I'm changing my position on the Arabs now. For a few weeks I agreed with Chaim that we should pay them to shove off. now, I think we should just load them on buses and ship them off to Jordan as quickly and as efficiently as possible, with compensation only consisting for property they don't bring with them.
Actually, we shouldn't pay them anything at all. Have the Arabs ever proposed compensations for all the stolen property of the 1 million Jews who were expelled from Arab countries after 1948 ?
Moreover, the Arab world should compensate Israel for all the cumulative GDP losses resulting from conscription, from the strain on economic resources, from embargo and other indirect costs since 1948. They have more than enough money with all their oil.
In my opinion, the Arabs should at least compensate Israel for the stolen property of the Jews they expelled if they expect us to compensate the Fakestinians for the property they leave behind when they go back to Arabia.
But I understand Chaim's official position as that of a responsible leader who wants his movement to grow. If I were in his position, I would say the same.
On the bright side, this will kill any future peace negotiations for a while. such chutzpa is probably not gonna fly with israel's people
I'm not so sure ! True, the Israeli people will be angry, but it is not going to bother Pipi nor the other whores in his government because they have no pride.