Author Topic: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica  (Read 70527 times)

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Offline Dr. Dan

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Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
« Reply #75 on: June 01, 2007, 09:32:08 PM »

My point was not to show mercy. My point was is that we should take on the attitude of trying to help and serve instead of trying to demonize.

Maybe i should reword the word "mercy" to "being compassionate"
Jews have tried to help the very same people who are helping, but to no avail. 

I can't completely agree with that since I've seen firsthand that we have succeeded with a good number of our students. So if you don't want to show mercy or be compassionate, that's fine. It's a free country and it's your choice. But what's the point in going out of our way to demonize them? What are we going to accomplish for ourselves other than make it look like we Zionists really are racists?

I personally don't demonize all black people..I actually go out of my way to just demonize evil people and praise righteous people in a colorless way :)..So on that end, I would should demonize the evil behavior and not name names...but that's not JTF nor is that Chaim ben Pesach...apparantly the rough speak is their way of communicating. I think it is a Brooklyn/Queens thing.
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

In your heart you know WE are right and in your guts you know THEY are nuts!

"Science without religion is lame; Religion without science is blind."  - Albert Einstein

Offline Daniel

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Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
« Reply #76 on: June 01, 2007, 09:32:47 PM »
We should blame the whites for participating in the slave trade, I was just pointing out that it isn't 100% their fault, the black chieftans were also at fault.

Some people around here blame all blacks and all arabs for certain things, I do not, and I agree with you Daniel that it is wrong to do so. A large number of blacks and a large number of arabs are a problem, and we therefore need to be on gaurd against them, but we must make sure that we don't demonise all blacks and arabs, because they aren't all bad.

Thanks. You're definitely the voice of reason around here :)

Offline Dr. Dan

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Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
« Reply #77 on: June 01, 2007, 09:34:22 PM »
We should blame the whites for participating in the slave trade, I was just pointing out that it isn't 100% their fault, the black chieftans were also at fault.

Some people around here blame all blacks and all arabs for certain things, I do not, and I agree with you Daniel that it is wrong to do so. A large number of blacks and a large number of arabs are a problem, and we therefore need to be on gaurd against them, but we must make sure that we don't demonise all blacks and arabs, because they aren't all bad.

Thanks. You're definitely the voice of reason around here :)

I second that emotion :)
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

In your heart you know WE are right and in your guts you know THEY are nuts!

"Science without religion is lame; Religion without science is blind."  - Albert Einstein

Offline Daniel

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Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
« Reply #78 on: June 01, 2007, 09:38:46 PM »

My point was not to show mercy. My point was is that we should take on the attitude of trying to help and serve instead of trying to demonize.

Maybe i should reword the word "mercy" to "being compassionate"
Jews have tried to help the very same people who are helping, but to no avail. 

I can't completely agree with that since I've seen firsthand that we have succeeded with a good number of our students. So if you don't want to show mercy or be compassionate, that's fine. It's a free country and it's your choice. But what's the point in going out of our way to demonize them? What are we going to accomplish for ourselves other than make it look like we Zionists really are racists?

I personally don't demonize all black people..I actually go out of my way to just demonize evil people and praise righteous people in a colorless way :)..So on that end, I would should demonize the evil behavior and not name names...but that's not JTF nor is that Chaim ben Pesach...apparantly the rough speak is their way of communicating. I think it is a Brooklyn/Queens thing.

No no no! It's Not a Brooklyn/Queens thing. I live in NYC and most people here do NOT speak this way. While Chaim states that the issue isn't skin color, but culture, he still overgeneralizes and exaggerates the statistics. He claims that 95% of blacks are evil Jew-hating nazis and criminals. Really? I would like to see the empirical data that confirms that! He seems to think that just because most criminals are black, that must mean that most blacks are criminals. But in reality, that's not the case. That's like saying that most Catholic ministers are child molesters. Crimes are committed by a microcosm of the population who are recidivists and commit the same crimes over and over again.


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Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
« Reply #79 on: June 01, 2007, 09:41:06 PM »
Daniel, your wrong there, they knew how to harvest their crops, it was more a case of being able to get more done for less moeny by using slaves, and the fact that the heat of the sun doesn't effect blacks as badly as whites. Nothing to do with knowledge.
Excuse me but, do you happen to be black? Do you have dark skin like mine? How could you konw that the heat from the sun doesn't affect blacks as badly as whites? Did you know that light skinned blacks, (as well as dark skinned blacks,) if exposed to the sun for a long period of time, can develop skin cancer (melanoma). They also can tan darker than they normally are.

And about slavery. If they could tend to their own land (the whites back in the day) why travel for months to another country to hand-pick 'human cattle' to do THEIR job? The way you describe it, it sounds  like you're saying..."Aw, slavery wasn't that bad... working in the sun for hours on end was nothing for slaves." ::) Are you serious?

