Christians do have a mission to preach the gospel, but Jesus never said to do it in the horrible ways in which it has been misinterpreted. It was never supposed to be an aggressive, manipulative, predatory type of thing. Jesus never said to kill people if they don't want to follow Him, Jesus never said to torture people for being "heretics". Jesus never said to do a lot of the things that people have done in His name. Jesus said G-d is Love. I think a lot of the more horrible stuff came out of Rome and Greece, later on, not the first Christians. I understand why you would be unhappy with even them and I respect the reasoning for it. I am not here to convert Jews, nor do I seek out Jews to convert anywhere. I am not an enemy of the Jewish people and I do not seek to destroy their ancient religion or traditions.
Yes a polite missionary is better than a violent yet blunt one. Yes there's a huge difference between a Muslim who says Hamas and Hezbollah don't have anything to do with Islam and a Xtian who says the murder of tens of millions of Jews by Xtians and the forced conversion, persecutions, rape, expulsions and unfair debates (in which the Xtian lunatics lost anyhow, hahaha!!) has nothing to do with Xtianity.
You say Jeebus said "G-D is Love". And what is love according to Xtianity? how is it perfomed when it comes to non-Xtians?
If I will ever trust you I will be no different than any Judenrat.
I think I understand why you hate Christians so much, and it's because most of your exposure to them have been the evil Arabs in Israel. While a few may be true Christians, I think most of them there have forgotten the teachings about love and live a life that's just as evil as their Muslim counterparts. They put a strong focus on certain Scriptures which could be interpreted by evil people to be against all Jews and they persecute G-d's people based on that. I have a completely different experience with Christianity, one that taught me to admire the Jews. I don't blame you for what you've been exposed to, but that's not all there is to Christians.
Unblock me and convince me that you have a legitimate interpretation for reveal your true colors.