Author Topic: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica  (Read 70543 times)

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The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
« on: May 30, 2007, 01:00:31 PM »
Here’s what I see to be going on, now correct me if I’m wrong.

We’re all in this big boat called the United States of America. On this boat we have the whites the blacks the Christians, the Jews the Orientals the Buddhists the leftists, the phoney-conservatives, everybody and yes of course some JTFers.

Problem is a very large number of blacks (among others), even a majority, have been drilling little holes in the foundation of our boat for a while now.

(They’ve drilled holes in our moral foundation with their culture of violence and drugs and rap and prostitution. The way these blacks view women has degraded women in our culture. They’ve driven holes in our educational system, as our schools now must cater to the least common denominator.  They’ve driven holes in the murder rate, the rape rate, the burglary rate etc. They've driven holes in our language as now Ebonics is also becoming accepted.  They’ve generally caused the quality of life to decrease dramatically wherever they run the show, to the point where a white person won’t even dare walk in a black neighborhood at night because they fear for their lives. The areas which have rotted this way around the country is growing in all major American cities and has already ruined a once great city such Washington D.C. and the same thing is now happening in Detroit, Chicago, New Orleans, the Bronx, the list goes on and on…).

Now the boat is starting to sink. You’d think people would stop them. But most people on the boat are too cowardly, too apathetic or too blind to address the problem. Mainly they are too afraid of being called racist. So they ignore it, go off and party downstairs while the boat is slowly sinking and…you know…they enjoy life.

JTF comes along and tries to expose what’s going on. They say “what wrong with you people!? Don’t you see we’re sinking! Don’t you see what these blacks are doing to us? But people don’t want to listen. JTF uses harsh language against these blacks, jokes whatever it takes to get people to wake up and realize this evil that’s threatening all of us. Some are starting to wake up slowly as the message get’s out with G-d’s help.

Then comes Imerica. She says we’re going about it all wrong. She says we should focus on the positive things blacks do. Their food, their culture, their sense of community, some of their will to succeed. She says she knows many blacks who are not drilling holes and furthermore some whites are drilling holes too, what about them? So “Stop focusing on the fact that blacks drilling holes and don’t be so negative”. 

She says she fights this evil by smiling in the evil blacks’ face and raising her daughters to not drill holes (forgetting that they too are on this same boat, and by time they get older, who knows where the boat will be?). And basically she goes back downstairs with everyone else to enjoy the party as the holes continue to multiply and the water is almost up to our necks. 

So what can we JTFers do with this Imerica? She’s either evil herself, willfully blind, stupid or well-meaning but unable to see the big picture here (I suspect it’s the latter).  If she really cares about her daughters she should be fighting with us to throw the hole-drillers overboard and repair the breaches. Instead she’s giving JTF lectures on morality. How twisted.

I doubt she will thoroughly read this or sincerely take it to heart. I just want to say to the JTFers: let’s realize who this Imerica is in the big scheme of things.  Someone who has not learned from history. Someone who does not appreciate the importance of confronting and defeating evil. Basically, someone with an attitude that would have us all sink, G-d forbid. Well, I for one am not impressed.
« Last Edit: May 30, 2007, 02:36:20 PM by lubab »
"It is not upon you to finish the work, nor are you free to desist from it." Rabbi Tarfon, Pirkei Avot.


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Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
« Reply #1 on: May 30, 2007, 01:14:47 PM »
Well stated.

Offline DownwithIslam

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Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
« Reply #2 on: May 30, 2007, 05:19:15 PM »
I agree. If she was worth anything, she would just admit we were right and try to help us realizing that these black gangsters would kill her too. She deff has no business trying to show is the good side of blacks because all we have to do is walk the streets and we will be shown all we need to know about blacks. Debating with her is a waist of time. We have facts on our side. I hope she realizes this and tries to work with us not against us.
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Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
« Reply #3 on: May 30, 2007, 05:50:25 PM »
I work in a middle school in the south Bronx and understand and see firsthand the problems and issues that exist in the community. But instead of taking on an attitude of demonizing and feeling like this is something that needs to be defeated, we do our darnedest to help out as much as we can to raise the sinking ship and plug up the holes as much as possible. It seems like you just want to state how there is a sinking ship with lots of gaping holes and your solution is to just shoot more holes into it to make the ship sink faster in order to "defeat evil." The idea of actually trying to do anything to help out and to serve these communities is morally repugnant and self-hating to you. I'm sorry, but I don't identify and think that way. It's true that there are a lot of problems in these areas. But it's not a simple issue of concluding that these people are evil. There are many other issues and factors that these communities need to face. They don't have the healthcare that the rest of us take for granted. This, in turn, causes a lot more students that need to depend on related healthcare services from the schools, and then the school system many times don't comply with the state mandates. There are many people in the community that are working their hardest just to survive. I can't even begin to understand what it must be like to live in a community like this with these types of issues and problems. So I think that someone who doesn't even work in these communities or these settings can even come close to understanding the issues and what needs to be done. All I know is that taking on a demonizing mentality does absolutely nothing to resolve anything! The only way to make any type of positive differences is to recognize that yes, there are major problems, but that it's important to help out the best we can by coming up with the best solutions possible and to provide the best possible services we can. But who am I? Just some self-hating liberal Jew who is doing a great disservice by working in the public school system in the neediest communities.

