


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Re: Black rapist
« Reply #29 on: September 22, 2006, 04:07:24 PM »
Look at all the countries run by black themselves. All there is is crime, corruption, genocide, rapes, and slavery. The majority of criminals in prison are black. The majority of kids who get kicked out of school are black. The majority of alcoholics and drug addicts are black. Therefore I ask this, is it any wonder that the majority of people (even blacks) are suspicious and cautious when around black people?

They are their own worst enemy. They kill each other, sell drugs in their own house, have very little moral, principles or decency if any at all. I'm not saying all of them, just the majority.

Of course some bleeding heart a-hole will alway blame whites, just as they bale America for 9/11. Whit guilt by these lefty libs has taken ridiculousness to an absurd level in this country. Look at France and you will see America in 20 years if we don't do something about immigration, crime, terrorists and muslims.
Yes.  We WERE a wealthy country, and wealthy countries can afford to dream about things like advanced African civilizations, brilliant black doctors, women warriors, etc.

Offline Rich

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Re: Black rapist
« Reply #30 on: September 22, 2006, 04:09:05 PM »
Thankyou kahaneloyalist that was a good post.


I'm telling you that they can't govern themselves because of their instinctual primitive thinking. Look at all the European countries and look at the african countries where the blacks that were brought here as slaves came from. Look at the difference in culture, social, religious and technological advancements. They just don't have it yet to join the modern world.

So why post in a thread about an article complaining about black people in the USA? The use of "instinctual primitive thinking" is a very naive thing to say. If you had been brought up in a 3rd world African country you'd be just as "primitive" as they are.


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Re: Black rapist
« Reply #31 on: September 22, 2006, 04:23:29 PM »
You guys are all clearly intelligent (other than thunderbolt, who's too far up his ass to realise that #1, i couldn't care less what Chaim has to do with my personal life, and #2, associating me with evil, purely because i'm trying to convince some of you to stop spreading hate, is one of the stupidest things i've ever heard), which makes me even more surprised to hear such stupidly superioristic, racist views coming from you.

As for my treatment-of-blacks-in-history comment, i'd like to make it clear i was only using that as a way of perhaps broadening your minds as to how bad white people can be as well as all other races. Don't take that as me giving others an excuse to hate whites.

Most of us aren't racists, we're simply willing to face reality.  You may dislike Chaim but you must admit that there is no one in the mainstream media who speaks the way that he does.  This is what makes JTF special.  JTF offers a voice for likeminded people who are tired of being censored.

There are a few posters here (probably young) that haven't learned what Rabbi Kahane said, "Those that cannot debate, defame." 

Instead of calling what we say stupid and racist, why not simply debate with us in a reasonable and logical manner.

You will have no support if all you do is insult us.


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Re: Black rapist
« Reply #32 on: September 22, 2006, 04:35:42 PM »
Did anyone ever notice the spelling of rapist is rap-ist...what a coincidence. ;D


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Re: Black rapist
« Reply #33 on: September 22, 2006, 04:46:12 PM »
A racist is someone that doesn't like anyone of a given race.  This is indeed backward neo-nazi 'thinking.'

This is not our way.  We praise all decent people of all races, and condemn all vicious people.

We are simply realistic about the fact that an overwhelming number of black people behave very badly.

Offline cjd

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Re: Black rapist
« Reply #34 on: September 22, 2006, 04:55:45 PM »
People talk endlessly about white racists, no one mentions black people being racist against white people

I understand your view point on this, but remember how badly white people have treated other races in the past, a minority of anti-white people is barely a scratch on what we did to them.

How badly have whites treated blacks is it  as bad as blacks treat other blacks in their wondrous homeland of Africa. They slave and kill their own kind like roaches to this day.  Do you really think that whites went into the jungles of Africa to bring out slaves to be sold to the slave traders? It was their fellow blacks.  I have visited quite a few of the old  plantations and I will tell you the accommodations given to most slaves were not all that bad given the accommodations most people had to live in a few hundred years ago. When I visited Mount Vernon  I was quite surprised how well built and comfortable the slave quarters looked. Brick floors and fire places shingle roof. Many colonest lived in sod  shacks with dirt floors. Italians, Jews Irish all faced the same rough going and prejudice when they came to this country. Back breaking work for very little money and no help from anywhere. The difference is they made there way whereas blacks are still crying the miseries a 150 years after slavery was abolished. Why hasn't this group been able to pull them selves up like the others. No matter what the government does its never enough to level the playing field for that group. Granted many blacks are quite successful however they are looked at with disdain by fellow blacks. You are not going to teach people on this forum anything its you that needs to research your historical facts. The real ones not the the politically corrected ones.
He who overlooks one crime invites the commission of another.        Syrus.