When we were stationed in Spain, I went with a friend  to a Bunko Party... it was a game that a lot of military wives and civilians played to pass the time. Anyway, while I was there I noticed that  I was the only black person there. During the preparation for the game, one woman complemented me on my skin-color and asked me if black people get tanned/ or sunburned. From the look on her face, I could tell that she wanted to see if I'd act 'out of the ordinary' and start snapping on her for asking. But instead of doing that, I told her just what I told you. I tan when I'm out in the sun all day. I also have brother and sister who are lighter than I am who ALSO tan. After I answered the question, she had nothing more to say to me, even after I won the Bunko Prize. lol

The moral of my story is, ask and you shall be answered. But don't patronize me. lol

Offline Dr. Dan

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Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
« Reply #80 on: June 01, 2007, 09:49:05 PM »

My point was not to show mercy. My point was is that we should take on the attitude of trying to help and serve instead of trying to demonize.

Maybe i should reword the word "mercy" to "being compassionate"
Jews have tried to help the very same people who are helping, but to no avail. 

I can't completely agree with that since I've seen firsthand that we have succeeded with a good number of our students. So if you don't want to show mercy or be compassionate, that's fine. It's a free country and it's your choice. But what's the point in going out of our way to demonize them? What are we going to accomplish for ourselves other than make it look like we Zionists really are racists?

I personally don't demonize all black people..I actually go out of my way to just demonize evil people and praise righteous people in a colorless way :)..So on that end, I would should demonize the evil behavior and not name names...but that's not JTF nor is that Chaim ben Pesach...apparantly the rough speak is their way of communicating. I think it is a Brooklyn/Queens thing.

No no no! It's Not a Brooklyn/Queens thing. I live in NYC and most people here do NOT speak this way. While Chaim states that the issue isn't skin color, but culture, he still overgeneralizes and exaggerates the statistics. He claims that 95% of blacks are evil Jew-hating nazis and criminals. Really? I would like to see the empirical data that confirms that! He seems to think that just because most criminals are black, that must mean that most blacks are criminals. But in reality, that's not the case. That's like saying that most Catholic ministers are child molesters. Crimes are committed by a microcosm of the population who are recidivists and commit the same crimes over and over again.

Imerica, i'm sorry but i have to plead ignorace to people who grew up in rough neighborhoods in Brooklyn Queens or even the Bronx, perhaps even the lower east side etc....  Chaim did not grow up in an upper middle class neighborhood in northern NJ..he grew up with blacks with hispanics with italians...and he has some black friends, some hispanic friends, some white friends etc etc etc.  Chaim refers to what is a vast majority of places where you look you see gangsta type behavior which is dispiciple to him..and he sees whites imitating it glorifying it. 

I know it's silly, I can't explain which is obvious to me personally...
But as you may or may not realize it, I do not hate all black people and I do not hate people just because they are black.  I personally can tolerate what a lot of people on this forum hate..but that's just me.

But I can tell that a lot of people especailly Chaim are justifiably bitter about what they encountered repeatedly and just happened to be 95% of the time from the same race/culture/religion.
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

In your heart you know WE are right and in your guts you know THEY are nuts!

"Science without religion is lame; Religion without science is blind."  - Albert Einstein

Offline Daniel

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Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
« Reply #81 on: June 01, 2007, 09:50:19 PM »
Daniel, your wrong there, they knew how to harvest their crops, it was more a case of being able to get more done for less moeny by using slaves, and the fact that the heat of the sun doesn't effect blacks as badly as whites. Nothing to do with knowledge.
Excuse me but, do you happen to be black? Do you have dark skin like mine? How could you konw that the heat from the sun doesn't affect blacks as badly as whites? Did you know that light skinned blacks, (as well as dark skinned blacks,) if exposed to the sun for a long period of time, can develop skin cancer (melanoma). They also can tan darker than they normally are.

And about slavery. If they could tend to their own land (the whites back in the day) why travel for months to another country to hand-pick 'human cattle' to do THEIR job? The way you describe it, it sounds  like you're saying..."Aw, slavery wasn't that bad... working in the sun for hours on end was nothing for slaves." ::) Are you serious?

When we were stationed in Spain, I went with a friend  to a Bunko Party... it was a game that a lot of military wives and civilians played to pass the time. Anyway, while I was there I noticed that  I was the only black person there. During the preparation for the game, one woman complemented me on my skin-color and asked me if black people get tanned/ or sunburned. From the look on her face, I could tell that she wanted to see if I'd act 'out of the ordinary' and start snapping on her for asking. But instead of doing that, I told her just what I told you. I tan when I'm out in the sun all day. I also have brother and sister who are lighter than I am who ALSO tan. After I answered the question, she had nothing more to say to me, even after I won the Bunko Prize. lol

The moral of my story is, ask and you shall be answered. But don't patronize me. lol

Very well spoken, Erica. I certainly don't think that the slavemasters were concerned with how much better blacks can tolerate the sun. They let 10 million perish but somehow were concerned about their dermatological health.