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Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
« Reply #4 on: May 30, 2007, 06:00:18 PM »
I would also add that we should stick to facts when addressing these issues rather than just calling black people names. 


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Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
« Reply #5 on: May 30, 2007, 06:34:08 PM »
I work in a middle school in the south Bronx and understand and see firsthand the problems and issues that exist in the community. But instead of taking on an attitude of demonizing and feeling like this is something that needs to be defeated, we do our darnedest to help out as much as we can to raise the sinking ship and plug up the holes as much as possible. It seems like you just want to state how there is a sinking ship with lots of gaping holes and your solution is to just shoot more holes into it to make the ship sink faster in order to "defeat evil." The idea of actually trying to do anything to help out and to serve these communities is morally repugnant and self-hating to you. I'm sorry, but I don't identify and think that way. It's true that there are a lot of problems in these areas. But it's not a simple issue of concluding that these people are evil. There are many other issues and factors that these communities need to face. They don't have the healthcare that the rest of us take for granted. This, in turn, causes a lot more students that need to depend on related healthcare services from the schools, and then the school system many times don't comply with the state mandates. There are many people in the community that are working their hardest just to survive. I can't even begin to understand what it must be like to live in a community like this with these types of issues and problems. So I think that someone who doesn't even work in these communities or these settings can even come close to understanding the issues and what needs to be done. All I know is that taking on a demonizing mentality does absolutely nothing to resolve anything! The only way to make any type of positive differences is to recognize that yes, there are major problems, but that it's important to help out the best we can by coming up with the best solutions possible and to provide the best possible services we can. But who am I? Just some self-hating liberal Jew who is doing a great disservice by working in the public school system in the neediest communities.

This isn't just rhetoric, Daniel. Before the civil rights movement whitey had the sense to keep savages under control by force. It was a terrible mistake giving them freedom. This is a fact. They were better socialised when whitey kept them under wraps, when they knew a lynching awaited when they stepped out of line. Today they expect the white to be lynched who dares suggest they are less than wonderful. Daniel, everything that can be done for blacks has been done, they don't want civilisation. If a JTF minded government were ever established here in America, at the very least blacks would be brought under control if not deported back to the motherland. Better to work for a possible but improbable paradise than a completely insane notion that anything more can be done to help them. They don't want it. They hate whitey, let them have what they want most, A-F-R-I-C-A. And before Umerica chimes in with "I ain't from Africa", Most blacks should be shipped to Africa soley based on their anti-white feelings. They hate the white brains and talent that built this country, they hate the white brains and talent that used to maintain this country, so go where there is nothing but [censored]. It's common sense. It's the natural response to the [censored] biggest gripe.
« Last Edit: May 30, 2007, 06:40:40 PM by Allen-T »


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Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
« Reply #6 on: May 30, 2007, 06:35:24 PM »
I would also add that we should stick to facts when addressing these issues rather than just calling black people names. 

Can we say [censored] while we stick to the facts? :P


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Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
« Reply #7 on: May 30, 2007, 06:47:15 PM »
What's the big deal about the word schvartza? It's just the yiddish for black.

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Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
« Reply #8 on: May 30, 2007, 06:49:27 PM »
Sure, as long as I can say "black."

Offline cosmokramer

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Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
« Reply #9 on: May 30, 2007, 07:11:49 PM »
I must agree Lubab. I am one of the few JTF'rs thats racially Black. My mother thank G-d is a Jew. Therefore I am a Jew.


