After years of careful study, top researchers like Lord Solly Zuckerman and Professor Duane Gish concluded that the entire concept of man's evolution from an ape-like creature is a phantasm, and that all the once-sensationalised "missing-links" such as Cro-Magnon Man, Peking Man, Neanderthal Man, Java Man, Orce Man, Fontechevade Man, Wadjak Man, Grimaldi Man, Olduvai Man, Foxhall Man, Nutcracker Man, Swanscombe Man, Leaky's 1470 Man, Heidelberg Man, Galley Hill Man, Piltdown Man etc.etc., were either 100% ape, 100% homo sapiens or 100% hoax!
According to Jewish tradition (Sanhedrin 109) the punishment of one-third of the builders of the Tower of Babel was their miraculous transformation into apes: devolution not evolution!