Author Topic: What the failed Time Square Bomber said in court  (Read 1962 times)

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Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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What the failed Time Square Bomber said in court
« on: October 05, 2010, 01:31:36 PM »
The failed Time Square bomber who got sentenced to life in jail tried to promote the religion of peace at his trial.  Check out these comments from the associated press -

"If I'm given 1,000 lives I will sacrifice them all for the life of Allah."

The judge said to him "You appear to be someone who was capable of education and I do hope you will spend some of the time in prison thinking carefully about whether the Quran wants you to kill lots of people."

His response:
"Quran gives us the right to defend.  And that's all I'm doing."
"We are only Muslims... but if you call us terrorists, we are proud terrorists and we will keep on terrorizing you."
"We do not accept your democracy or your freedom because we already have Sharia law and freedom."

The judge asked if he had sworn allegiance to America when he became a citizen last year. 

He responded, "I did swear but I did not mean it."

Doesn't this just say it all about the religion of peace and its adherents and what we can all expect from them?   How many articles will actually cite these comments, and how many of the news morons will actually speak about it today?   Will any?
« Last Edit: October 05, 2010, 08:18:00 PM by Kahane-Was-Right BT »

Offline angryChineseKahanist

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Re: What the failed Time Square Bomber said in prison
« Reply #1 on: October 05, 2010, 02:56:56 PM »

I've heard.
And the judge should also try reading the koran.
The dumb bunny obviously doesn't know it at all.

Offline TheCoon

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Re: What the failed Time Square Bomber said in prison
« Reply #2 on: October 05, 2010, 03:05:52 PM »

I've heard.
And the judge should also try reading the koran.
The dumb bunny obviously doesn't know it at all.

True! How nauseating is it to see a US judge try to reason with this muslim savage animal by using the koran! As if this judge has any knowledge of what that disgusting book says or whether it has any relevence in the matter at all. Muslim savages can recite their filthy book from cover to cover and they know exactly what Muhammad did in his lifetime. They're not going to be swayed by reason. They know the koran commands them to conquer the world for Allah. America simply needs to make it clear to these muslims they will be killed mercilessly if they try to follow the commandments of their nazi book.
The city isn't what it used to be. It all happened so fast. Everything went to crap. It's like... everyone's sense of morals just disappeared. Bad economy made things worse. Jobs started drying up, then the stores had to shut down. Then a black man was elected president. He was supposed to change things. He didn't. More and more people turned to crime and violence... The town becomes gripped with fear. Dark times, dark times... I am the hero this town needs. I am... The Coon!!!

Offline Ari Ben-Canaan

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Re: What the failed Time Square Bomber said in prison
« Reply #3 on: October 05, 2010, 04:55:53 PM »
America needs to pave the way to 100% Muslim-free immigration.
"You must keep the arab under your boot or he will be at your throat" -Unknown

"When we tell the Arab, ‘Come, I want to help you and see to your needs,’ he doesn’t look at us like gentlemen. He sees weakness and then the wolf shows what he can do.” - Maimonides

 “I am all peace, but when I speak, they are for war.” -Psalms 120:7

"The difference between a Jewish liberal and a Jewish conservative is that when a Jewish liberal walks out of the Holocaust Museum, he feels, "This shows why we need to have more tolerance and multiculturalism." The Jewish conservative feels, "We should have killed a lot more Nazis, and sooner."" - Philip Klein

Offline david1967

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Re: What the failed Time Square Bomber said in prison
« Reply #4 on: October 05, 2010, 07:32:18 PM »
The press will say: "These are the TRUE feelings of a Muslim Fundamentalist." However, they're really the TRUE feelings of most Muslims worldwide, including in the U.S.

Offline angryChineseKahanist

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Re: What the failed Time Square Bomber said in prison
« Reply #5 on: October 05, 2010, 08:15:40 PM »

I've heard.
And the judge should also try reading the koran.
The dumb bunny obviously doesn't know it at all.

True! How nauseating is it to see a US judge try to reason with this muslim savage animal by using the koran! As if this judge has any knowledge of what that disgusting book says or whether it has any relevence in the matter at all. Muslim savages can recite their filthy book from cover to cover and they know exactly what Muhammad did in his lifetime. They're not going to be swayed by reason. They know the koran commands them to conquer the world for Allah. America simply needs to make it clear to these muslims they will be killed mercilessly if they try to follow the commandments of their nazi book.

Its just obvious how stupid this judge WANTS to be!!

Offline Dr. Dan

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Re: What the failed Time Square Bomber said in court
« Reply #6 on: October 05, 2010, 08:34:33 PM »
If Gd gave me 1000 lives, I would sacrifice them for Hashem...All Jews should...
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

In your heart you know WE are right and in your guts you know THEY are nuts!

"Science without religion is lame; Religion without science is blind."  - Albert Einstein

Offline syyuge

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Re: What the failed Time Square Bomber said in court
« Reply #7 on: October 06, 2010, 02:12:36 AM »
Media may not be giving wide publicity to these statements made during the court proceedings.

However they can not hide the irrefutable fact that all terrorists are muslimices.
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Offline Spiraling Leopard

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Re: What the failed Time Square Bomber said in court
« Reply #8 on: October 06, 2010, 09:30:43 AM »
Why do taxpayers have to pay for his accommodation? Put him to work in a mine with a chain around his ankles.

Offline angryChineseKahanist

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Re: What the failed Time Square Bomber said in court
« Reply #9 on: October 06, 2010, 09:36:08 AM »
Why do taxpayers have to pay for his accommodation? Put him to work in a mine with a chain around his ankles.

Yeah, what ever happened to 20 years of hard labour?


Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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Re: What the failed Time Square Bomber said in court
« Reply #10 on: October 06, 2010, 12:51:35 PM »
Unfortunately I didn't really watch the news last night.   Did any of the shows speak about this?

Offline Malchut

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Re: What the failed Time Square Bomber said in court
« Reply #11 on: October 06, 2010, 12:56:22 PM »
Why do taxpayers have to pay for his accommodation? Put him to work in a mine with a chain around his ankles.

Yeah, what ever happened to 20 years of hard labour?

What ever happened to hanging traitors?

Offline MassuhDGoodName

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Re: What the failed Time Square Bomber said in court
« Reply #12 on: October 06, 2010, 04:12:50 PM »
Re:  "What ever happened to hanging traitors? "

Can't do that any more.

China's always late in delivering rope.      >:(