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Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
« Reply #10 on: May 30, 2007, 07:22:02 PM »
I agree. If she was worth anything, she would just admit we were right and try to help us realizing that these black gangsters would kill her too. She deff has no business trying to show is the good side of blacks because all we have to do is walk the streets and we will be shown all we need to know about blacks. Debating with her is a waist of time. We have facts on our side. I hope she realizes this and tries to work with us not against us.
Saying that you're right would be like me stating "Yes, I am a no-good, worthless, no account, welfare receiving, n'ga-whore, cuntrag, Affirmative action hire with no purpose in America other than to 'poke holes in the boat'." I'm not about to say or admit to that because it isn't true about every black American. However I have admitted that the black community has a problem that makes it hard for people to assimilate around every one of us. Some of the black community is so bad that whites..and even you are afraid to stand next to us. No matter what. Since you have it ingrained in your mind that all blacks are worth are shooting up each other, raping women, and robbing liquor stores, that's all you're going to see. I can't help that. I can't raise grown people to be better grown-up blacks who take responsibility for their actions. But with my mothering skills I can teach my children how not to end up in that spectrum. I can, when I receive my degrees and become certified as an Educator in Illinois, influence the lives of other young black youths who are living under these circumstances to believe in themselves enough to want out and to want better for their lives. Everytime I say that, its a non-issue...mostly because you don't read skip over it until you find something you could bash me on.

And for you to say that I have no right to show the good qualities that blacks in America have to offer is totally arrogant. That's the equivelent of me saying that you have no right to show the good qualities about Israel or about the Jewish culture.  Who am I to say some dumb crap like that?

I'm worth more than you could afford to pay, DWI. And don't take it in an inappropriately nasty way, either. I didn't mean it in that way. What I meant is that my core values speak for themselves. They as well as I am priceless.

I'm realizing what I'm supposed to do here...and that's bow down to you like a cowering puppy after it's master hits them with rolled-up newspaper. I'm sorry, but I'm of the mind that if you stand for nothing, you'll certainly fall for anything. And one thing I'm not falling for is the 'bullying' tactic you've brought to this forum.

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Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
« Reply #11 on: May 30, 2007, 07:48:44 PM »
I work in a middle school in the south Bronx and understand and see firsthand the problems and issues that exist in the community. But instead of taking on an attitude of demonizing and feeling like this is something that needs to be defeated, we do our darnedest to help out as much as we can to raise the sinking ship and plug up the holes as much as possible. It seems like you just want to state how there is a sinking ship with lots of gaping holes and your solution is to just shoot more holes into it to make the ship sink faster in order to "defeat evil." The idea of actually trying to do anything to help out and to serve these communities is morally repugnant and self-hating to you. I'm sorry, but I don't identify and think that way. It's true that there are a lot of problems in these areas. But it's not a simple issue of concluding that these people are evil. There are many other issues and factors that these communities need to face. They don't have the healthcare that the rest of us take for granted. This, in turn, causes a lot more students that need to depend on related healthcare services from the schools, and then the school system many times don't comply with the state mandates. There are many people in the community that are working their hardest just to survive. I can't even begin to understand what it must be like to live in a community like this with these types of issues and problems. So I think that someone who doesn't even work in these communities or these settings can even come close to understanding the issues and what needs to be done. All I know is that taking on a demonizing mentality does absolutely nothing to resolve anything! The only way to make any type of positive differences is to recognize that yes, there are major problems, but that it's important to help out the best we can by coming up with the best solutions possible and to provide the best possible services we can. But who am I? Just some self-hating liberal Jew who is doing a great disservice by working in the public school system in the neediest communities.
Boy you are barking up the wrong tree with this line of thinking. Are you looking for a medal for working with the under privileged  you will get it in about 6 or 7 years when you get tenure in the school system and make about 100 g's a year. You speak of how the people in the South Bronx don't have health care when in in fact the might have better health care through social services then many people who work and have to pay for their insurance. I always envy the City School teachers who get full medical coverage at no cost. What do they care that everyone else's premiums go up each year to absorb all the dead wood in the health care system that has to be treated. Its people like you always looking for excuses  and expecting others to pay the freight for all this trash and dead wood waiting for programs and handouts that are the problem. If minorities were expected to sink or swim you would be surprised how many would become very industrious. The way you crying liberals made them all they do is look for the next meal ticket.
« Last Edit: May 30, 2007, 07:52:45 PM by cjd »
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Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
« Reply #12 on: May 30, 2007, 07:55:30 PM »
I work in a middle school in the south Bronx and understand and see firsthand the problems and issues that exist in the community. But instead of taking on an attitude of demonizing and feeling like this is something that needs to be defeated, we do our darnedest to help out as much as we can to raise the sinking ship and plug up the holes as much as possible. It seems like you just want to state how there is a sinking ship with lots of gaping holes and your solution is to just shoot more holes into it to make the ship sink faster in order to "defeat evil." The idea of actually trying to do anything to help out and to serve these communities is morally repugnant and self-hating to you. I'm sorry, but I don't identify and think that way. It's true that there are a lot of problems in these areas. But it's not a simple issue of concluding that these people are evil. There are many other issues and factors that these communities need to face. They don't have the healthcare that the rest of us take for granted. This, in turn, causes a lot more students that need to depend on related healthcare services from the schools, and then the school system many times don't comply with the state mandates. There are many people in the community that are working their hardest just to survive. I can't even begin to understand what it must be like to live in a community like this with these types of issues and problems. So I think that someone who doesn't even work in these communities or these settings can even come close to understanding the issues and what needs to be done. All I know is that taking on a demonizing mentality does absolutely nothing to resolve anything! The only way to make any type of positive differences is to recognize that yes, there are major problems, but that it's important to help out the best we can by coming up with the best solutions possible and to provide the best possible services we can. But who am I? Just some self-hating liberal Jew who is doing a great disservice by working in the public school system in the neediest communities.
Daniel, this post proves that you know exactly what I'm feeling and how I choose to go about life. What a wonderful post. :)