You're right. Blacks can get sunburned and get melanoma just as much as whites. Nobody is immune from the damaging effects of of the ultraviolet rays from the sun.

Offline Dr. Dan

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Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
« Reply #82 on: June 01, 2007, 09:50:54 PM »
Daniel, your wrong there, they knew how to harvest their crops, it was more a case of being able to get more done for less moeny by using slaves, and the fact that the heat of the sun doesn't effect blacks as badly as whites. Nothing to do with knowledge.

actually skin cancer affects people with higher melanin (darker skin color) worse than people with lighter shades of brown.  Very white albino people are also really badly affected by the sun.
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

In your heart you know WE are right and in your guts you know THEY are nuts!

"Science without religion is lame; Religion without science is blind."  - Albert Einstein


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Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
« Reply #83 on: June 01, 2007, 09:55:53 PM »
I work in a middle school in the south Bronx and understand and see firsthand the problems and issues that exist in the community. But instead of taking on an attitude of demonizing and feeling like this is something that needs to be defeated, we do our darnedest to help out as much as we can to raise the sinking ship and plug up the holes as much as possible. It seems like you just want to state how there is a sinking ship with lots of gaping holes and your solution is to just shoot more holes into it to make the ship sink faster in order to "defeat evil." The idea of actually trying to do anything to help out and to serve these communities is morally repugnant and self-hating to you. I'm sorry, but I don't identify and think that way. It's true that there are a lot of problems in these areas. But it's not a simple issue of concluding that these people are evil. There are many other issues and factors that these communities need to face. They don't have the health care that the rest of us take for granted. This, in turn, causes a lot more students that need to depend on related health care services from the schools, and then the school system many times don't comply with the state mandates. There are many people in the community that are working their hardest just to survive. I can't even begin to understand what it must be like to live in a community like this with these types of issues and problems. So I think that someone who doesn't even work in these communities or these settings can even come close to understanding the issues and what needs to be done. All I know is that taking on a demonizing mentality does absolutely nothing to resolve anything! The only way to make any type of positive differences is to recognize that yes, there are major problems, but that it's important to help out the best we can by coming up with the best solutions possible and to provide the best possible services we can. But who am I? Just some self-hating liberal Jew who is doing a great disservice by working in the public school system in the neediest communities.
Boy you are barking up the wrong tree with this line of thinking. Are you looking for a medal for working with the under privileged you will get it in about 6 or 7 years when you get tenure in the school system and make about 100 g's a year. You speak of how the people in the South Bronx don't have health care when in in fact the might have better health care through social services then many people who work and have to pay for their insurance. I always envy the City School teachers who get full medical coverage at no cost. What do they care that everyone else's premiums go up each year to absorb all the dead wood in the health care system that has to be treated. Its people like you always looking for excuses  and expecting others to pay the freight for all this trash and dead wood waiting for programs and handouts that are the problem. If minorities were expected to sink or swim you would be surprised how many would become very industrious. The way you crying liberals made them all they do is look for the next meal ticket.

I'm not looking for any medals and this isn't about me. This is about the way all of you are demonizing blacks and deeming them to be evil. I'm just pointing out that I see firsthand that they are not evil. Why are you so envious of the health care coverage public school teachers get? We don't get our health care coverage for no cost. We get that by working in the system! You make this out like it's some free prize or handout being given away to us! I suppose anybody else who gets healthcare coverage through their job should also be envied for getting free healthcare coverage. If we teachers are so darned spoiled, then why is there still such a massive shortage of teachers? If we have it so good, why aren't so many more people flocking toward the field? In fact, the opposite is happening. There is such a large turnover of teachers. It's very easy to criticize from the outside when you have absolutely no idea what it's like to work in the field. I'm not looking for any medals. But now it seems like you're not just criticizing blacks, but public school teachers as well. And all of this is somehow supposed to help us fulfill our Zionist objectives!
Amen, Daniel.

As a future educator, I'm aware of the fact that I won't be paid a lot... being an educator is one of the most thankless jobs in our country. I am glad that when I do finally become certified, I'll receive benefits such as health care and an insurance package. These are things that should be readily available at every job. And its not a handout, either. Its a benefit. You see, there is a difference, (to those who think there isn't). Tell me, would you work at a job where if you've worked there for a certain period of time and was injured on the property, that you shouldn't have some kind of medical benefit backing you?

And I'd like to disagree with the assumption that health care through social services are better than health care not provided by social services. First of all.. you do know that a lot of times there is no co-pay for families on welfare when they seek help from a hospital right? That almost always means that they can be treated any way because they're not paying out of their pockets. A lot of hospitals who provide those services look at those who receive welfare services as if they are carrying the bubonic plague. And its because those poor people fall into a social class system that isn't welcomed by those in the higher echelon. Is sad but true... and I wouldn't say it unless I experienced it for myself as a child.

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Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
« Reply #84 on: June 01, 2007, 09:59:18 PM »

My point was not to show mercy. My point was is that we should take on the attitude of trying to help and serve instead of trying to demonize.

