No genuine evolution whatsoever, not macro, not micro, not gradualist, not punctualist, not neo-Darwinian, nor Lamarckian, has ever been observed.
Likewise, we have never observed light or darkness, we have never observed the moon, we have never seen galaxies or planets, and we have never seen boats sailing in the sea, or automobiles driving by land because well... I'm just going to say so even though we have observed that.
Charles Darwin himself admitted that "not one change of species into another is on record;we cannot prove that a single species has changed".
Gee it makes a lot of sense to quote Darwin when the field has evolved (no pun intended) for 130 years since his death and assembled a host of evidence to support many of his ideas and claims.
Further, to physically OBSERVE a finch becoming a new type of finch would have required first the video camera to be invented and then to record over many years. However, we have the next best thing which are fossils which show processes like these over many years even if we didn't watch them happen physically with our eyes like a movie. Stop playing these silly semantic games.
The genetic experiments on countless generations of Fruit Flies have resulted in no development at all - they still obstinately remain Fruit Flies.
Moronic. They are not trying to change them into something else. When they alter fruitfly genetics, they do so in order to test different genetic models and do experiments with them. They are not trying to create a human from a fruit fly.
The claim that the elimination of the light variety of the Peppered Moth was micro-evolution is now ridiculed, as both the light and dark varieties existed from the beginning.
But you admit that the dark variety became more prevalent while light died out. This IS a form of evolution, even if it's not the "type" or "subset" of evolutionary theory which you personally rail against because of your theological convictions and ignorance.
The vaunted Equus horse series (still displayed in some museums) that was once offered as the best evidence for evolution has now been disowned and quietly discarded:"The display is a deceitful illusion" admitted Professor Charles Deperet. discovery of the existence in abundance of the supposedly 60 million year extinct,yet totally unchanged Coelacanth fish, is "a colossal riddle"

Yeah, because pointing out surprising findings or new discoveries is somehow supposed to discredit scientists and the entirety of their work? Unlike you, scientists embrace new riddles and new discoveries with intellectual honesty and they set out to solve the riddles and find explanations. But many things are not riddles and are well established based on the known facts. So how is this coelocanth relevant to the overall question? It isn't. You are basically saying "Na, na, scientists thought this was extinct but really it wasn't! Poopy heads!"
That offers nothing to the discussion.