I can't express this strongly enough... for everyone else... I KNOW WHAT HAPPENS IN THE BLACK CULTURE THAT ISN'T GOOD. I AM NOT BLIND, STUPID, OR EVIL. Just because I'm not fighting fire with fire, like some of you, it dosen't mean I'm not fighting in other ways. You think people who speak of peace and finding alternative routes to take when fighting the good fight against the bad people are evil. Great. Whatever. But I assure you that me teaching my children right from wrong will save you a lot of grief in the long run. Because if I nor their dad wasn't present in their lives they would/could very well turn out like those in the black community you hate. So would you rather that I poke MORE holes in the boat by fighting with you and your lop-sided way of handling things or seal the holes up by helping to prevent more holes from forming?


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Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
« Reply #13 on: May 30, 2007, 08:00:46 PM »
What's the big deal about the word schvartza? It's just the yiddish for black.
What's the big deal about Jesse Jackson calling Jewish people Hymies? I've even heard some idiot calling Jewish people "Diamond Merchants". The answer to that question is it depends on the delivery. If you say it just to harm people, you aren't part of the solution, you're part of the problem. If you're saying it to open debate on the word and what needs to be changed about the way we speak, then  you're  part of the solution. THAT'S what's wrong with using derrogatory words like that.

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Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
« Reply #14 on: May 30, 2007, 08:02:34 PM »
I work in a middle school in the south Bronx and understand and see firsthand the problems and issues that exist in the community. But instead of taking on an attitude of demonizing and feeling like this is something that needs to be defeated, we do our darnedest to help out as much as we can to raise the sinking ship and plug up the holes as much as possible. It seems like you just want to state how there is a sinking ship with lots of gaping holes and your solution is to just shoot more holes into it to make the ship sink faster in order to "defeat evil." The idea of actually trying to do anything to help out and to serve these communities is morally repugnant and self-hating to you. I'm sorry, but I don't identify and think that way. It's true that there are a lot of problems in these areas. But it's not a simple issue of concluding that these people are evil. There are many other issues and factors that these communities need to face. They don't have the healthcare that the rest of us take for granted. This, in turn, causes a lot more students that need to depend on related healthcare services from the schools, and then the school system many times don't comply with the state mandates. There are many people in the community that are working their hardest just to survive. I can't even begin to understand what it must be like to live in a community like this with these types of issues and problems. So I think that someone who doesn't even work in these communities or these settings can even come close to understanding the issues and what needs to be done. All I know is that taking on a demonizing mentality does absolutely nothing to resolve anything! The only way to make any type of positive differences is to recognize that yes, there are major problems, but that it's important to help out the best we can by coming up with the best solutions possible and to provide the best possible services we can. But who am I? Just some self-hating liberal Jew who is doing a great disservice by working in the public school system in the neediest communities.

I agree that it is good to be compassionate and guide the misguided in the right direction.  But to what limit are we supposed to show mercy and to whom?
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

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Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
« Reply #15 on: May 30, 2007, 08:03:13 PM »
Well, I'm sure never going boating with Imerica or Daniel. I'd have to be crazy to do that.