Maybe i should reword the word "mercy" to "being compassionate"
Jews have tried to help the very same people who are helping, but to no avail. 

I can't completely agree with that since I've seen firsthand that we have succeeded with a good number of our students. So if you don't want to show mercy or be compassionate, that's fine. It's a free country and it's your choice. But what's the point in going out of our way to demonize them? What are we going to accomplish for ourselves other than make it look like we Zionists really are racists?

I personally don't demonize all black people..I actually go out of my way to just demonize evil people and praise righteous people in a colorless way :)..So on that end, I would should demonize the evil behavior and not name names...but that's not JTF nor is that Chaim ben Pesach...apparantly the rough speak is their way of communicating. I think it is a Brooklyn/Queens thing.

No no no! It's Not a Brooklyn/Queens thing. I live in NYC and most people here do NOT speak this way. While Chaim states that the issue isn't skin color, but culture, he still overgeneralizes and exaggerates the statistics. He claims that 95% of blacks are evil Jew-hating nazis and criminals. Really? I would like to see the empirical data that confirms that! He seems to think that just because most criminals are black, that must mean that most blacks are criminals. But in reality, that's not the case. That's like saying that most Catholic ministers are child molesters. Crimes are committed by a microcosm of the population who are recidivists and commit the same crimes over and over again.

Imerica, i'm sorry but i have to plead ignorace to people who grew up in rough neighborhoods in Brooklyn Queens or even the Bronx, perhaps even the lower east side etc....  Chaim did not grow up in an upper middle class neighborhood in northern NJ..he grew up with blacks with hispanics with italians...and he has some black friends, some hispanic friends, some white friends etc etc etc.  Chaim refers to what is a vast majority of places where you look you see gangsta type behavior which is dispiciple to him..and he sees whites imitating it glorifying it. 

I know it's silly, I can't explain which is obvious to me personally...
But as you may or may not realize it, I do not hate all black people and I do not hate people just because they are black.  I personally can tolerate what a lot of people on this forum hate..but that's just me.

But I can tell that a lot of people especailly Chaim are justifiably bitter about what they encountered repeatedly and just happened to be 95% of the time from the same race/culture/religion.

That wasn't Erica that wrote that last post. It was me, Daniel.

Just because Chaim has experienced 95% of the blacks he has experienced doesn't mean that his experience speaks for all reality. That's another mistake that overgeneralizers like Chaim make. My personal experiences with blacks have been over 95% positive. But that doesn't mean that I rule out the possibility that there are larger number of blacks who are bad. I've had good and bad experiences with Jews as well. But I can't come to a conclusion about what percentage is good and what percentage is bad just simply in relation to my own personal experiences with them.

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Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
« Reply #85 on: June 01, 2007, 10:02:49 PM »
I work in a middle school in the south Bronx and understand and see firsthand the problems and issues that exist in the community. But instead of taking on an attitude of demonizing and feeling like this is something that needs to be defeated, we do our darnedest to help out as much as we can to raise the sinking ship and plug up the holes as much as possible. It seems like you just want to state how there is a sinking ship with lots of gaping holes and your solution is to just shoot more holes into it to make the ship sink faster in order to "defeat evil." The idea of actually trying to do anything to help out and to serve these communities is morally repugnant and self-hating to you. I'm sorry, but I don't identify and think that way. It's true that there are a lot of problems in these areas. But it's not a simple issue of concluding that these people are evil. There are many other issues and factors that these communities need to face. They don't have the health care that the rest of us take for granted. This, in turn, causes a lot more students that need to depend on related health care services from the schools, and then the school system many times don't comply with the state mandates. There are many people in the community that are working their hardest just to survive. I can't even begin to understand what it must be like to live in a community like this with these types of issues and problems. So I think that someone who doesn't even work in these communities or these settings can even come close to understanding the issues and what needs to be done. All I know is that taking on a demonizing mentality does absolutely nothing to resolve anything! The only way to make any type of positive differences is to recognize that yes, there are major problems, but that it's important to help out the best we can by coming up with the best solutions possible and to provide the best possible services we can. But who am I? Just some self-hating liberal Jew who is doing a great disservice by working in the public school system in the neediest communities.
Boy you are barking up the wrong tree with this line of thinking. Are you looking for a medal for working with the under privileged you will get it in about 6 or 7 years when you get tenure in the school system and make about 100 g's a year. You speak of how the people in the South Bronx don't have health care when in in fact the might have better health care through social services then many people who work and have to pay for their insurance. I always envy the City School teachers who get full medical coverage at no cost. What do they care that everyone else's premiums go up each year to absorb all the dead wood in the health care system that has to be treated. Its people like you always looking for excuses  and expecting others to pay the freight for all this trash and dead wood waiting for programs and handouts that are the problem. If minorities were expected to sink or swim you would be surprised how many would become very industrious. The way you crying liberals made them all they do is look for the next meal ticket.

