Author Topic: Iran president wants talks with all except 'Zionists'  (Read 2819 times)

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Offline Confederate Kahanist

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Iran president wants talks with all except 'Zionists'
« on: September 26, 2010, 02:54:30 PM »

NEW YORK – Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has opened the door to negotiations with the Obama administration, albeit slightly.

Winding up a weeklong visit to New York and the United Nations, the fiery Iranian leader held a "private briefing" with a select group of reporters before leaving for Tehran.

"With the exception of the Zionists, we want talks with all," the president explained through a translator.

"The onus is on them (the U.S.). Let them revise their literature (demands)," he added.

"Justice and respect" are so-called "pre-conditions" for formal talks to resume, though Ahmadinejad would not elaborate.

The Iranian leader did reveal that talks with the so-called "P5 plus one" – the United Nations permanent five plus Germany – could resume as early as October.

The group has been trying for more than a year to get Tehran to suspend its controversial uranium enrichment program which the White House believes is designed to produce an atomic bomb.

Ahmadinejad flatly denied reports in the Israeli press that secret contacts between his entourage and the White House took place in New York this week.

"It hasn't happened. There has been no contact," the Iranian insisted.

WND has learned that Iran's foreign minister, Manoucher Mottaki, did meet his British, Chinese and German counterparts during the week.

Motakki will remain in New York for another week "for additional meetings" WND was told by sources close to the Iran U.N. mission.

Ahmadinejad, looking tired after his week at the U.N., snapped at repeated questions asking why he told the General Assembly that the United States and Israel were behind the 9/11 attacks in 2001.

"Not everyone in this country is convinced that all (information) has been released on the 9/11 attacks. Many want a fact-finding committee; so do we," he insisted.

The attacks, says Ahmadinejad, gave the White House the "pretext" to invade Afghanistan and later Iraq.

That brought looks of frustration from several reporters in attendance.

The president hastened to add that he was open to meet the recently released hiker Sarah Shourd, but it was unclear where and when such a meeting would take place. Shourd and two other friends were held on spying charges after they strayed across the border from Iraq over a year ago.

While Shourd was released on "health" grounds, her two companions remain imprisoned in Iran.

Ahmadinejad committed to intervene to help her companions but insisted that the Iranian courts "have the jurisdiction."

Ahmadinejad did drop his cool briefly when he asked to bid farewell to the group of reporters.

The Iranian leader complained about the "corporate" media in the U.S.

"I understand that the reporters who work for the corporate media often don't ask their questions ... they are told what to ask. Often the decisions (on what to ask) is decided by their bosses behind closed doors. ... This is often decided on with the U.S. government."

Ahmadinejad also complained that during his New York trip he "repeatedly got the same questions over and over. ... The only difference came in the order in which they were asked."

The president said "90 percent of people in America don't believe the media."
Chad M ~ Your rebel against white guilt

Offline MassuhDGoodName

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Re: Iran president wants talks with all except 'Zionists'
« Reply #1 on: September 26, 2010, 04:56:12 PM »
This greasy fool's speeches echo those of his mentor Adolph Hitler so closely that he might as well just be reading the Fuhrer's speeches and save money on his idiot camel-f-*c_k*ng speechwriter.

Hitler said all these things seventy-five years ago.

He promised that his country was in ascendancy and the rest of the world was sinking into degeneracy brought on by Jews.

When push came to shove, he lost.

Just like this little sawed-off bastard is going to lose.

Case closed.

When things look down over on this side of the world (and they do), just look at this little drek and realize that "the show ain't over 'til the fat lady sings!"