« Last Edit: May 30, 2007, 08:07:11 PM by lubab »
"It is not upon you to finish the work, nor are you free to desist from it." Rabbi Tarfon, Pirkei Avot.


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Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
« Reply #16 on: May 30, 2007, 08:04:18 PM »
My point is what's the point in using the word in the first place? It's just the literal translation of "black" into a different language yiddish. So why are we using it, yiddish isn't the language we are speaking, so why use a yiidish word at all?


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Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
« Reply #17 on: May 30, 2007, 08:18:03 PM »
I work in a middle school in the south Bronx and understand and see firsthand the problems and issues that exist in the community. But instead of taking on an attitude of demonizing and feeling like this is something that needs to be defeated, we do our darnedest to help out as much as we can to raise the sinking ship and plug up the holes as much as possible. It seems like you just want to state how there is a sinking ship with lots of gaping holes and your solution is to just shoot more holes into it to make the ship sink faster in order to "defeat evil." The idea of actually trying to do anything to help out and to serve these communities is morally repugnant and self-hating to you. I'm sorry, but I don't identify and think that way. It's true that there are a lot of problems in these areas. But it's not a simple issue of concluding that these people are evil. There are many other issues and factors that these communities need to face. They don't have the healthcare that the rest of us take for granted. This, in turn, causes a lot more students that need to depend on related healthcare services from the schools, and then the school system many times don't comply with the state mandates. There are many people in the community that are working their hardest just to survive. I can't even begin to understand what it must be like to live in a community like this with these types of issues and problems. So I think that someone who doesn't even work in these communities or these settings can even come close to understanding the issues and what needs to be done. All I know is that taking on a demonizing mentality does absolutely nothing to resolve anything! The only way to make any type of positive differences is to recognize that yes, there are major problems, but that it's important to help out the best we can by coming up with the best solutions possible and to provide the best possible services we can. But who am I? Just some self-hating liberal Jew who is doing a great disservice by working in the public school system in the neediest communities.

This isn't just rhetoric, Daniel. Before the civil rights movement whitey had the sense to keep savages under control by force. It was a terrible mistake giving them freedom. This is a fact. They were better socialised when whitey kept them under wraps, when they knew a lynching awaited when they stepped out of line. Today they expect the white to be lynched who dares suggest they are less than wonderful. Daniel, everything that can be done for blacks has been done, they don't want civilisation. If a JTF minded government were ever established here in America, at the very least blacks would be brought under control if not deported back to the motherland. Better to work for a possible but improbable paradise than a completely insane notion that anything more can be done to help them. They don't want it. They hate whitey, let them have what they want most, A-F-R-I-C-A. And before Umerica chimes in with "I ain't from Africa", Most blacks should be shipped to Africa soley based on their anti-white feelings. They hate the white brains and talent that built this country, they hate the white brains and talent that used to maintain this country, so go where there is nothing but schvartzas. It's common sense. It's the natural response to the schvartzas biggest gripe.

Allen, you're just hateful. You hate when people show love. You hate when people say there are other ways to fight the evils of society.  You hate just because it feels empowering. And I just LOVE the way you twist my words into ebonics. That just goes to show how ignorant YOU are. I've never said AIN'T here. And about the Africa thing, again.. stop assuming that every black person wants to go back to Africa. And for the sake of argument, I'm NOT from Africa. I've never lived there. I never visited Africa...but probably will when my children are older. I don't want to live there though and that's what people in the real world would call a 'personal preference'.

However, since we're on the subject of who built this country, please deny that the slaves who were brought here from Africa had anything to do with the industrial development of America. All the cotton, tobacco, and indigo that was planted and picked...but not before the fields were tilled, hoed, fertilized, and sweated over.


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Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
« Reply #18 on: May 30, 2007, 08:21:08 PM »
My point is what's the point in using the word in the first place? It's just the literal translation of "black" into a different language yiddish. So why are we using it, yiddish isn't the language we are speaking, so why use a yiidish word at all?
I'd be comfortable with black or even Negro (which is Spanish for black) instead of being called a '[censored]'er' , 'coon', or 'ape'. There is a reason why I haven't called any of you Hymies or Diamond Merchants because I don't SEE Hymies, or Diamond Merchants when I see Jewish people. You're Jewish or Jewish converts to me. But all'n'all you still translate into human beings to me.