I'm not looking for any medals and this isn't about me. This is about the way all of you are demonizing blacks and deeming them to be evil. I'm just pointing out that I see firsthand that they are not evil. Why are you so envious of the health care coverage public school teachers get? We don't get our health care coverage for no cost. We get that by working in the system! You make this out like it's some free prize or handout being given away to us! I suppose anybody else who gets healthcare coverage through their job should also be envied for getting free healthcare coverage. If we teachers are so darned spoiled, then why is there still such a massive shortage of teachers? If we have it so good, why aren't so many more people flocking toward the field? In fact, the opposite is happening. There is such a large turnover of teachers. It's very easy to criticize from the outside when you have absolutely no idea what it's like to work in the field. I'm not looking for any medals. But now it seems like you're not just criticizing blacks, but public school teachers as well. And all of this is somehow supposed to help us fulfill our Zionist objectives!
Amen, Daniel.

As a future educator, I'm aware of the fact that I won't be paid a lot... being an educator is one of the most thankless jobs in our country. I am glad that when I do finally become certified, I'll receive benefits such as health care and an insurance package. These are things that should be readily available at every job. And its not a handout, either. Its a benefit. You see, there is a difference, (to those who think there isn't). Tell me, would you work at a job where if you've worked there for a certain period of time and was injured on the property, that you shouldn't have some kind of medical benefit backing you?

And I'd like to disagree with the assumption that health care through social services are better than health care not provided by social services. First of all.. you do know that a lot of times there is no co-pay for families on welfare when they seek help from a hospital right? That almost always means that they can be treated any way because they're not paying out of their pockets. A lot of hospitals who provide those services look at those who receive welfare services as if they are carrying the bubonic plague. And its because those poor people fall into a social class system that isn't welcomed by those in the higher echelon. Is sad but true... and I wouldn't say it unless I experienced it for myself as a child.

Amen, Erica. You hit the nail right on the head! You clearly understand and know the deal here! You're going to make an excellent educator. You should come work at my school. We can definitely use more people like you :)

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Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
« Reply #86 on: June 01, 2007, 10:04:05 PM »

My point was not to show mercy. My point was is that we should take on the attitude of trying to help and serve instead of trying to demonize.

Maybe i should reword the word "mercy" to "being compassionate"
Jews have tried to help the very same people who are helping, but to no avail. 

I can't completely agree with that since I've seen firsthand that we have succeeded with a good number of our students. So if you don't want to show mercy or be compassionate, that's fine. It's a free country and it's your choice. But what's the point in going out of our way to demonize them? What are we going to accomplish for ourselves other than make it look like we Zionists really are racists?

I personally don't demonize all black people..I actually go out of my way to just demonize evil people and praise righteous people in a colorless way :)..So on that end, I would should demonize the evil behavior and not name names...but that's not JTF nor is that Chaim ben Pesach...apparantly the rough speak is their way of communicating. I think it is a Brooklyn/Queens thing.

No no no! It's Not a Brooklyn/Queens thing. I live in NYC and most people here do NOT speak this way. While Chaim states that the issue isn't skin color, but culture, he still overgeneralizes and exaggerates the statistics. He claims that 95% of blacks are evil Jew-hating nazis and criminals. Really? I would like to see the empirical data that confirms that! He seems to think that just because most criminals are black, that must mean that most blacks are criminals. But in reality, that's not the case. That's like saying that most Catholic ministers are child molesters. Crimes are committed by a microcosm of the population who are recidivists and commit the same crimes over and over again.

Imerica, i'm sorry but i have to plead ignorace to people who grew up in rough neighborhoods in Brooklyn Queens or even the Bronx, perhaps even the lower east side etc....  Chaim did not grow up in an upper middle class neighborhood in northern NJ..he grew up with blacks with hispanics with italians...and he has some black friends, some hispanic friends, some white friends etc etc etc.  Chaim refers to what is a vast majority of places where you look you see gangsta type behavior which is dispiciple to him..and he sees whites imitating it glorifying it. 

I know it's silly, I can't explain which is obvious to me personally...
But as you may or may not realize it, I do not hate all black people and I do not hate people just because they are black.  I personally can tolerate what a lot of people on this forum hate..but that's just me.

But I can tell that a lot of people especailly Chaim are justifiably bitter about what they encountered repeatedly and just happened to be 95% of the time from the same race/culture/religion.

That wasn't Erica that wrote that last post. It was me, Daniel.

Just because Chaim has experienced 95% of the blacks he has experienced doesn't mean that his experience speaks for all reality. That's another mistake that overgeneralizers like Chaim make. My personal experiences with blacks have been over 95% positive. But that doesn't mean that I rule out the possibility that there are larger number of blacks who are bad. I've had good and bad experiences with Jews as well. But I can't come to a conclusion about what percentage is good and what percentage is bad just simply in relation to my own personal experiences with them.

so sorry bad.

