Post Script to the smoking ads:
I have come to the conclusion that any and all advertising such as this should be made legal again and promoted without any restrictions whatsoever.
My reasoning?
If America is to ever see a real first world economy again, we'd better repeat the behaviors which allowed us to have one in the first place!
Allow the tobacco farmers to earn a living and support their families and properties again!
Let the public smoke all the time anywhere it wants including in movie theatres, and college classrooms.
After all the prohibitions of our freedom to advertise and manufacture tobacco, resulting in two generations taught to refrain and disdain tobacco use, we now have the worst cancer epidemic in recorded history among Americans who work out in gymns, don't smoke, don't eat meat, drive tiny cars with catalytic converters, and are no longer subject to the smokestacks of the iron and steel, paper and textile mills, and industrial chemical manufacturers.
And these "smarter", "healthier" Americans contracting brain tumors, lung, breast, bladder, colon, and prostate cancers are arguably the most uneducated, unintelligent, violent prone, and dangerous American generation ever produced.
The very least we can do is rebuild a solid American economy - starting with agriculture.
Let's let stupid Americans be what they want to be -- stupid - and live happily and free once again!