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Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
« Reply #19 on: May 30, 2007, 08:24:12 PM »
I wasn't tallking about the word "[censored]" or the word "coon" or the word "ape", I'd never use such words to describe black people, and I'd hope no one else would, I was referring to the word schvartza.
« Last Edit: May 30, 2007, 08:38:35 PM by ftf »

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Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
« Reply #20 on: May 30, 2007, 08:34:07 PM »
My point is what's the point in using the word in the first place? It's just the literal translation of "black" into a different language yiddish. So why are we using it, yiddish isn't the language we are speaking, so why use a yiidish word at all?
I'd be comfortable with black or even Negro (which is Spanish for black) instead of being called a '[censored]'er' , 'coon', or 'ape'. There is a reason why I haven't called any of you Hymies or Diamond Merchants because I don't SEE Hymies, or Diamond Merchants when I see Jewish people. You're Jewish or Jewish converts to me. But all'n'all you still translate into human beings to me.
Imerica, Has anyone called you that personally or are they using it to  describe evil Blacks in general?
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Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
« Reply #21 on: May 30, 2007, 08:34:47 PM »
I work in a middle school in the south Bronx and understand and see firsthand the problems and issues that exist in the community. But instead of taking on an attitude of demonizing and feeling like this is something that needs to be defeated, we do our darnedest to help out as much as we can to raise the sinking ship and plug up the holes as much as possible. It seems like you just want to state how there is a sinking ship with lots of gaping holes and your solution is to just shoot more holes into it to make the ship sink faster in order to "defeat evil." The idea of actually trying to do anything to help out and to serve these communities is morally repugnant and self-hating to you. I'm sorry, but I don't identify and think that way. It's true that there are a lot of problems in these areas. But it's not a simple issue of concluding that these people are evil. There are many other issues and factors that these communities need to face. They don't have the healthcare that the rest of us take for granted. This, in turn, causes a lot more students that need to depend on related healthcare services from the schools, and then the school system many times don't comply with the state mandates. There are many people in the community that are working their hardest just to survive. I can't even begin to understand what it must be like to live in a community like this with these types of issues and problems. So I think that someone who doesn't even work in these communities or these settings can even come close to understanding the issues and what needs to be done. All I know is that taking on a demonizing mentality does absolutely nothing to resolve anything! The only way to make any type of positive differences is as all the to recognize that yes, there are major problems, but that it's important to help out the best we can by coming up with the best solutions possible and to provide the best possible services we can. But who am I? Just some self-hating liberal Jew who is doing a great disservice by working in the public school system in the neediest communities.

You must realize that you're way of dealing with these problems has been the policy in this county for decades!
Ask youself honestly: How is it working out? Good or bad? In total, do we have less holes or more? If we continue this way, where are we headed as a country?

You think you're taking the moral high ground here..but to continue trying a failed policy as all the good people sink IS morally repugnant. And it's also insane.
"It is not upon you to finish the work, nor are you free to desist from it." Rabbi Tarfon, Pirkei Avot.


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Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
« Reply #22 on: May 30, 2007, 08:40:17 PM »
It's actually pretty stupid to call blacks black, as there really a shade of brown, they should be called browns, and none of us (whites) are really white, we're more a sort of cream colour, so we should be called creams....


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Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
« Reply #23 on: May 30, 2007, 08:43:12 PM »
I wasn't tallking about the word "[censored]" or the word "coon" or the word "ape", I'd never use such words to describe black people, and I'd hope no one else would, I was referring to the word schvartza.
The word schvartza is actually the Yiddish word for N'ger. I've actually seen it when I quoted someone who called me a schvartza. When I clicked on QUOTE and it went to the text page, '[censored]'ger' was actually the word used. When  you click onto the forum again, its translated as schvartza.


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Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
« Reply #24 on: May 30, 2007, 08:44:15 PM »
My point is what's the point in using the word in the first place? It's just the literal translation of "black" into a different language yiddish. So why are we using it, yiddish isn't the language we are speaking, so why use a yiidish word at all?
I'd be comfortable with black or even Negro (which is Spanish for black) instead of being called a '[censored]'er' , 'coon', or 'ape'. There is a reason why I haven't called any of you Hymies or Diamond Merchants because I don't SEE Hymies, or Diamond Merchants when I see Jewish people. You're Jewish or Jewish converts to me. But all'n'all you still translate into human beings to me.
Imerica, Has anyone called you that personally or are they using it to  describe evil Blacks in general?
I was called a coon, and a ng'er whore  here. So yes, can say that someone has called me those names.