You are correct in principle...but this is how chaim expresses himself.  and he's the boss...if this is how he wants to spread the word, then this is how wants to do it. I dont' agree with it, but this is Chaim...

A lot of people on this forum express themselves in the same way Chaim does and they dont' even come from where he came from. I personally have a problem wtih that type of communication.

But when Chaim does it, it is authentic and he knows how to justify the way he speaks. Not many people who imitate him on this forum are capable of that (unless they grew up in a similar neighborhood as him)..and I know I couldn't imitate Chaim because it's not's that simple.
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

In your heart you know WE are right and in your guts you know THEY are nuts!

"Science without religion is lame; Religion without science is blind."  - Albert Einstein

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Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
« Reply #87 on: June 01, 2007, 10:17:54 PM »

so sorry bad.

You are correct in principle...but this is how chaim expresses himself.  and he's the boss...if this is how he wants to spread the word, then this is how wants to do it. I dont' agree with it, but this is Chaim...

A lot of people on this forum express themselves in the same way Chaim does and they dont' even come from where he came from. I personally have a problem wtih that type of communication.

But when Chaim does it, it is authentic and he knows how to justify the way he speaks. Not many people who imitate him on this forum are capable of that (unless they grew up in a similar neighborhood as him)..and I know I couldn't imitate Chaim because it's not's that simple.

I'm glad to see I'm not the only one that disagrees with Chaim. The one thing I am sure about is that Chaim is absolutely sincere with everything he says. However, just because he's sincere, doesn't mean that it's authentic and accurate. He claims that because he's older than the rest of us and has gone to jail that he has experienced a truer representation of what blacks are like. I don't agree with this concept. Just because he's older and has come into contact with more people doesn't mean that his experiences can be extrapolated out to generalize an entire population of people. But that's just my opinion.

And what can be so hard about imitating Chaim? All we'd have to do is set up a web cam, put on a hat and some sunglasses, and scream out the obligatory, "Yamach shmo v'zichro" to just about everyone we mention and talk about all the muslim arab nazis and how the mexican coocarachas are going to turn this country into a third world banana republic and then ask for millions of dollars  :laugh:

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Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
« Reply #88 on: June 01, 2007, 10:35:01 PM »

so sorry bad.

You are correct in principle...but this is how chaim expresses himself.  and he's the boss...if this is how he wants to spread the word, then this is how wants to do it. I dont' agree with it, but this is Chaim...

A lot of people on this forum express themselves in the same way Chaim does and they dont' even come from where he came from. I personally have a problem wtih that type of communication.

But when Chaim does it, it is authentic and he knows how to justify the way he speaks. Not many people who imitate him on this forum are capable of that (unless they grew up in a similar neighborhood as him)..and I know I couldn't imitate Chaim because it's not's that simple.

I'm glad to see I'm not the only one that disagrees with Chaim. The one thing I am sure about is that Chaim is absolutely sincere with everything he says. However, just because he's sincere, doesn't mean that it's authentic and accurate. He claims that because he's older than the rest of us and has gone to jail that he has experienced a truer representation of what blacks are like. I don't agree with this concept. Just because he's older and has come into contact with more people doesn't mean that his experiences can be extrapolated out to generalize an entire population of people. But that's just my opinion.

And what can be so hard about imitating Chaim? All we'd have to do is set up a web cam, put on a hat and some sunglasses, and scream out the obligatory, "Yamach shmo v'zichro" to just about everyone we mention and talk about all the muslim arab nazis and how the mexican coocarachas are going to turn this country into a third world banana republic and then ask for millions of dollars  :laugh:

funny how you put it...Hey who knows?  Comedians may end up imitating chaim on the E! channel on the Talk Soup show.

On a serious note, chaim, and only chaim, can defend what he says and how he says it. Anyone who imitates him in a serious manner on this forum are not very good, at times, defending what they say.

If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

In your heart you know WE are right and in your guts you know THEY are nuts!

"Science without religion is lame; Religion without science is blind."  - Albert Einstein

