Author Topic: Our Modern-day Version of 'Kill All the Baby Boys'  (Read 444 times)

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Our Modern-day Version of 'Kill All the Baby Boys'
« on: September 10, 2010, 02:54:15 PM »

Elijah Friedeman, the Millennial Perspective

I was in a class recently where we were discussing the biblical account of the Egyptians' attempt to completely stifle the Hebrew population by killing all the Hebrew baby boys as they were born. Tragic. Disgusting, really. The Egyptian king told his people to throw every male Hebrew child into the river to drown. My teacher wondered aloud what kind of person these Egyptians were, that they would willingly put these innocent babies to death. Why wouldn't the Egyptians resist such a horrific order?

I wanted to scream out the obvious answer, the answer that was on the tip of my tongue. What kind of people were the Egyptians who would, in cold blood, drown little baby boys? They were the same kind of people as we are today in America. With one big difference: we've killed fifty million babies in America; the Egyptians can't even come close to our perversion.

The Egyptians were told to take all the Hebrew boys and throw them into the Nile. We think "How cruel. At least we don't drown the babies."  You're right, we don't drown babies, and we don't limit our slaughter to baby boys. Instead we open up the legalized killing to all babies, no matter their gender. And we don't drown them, that would be inhumane - what do you think we are, savages?  Instead we crush their skulls, break their spines, and rip them limb from limb. We're in the 21st century now, don't you know.

Oh, I almost forgot, we don't call it "killing" either. That's such an ugly word. We whitewash the action. It's now a "procedure" called "abortion." So we can't be as bad as the Egyptians, they outright drowned the babies. Instead, we just have a benign medical procedure called abortion.

The midwives in Egypt were instructed to kill the babies as they were being delivered. Terrible, right? Well, guess what? We did the exact same thing in America up until 2003, we just called it partial-birth abortion - that white-washing thing again. In fact, in 1996 a Bible-thumping president named Bill Clinton vetoed a bill that would have put an end to the procedure that delivers a baby's entire body, except for the head, then sucks the brains out. You tell me which is worse, ancient Egypt or modern-day America?

The reason behind the Egyptians' desire get rid of the Hebrew population was because an increase in Hebrews posed a threat to the status quo of the native Egyptians being the dominant race. In other words, they started killing the male babies of a hated race to bring an end to that race. Sound familiar? It should, because Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood, felt the exact same way about African-Americans. Sanger said that "We want to exterminate the Negro population." Now, guess what, African-Americans are aborted per capita at a much higher rate than any other race. Coincidence?

The question still remains, where were all the level-headed Egyptians when the Hebrew babies were being killed? Didn't they do anything? There weren't any that we know of, and if there were, they didn't do anything. But, before you start railing against the Egyptians' apathy in the face of baby-killing, what are you doing to stop the wholesale slaughter of America's children? It's easy to point fingers at wrongs committed throughout history, but we have the worst atrocity in the history of the world happening in our cities. And people who call themselves Christians are doing absolutely nothing to stop it.

When I go out to the abortion clinic, I see, at most, ten people out there, despite the fact that the majority of Americans call themselves pro-life and Christians. We should have thousands of Christians every single day surrounding every abortion clinic in America. But today many abortion clinics won't have even one person standing in front of them, interceding on behalf of the soon-to-be-killed babies.

Jesus saves, just apparently not enough to actually compel American Christians to spend time fighting for life.
Chad M ~ Your rebel against white guilt

Offline Meerkat

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Re: Our Modern-day Version of 'Kill All the Baby Boys'
« Reply #1 on: September 10, 2010, 07:23:17 PM »
i don't like abortions,they should be allowed in the following cases:

1. there is no fetal tissue yet, that is, all of the cells are still embryonic stem cells.
2. carrying the baby carries a mortal or serious health risk to the mom.

Offline Rubystars

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Re: Our Modern-day Version of 'Kill All the Baby Boys'
« Reply #2 on: September 11, 2010, 05:27:02 AM »
This is a really excellent article! There's one thing I don't understand though. Why did Egypt kill the male babies? Is it because they would be soldiers? A nation proceeds from its women.