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Re: Black rapist
« Reply #35 on: September 22, 2006, 05:00:05 PM »
People talk endlessly about white racists, no one mentions black people being racist against white people

I understand your view point on this, but remember how badly white people have treated other races in the past, a minority of anti-white people is barely a scratch on what we did to them.

How badly have whites treated blacks is it  as bad as blacks treat other blacks in their wondrous homeland of Africa. They slave and kill their own kind like roaches to this day.  Do you really think that whites went into the jungles of Africa to bring out slaves to be sold to the slave traders? It was their fellow blacks.  I have visited quite a few of the old  plantations and I will tell you the accommodations given to most slaves were not all that bad given the accommodations most people had to live in a few hundred years ago. When I visited Mount Vernon  I was quite surprised how well built and comfortable the slave quarters looked. Brick floors and fire places shingle roof. Many colonest lived in sod  shacks with dirt floors. Italians, Jews Irish all faced the same rough going and prejudice when they came to this country. Back breaking work for very little money and no help from anywhere. The difference is they made there way whereas blacks are still crying the miseries a 150 years after slavery was abolished. Why hasn't this group been able to pull them selves up like the others. No matter what the government does its never enough to level the playing field for that group. Granted many blacks are quite successful however they are looked at with disdain by fellow blacks. You are not going to teach people on this forum anything its you that needs to research your historical facts. The real ones not the the politically corrected ones.

El Cabong!

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Re: Black rapist
« Reply #36 on: September 22, 2006, 05:07:06 PM »

I'm telling you that they can't govern themselves because of their instinctual primitive thinking. Look at all the European countries and look at the african countries where the blacks that were brought here as slaves came from. Look at the difference in culture, social, religious and technological advancements. They just don't have it yet to join the modern world.

So why post in a thread about an article complaining about black people in the USA? The use of "instinctual primitive thinking" is a very naive thing to say.

Because it shows they were backwards BEFORE they came here and continue to be so. Your inability to understand much and your necessity to have everything explained to you shows all your age and immaturity.

 If you had been brought up in a 3rd world African country you'd be just as "primitive" as they are.

Now that would be true if I was black, but I'm not so it was a real dumb comment to make. Many whites are brought up in third world countries and don't have the instinctual primitive thinking that always reverts back to sexual fornication, criminal activities and the taking of lives with no remorse.

Asking me why I'm posting in this thread is equally stupid as you make no sense with that question. No wonder you post such ridiculous comments.


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Re: Black rapist
« Reply #37 on: September 22, 2006, 05:18:14 PM »
« Last Edit: April 27, 2007, 07:26:04 PM by ftf »

El Cabong!

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Re: Black rapist
« Reply #38 on: September 22, 2006, 07:52:33 PM »
Careful, Rhuan, you're starting to think like a true JTF'er.
« Last Edit: April 27, 2007, 07:26:15 PM by ftf »

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Re: Black rapist
« Reply #39 on: September 22, 2006, 08:17:53 PM »
This link tells all about blacks:

JTF is not a racist organization it simply condemns the evil behavior of the blacks!
Isaiah 62:1 -  For Zion's sake I am not silent, And for Jerusalem's sake I do not rest, Till her righteousness go out as brightness, And her salvation, as a torch that burns.

Offline genteelgentile

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Re: Black rapist
« Reply #40 on: September 23, 2006, 10:59:26 PM »
It is simple.  Got to a predominantly black neighborhood.  See for yourself.  Trash in front yards, sofas, tire piles.  Many blacks have given up trying to improve and exist to make us miserable.  They take our welfare money and spend it on hair weaves, jewelry, and those [censored] stupid chrome wheels for their cars.  I once was a liberal but I realized I was lying to myself.
I LOVE dogs because muslims do not!!!!  Have your dog kiss a muslim today!


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Re: Black rapist
« Reply #41 on: September 26, 2006, 11:01:30 AM »
What happened to Rich?

Will he not debate us? 

I really can't blame him. ;)

Offline Darnell

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Re: Black rapist
« Reply #42 on: October 03, 2006, 10:44:40 PM »
What's up fellas? I'm Darnell , man. I live in NYC.

I fucks alot of White women; I'd say i've [censored] about 40 of them so far, and I never break the golden rule: I never approach any of them, they all come asking for it. If i had to stare at a scrawny white wimp with a 2 inch dick and a small ball-sack everynight, i'd flock to Black men too.

If you guys need some pointers, don't be shy about giving me a shout. It's all peace and love man.



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Re: Black rapist
« Reply #43 on: October 03, 2006, 11:05:08 PM »
What's up fellas? I'm Darnell , man. I live in NYC.