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Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
« Reply #89 on: June 02, 2007, 06:07:36 AM »
I work in a middle school in the south Bronx and understand and see firsthand the problems and issues that exist in the community. But instead of taking on an attitude of demonizing and feeling like this is something that needs to be defeated, we do our darnedest to help out as much as we can to raise the sinking ship and plug up the holes as much as possible. It seems like you just want to state how there is a sinking ship with lots of gaping holes and your solution is to just shoot more holes into it to make the ship sink faster in order to "defeat evil." The idea of actually trying to do anything to help out and to serve these communities is morally repugnant and self-hating to you. I'm sorry, but I don't identify and think that way. It's true that there are a lot of problems in these areas. But it's not a simple issue of concluding that these people are evil. There are many other issues and factors that these communities need to face. They don't have the healthcare that the rest of us take for granted. This, in turn, causes a lot more students that need to depend on related healthcare services from the schools, and then the school system many times don't comply with the state mandates. There are many people in the community that are working their hardest just to survive. I can't even begin to understand what it must be like to live in a community like this with these types of issues and problems. So I think that someone who doesn't even work in these communities or these settings can even come close to understanding the issues and what needs to be done. All I know is that taking on a demonizing mentality does absolutely nothing to resolve anything! The only way to make any type of positive differences is to recognize that yes, there are major problems, but that it's important to help out the best we can by coming up with the best solutions possible and to provide the best possible services we can. But who am I? Just some self-hating liberal Jew who is doing a great disservice by working in the public school system in the neediest communities.
Boy you are barking up the wrong tree with this line of thinking. Are you looking for a medal for working with the under privileged you will get it in about 6 or 7 years when you get tenure in the school system and make about 100 g's a year. You speak of how the people in the South Bronx don't have health care when in in fact the might have better health care through social services then many people who work and have to pay for their insurance. I always envy the City School teachers who get full medical coverage at no cost. What do they care that everyone else's premiums go up each year to absorb all the dead wood in the health care system that has to be treated. Its people like you always looking for excuses  and expecting others to pay the freight for all this trash and dead wood waiting for programs and handouts that are the problem. If minorities were expected to sink or swim you would be surprised how many would become very industrious. The way you crying liberals made them all they do is look for the next meal ticket.

I'm not looking for any medals and this isn't about me. This is about the way all of you are demonizing blacks and deeming them to be evil. I'm just pointing out that I see firsthand that they are not evil. Why are you so envious of the health care coverage public school teachers get? We don't get our health care coverage for no cost. We get that by working in the system! You make this out like it's some free prize or handout being given away to us! I suppose anybody else who gets healthcare coverage through their job should also be envied for getting free healthcare coverage. If we teachers are so darned spoiled, then why is there still such a massive shortage of teachers? If we have it so good, why aren't so many more people flocking toward the field? In fact, the opposite is happening. There is such a large turnover of teachers. It's very easy to criticize from the outside when you have absolutely no idea what it's like to work in the field. I'm not looking for any medals. But now it seems like you're not just criticizing blacks, but public school teachers as well. And all of this is somehow supposed to help us fulfill our Zionist objectives!
I have a better idea of whats going on then you might think. I am not envious of the health care N.Y.C  teachers get I just feel that teachers as well as many other City Workers are out of touch with the rest of working class America when it comes to health care costs. I also had that no cost insurance at one time but  because the system has to absorb more and more dead wood (the uninsured) of all verities I now have to pay each week to maintain the same level of coverage I once had at no additional cost. You see Daniel I don't work for a municipality, its taxpayers who get stuck paying for outrageous salaries and plush benefits packages that municipal workers unions cut out of the taxpayers hide each year. I am a union worker and organizer and love to see people making a fair wage however at times and with certain groups this can be taken to far.
The first few years as a teacher in the city school system may not be pleasent however let me tell you your counterparts out here in the suburbs are on easy street. That is one of the main reasons that the city has a shortage of  starting teachers. Young  NYC teachers soon see that the money tree is growing out in Nassau and Suffolk  counties and not in Brooklyn. Why put the time in in rough schools and have the potential of being assaulted by the animals that you are trying to civilize when you could get more money in a shorter time just across the city line. So in a matter of speaking you may be right when you say a shortage of teachers exist in the city schools but the reason is better deals are available to them elsewhere. Why put in the time to get up to top pay when you can get it sooner and easer elsewhere. Most teachers out here in the suburbs retire at 55 and have thriving business going by that time. Lets face it it not everyone that gets 3 plus months off a year to do as they like. I always laugh when teachers say well we don't get paid for them months. Well at 90 to over a 100 gs a year salaries in some cases for tenured teachers they should learn how to budget their money for the lean months and entry level salaries disappear fast.
My school tax for this year was $7000  60 % of that goes right to the teachers salaries not buildings or other staff just teachers.  Each year that $7000 goes up 4 to 8% so you start to see why my opinions are the way they are.

Our  objectives are best served when people open up their eyes and mouth to the real situation around them and not sugar coat the evil around them. When evil people and situations are ignored the problems only get worse.
He who overlooks one crime invites the commission of another.        Syrus.

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Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
« Reply #90 on: June 02, 2007, 06:39:31 AM »
My wife has worked and does work with several good teachers who have attempted to work in the NYC school system. They all run screaming from it. All have been threatened by black and hispanic savages and don't see it's possible to teach a beast that calls you a white f&&king bi&^h and the [censored] principles side with the beasts against the teachers. I recently had to attend a meeting at my son's school in Queens which is considered one of the best in the city and I thought I was on Riker's Island. And the principle was a [censored], stupid as a box a rocks. I hope she made a mental note of my JTF shirt, all the teachers in the meeting seem fixated with it ;D   

