Author Topic: Author: Obama groomed to have 'grudge against America'  (Read 552 times)

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Author: Obama groomed to have 'grudge against America'
« on: September 15, 2010, 02:04:29 PM »

An attorney and best-selling author says there's plenty of evidence to suggest that President Obama's foreign policy thus far has been decidedly anti-American.


David Limbaugh's latest book is called Crimes Against Liberty: An Indictment of President Barack Obama. The book has already reached the coveted number-one spot on the New York Times best-seller non-fiction list.
Limbaugh believes the president's views are radical and anti-American and that his ultimate goal is to bring America "back down to size" by redistributing its wealth and reducing its power and influence around the world. Barack Obama, he believes, was groomed to have a "grudge" against America.
"I think he was raised that way by his mother and his grandparents, [by his] step-parents, [by] his mentor Franklin Marshall Davis, who was a card-carrying communist and had racist issues," says the author. "He was kind of groomed to have a grudge against America. We saw it when he joined Reverend Wright's church, which is decidedly anti-American, anti-Semitic."
David LimbaughAccording to Limbaugh, Obama's actions since taking office have not dispelled those anti-American arguments.
"He goes around the world apologizing for all the alleged misdeeds of the United States. He discloses our military secrets [and] our enhanced interrogation techniques to the enemy," Limbaugh continues.
"He discloses our nuclear arsenal, which has heretofore been secret. He wants to prosecute the people who saved lives when they conducted these enhanced interrogation techniques."
Limbaugh thinks Obama is bent on exacting whatever revenge he can on America.
Chad M ~ Your rebel against white guilt