I fucks alot of White women; I'd say i've deleted about 40 of them so far, and I never break the golden rule: I never approach any of them, they all come asking for it. If i had to stare at a scrawny white wimp with a 2 inch deleted and a small ball-sack everynight, i'd flock to Black men too.

If you guys need some pointers, don't be shy about giving me a shout. It's all peace and love man.


Is this the reincarnation of Rhuan?   :D

El Cabong!

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Re: Black rapist
« Reply #44 on: October 03, 2006, 11:17:31 PM »
I already reported him to moderator but I think I'll im JSullivan.

Offline Shlomo

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Re: Black rapist
« Reply #45 on: October 03, 2006, 11:21:41 PM »
I already reported him to moderator but I think I'll im JSullivan.
I already did.

We have another moron who didn't get enough attention as a child.
"In the final analysis, for the believer there are no questions, and for the non-believer there are no answers." -Chofetz Chaim

El Cabong!

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Re: Black rapist
« Reply #46 on: October 03, 2006, 11:21:47 PM »
What's up fellas? I'm Darnell , man. I live in NYC.

I fucks alot of White women; I'd say i've deleted about 40 of them so far, and I never break the golden rule: I never approach any of them, they all come asking for it. If i had to stare at a scrawny white wimp with a 2 inch deleted and a small ball-sack everynight, i'd flock to Black men too.

If you guys need some pointers, don't be shy about giving me a shout. It's all peace and love man.


I bet yo momma taught you about being a whore and a slut just like she is lol!

El Cabong!

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Re: Black rapist
« Reply #47 on: October 03, 2006, 11:25:31 PM »
I already reported him to moderator but I think I'll im JSullivan.
I already did.

We have another moron who didn't get enough attention as a child.

This is why they're so loud and disruptive, no attention or love when they were children, although I don't think this idiot is a shcwartza.

Offline Darnell

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Re: Black rapist
« Reply #48 on: October 03, 2006, 11:27:59 PM »
No, I don't know who Rhuan is , man. In a nutshell: I'm here because I'm tired of White women brushing up against me to cop a feel of my big black dyck even in the presence of their husbands, making out with me in front of their white boyfeinds, etc.

Initially, my ego got a kick out of it, but now i'm just overidden with shame and guilt. Not shame and guilt associated with my actions, but shame and guilt for the male species. It's where you guys come in: You are White but you're also my brothers, and I'm ashamed of what the White model of the male species has become. At least muster up enough courage to confront a brother who sticks his hand down your blonde's pants right inf ront of lie, man....had a few too many at the club last month and got way outta hand with this chick in front of her boyfiend, I kept pushing the envelope to see when he would step in. The wimp stood on the sidelines the whole time (Prolly with a stiff wood)!

The altruist in me wants to help you re-instill some pride, some sense of masculinity, confidence, you know, things that make a White girls' panties wet.

Hopefully I can transform that keyboard courage into the courage needed to confront some homey slobbing on your White Queen.

Then we can all walk hand in hand as real men.


Nothin but love!

Y'all wouldn't ban a brother, man? I've been reading up and down these threads, there's nothing here but hate masquerading as religion. Who gets banned for that?
« Last Edit: October 03, 2006, 11:42:29 PM by Darnell »

El Cabong!

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Re: Black rapist
« Reply #49 on: October 03, 2006, 11:33:54 PM »
No, I don't know who Rhuan is , man. In a nutshell: I'm here because I'm tired of White women brushing up against me to cop a feel of my big black dyck even in the presence of their husbands, making out with me in front of their white boyfeinds, etc.

Initially, my ego got a kick out of it, but now i'm just overidden with shame and guilt. Not shame and guilt associated with my actions, but shame and guilt for the male species. It's where you guys come in: You are White but you're also my brothers, and I'm ashamed of what the White model of the male species has become. At least muster up enough courage to confront a brother who sticks his hand down your blonde's pants right inf ront of lie, man....had a few too many at the club last month and got way outta hand with this chick in front of her boyfiend, I kept pushing the envelope to see when he would step in. The wimp stood on the sidelines the whole time (Prolly with a stiff wood)!

The altruist in me wants to help you re-instill some pride, some sense of masculinity, confidence, you know, things that make a White girls' panties wet.

Hopefully I can transform that keyboard courage into the courage needed to confront some homey slobbing on your White Queen.

Then we can all walk hand in hand as real men.


Nothin but love!

No one here believes you are a negro, please. You're just another of the banned pussies that has to try and come back because you so much want to be a part of us but we reject you and rebuke you. We don't want you here, no one wants you at all anywhere. No one likes you and you can't even get a black ugly woman much less a white one lol. You are unwanted, unliked and uncooth. Go on your way, plebian, you are just a piece of pig excrement which has no life and no firends or loved ones.