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Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
« Reply #91 on: June 02, 2007, 09:01:33 AM »
My wife has worked and does work with several good teachers who have attempted to work in the NYC school system. They all run screaming from it. All have been threatened by black and hispanic savages and don't see it's possible to teach a beast that calls you a white f&&king bi&^h and the [censored] principles side with the beasts against the teachers. I recently had to attend a meeting at my son's school in Queens which is considered one of the best in the city and I thought I was on Riker's Island. And the principle was a [censored], stupid as a box a rocks. I hope she made a mental note of my JTF shirt, all the teachers in the meeting seem fixated with it ;D   
Your right Allen-T there are many good teachers that could not take the system and beasts it tries to educate. Also I know that their are many hard working teachers that put the years into the city schools and deserve to be compensated for their efforts to a reasonable extent.  My problem comes in with the Randy Winegarden style teacher and sympathizer. People with her agenda always make me sick. No end of tax payer money is ever enough to make the schools right. She always skips over the fact that no matter what lacks for funds her teachers salaries and benefits always go first. Between her and Albert Shanker before her they have tainted the ranks of teachers in New York City as blood suckers. This has set the agenda for other teacher unions in the suburbs to follow and completely rake the taxpayers over the coals with unreasonable wage demands.
I'm sure your JTF shirt was the topic of conversation in the teachers lounge. Most of them are hopelessly left leaning Liberals  and that shirt was like showing a bull the red flag.
« Last Edit: June 02, 2007, 09:12:21 AM by cjd »
He who overlooks one crime invites the commission of another.        Syrus.

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Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
« Reply #92 on: June 02, 2007, 09:09:29 AM »
I work in a middle school in the south Bronx and understand and see firsthand the problems and issues that exist in the community. But instead of taking on an attitude of demonizing and feeling like this is something that needs to be defeated, we do our darnedest to help out as much as we can to raise the sinking ship and plug up the holes as much as possible. It seems like you just want to state how there is a sinking ship with lots of gaping holes and your solution is to just shoot more holes into it to make the ship sink faster in order to "defeat evil." The idea of actually trying to do anything to help out and to serve these communities is morally repugnant and self-hating to you. I'm sorry, but I don't identify and think that way. It's true that there are a lot of problems in these areas. But it's not a simple issue of concluding that these people are evil. There are many other issues and factors that these communities need to face. They don't have the healthcare that the rest of us take for granted. This, in turn, causes a lot more students that need to depend on related healthcare services from the schools, and then the school system many times don't comply with the state mandates. There are many people in the community that are working their hardest just to survive. I can't even begin to understand what it must be like to live in a community like this with these types of issues and problems. So I think that someone who doesn't even work in these communities or these settings can even come close to understanding the issues and what needs to be done. All I know is that taking on a demonizing mentality does absolutely nothing to resolve anything! The only way to make any type of positive differences is to recognize that yes, there are major problems, but that it's important to help out the best we can by coming up with the best solutions possible and to provide the best possible services we can. But who am I? Just some self-hating liberal Jew who is doing a great disservice by working in the public school system in the neediest communities.
Boy you are barking up the wrong tree with this line of thinking. Are you looking for a medal for working with the under privileged you will get it in about 6 or 7 years when you get tenure in the school system and make about 100 g's a year. You speak of how the people in the South Bronx don't have health care when in in fact the might have better health care through social services then many people who work and have to pay for their insurance. I always envy the City School teachers who get full medical coverage at no cost. What do they care that everyone else's premiums go up each year to absorb all the dead wood in the health care system that has to be treated. Its people like you always looking for excuses  and expecting others to pay the freight for all this trash and dead wood waiting for programs and handouts that are the problem. If minorities were expected to sink or swim you would be surprised how many would become very industrious. The way you crying liberals made them all they do is look for the next meal ticket.

I'm not looking for any medals and this isn't about me. This is about the way all of you are demonizing blacks and deeming them to be evil. I'm just pointing out that I see firsthand that they are not evil. Why are you so envious of the health care coverage public school teachers get? We don't get our health care coverage for no cost. We get that by working in the system! You make this out like it's some free prize or handout being given away to us! I suppose anybody else who gets healthcare coverage through their job should also be envied for getting free healthcare coverage. If we teachers are so darned spoiled, then why is there still such a massive shortage of teachers? If we have it so good, why aren't so many more people flocking toward the field? In fact, the opposite is happening. There is such a large turnover of teachers. It's very easy to criticize from the outside when you have absolutely no idea what it's like to work in the field. I'm not looking for any medals. But now it seems like you're not just criticizing blacks, but public school teachers as well. And all of this is somehow supposed to help us fulfill our Zionist objectives!
I have a better idea of whats going on then you might think. I am not envious of the health care N.Y.C  teachers get I just feel that teachers as well as many other City Workers are out of touch with the rest of working class America when it comes to health care costs. I also had that no cost insurance at one time but  because the system has to absorb more and more dead wood (the uninsured) of all verities I now have to pay each week to maintain the same level of coverage I once had at no additional cost. You see Daniel I don't work for a municipality, its taxpayers who get stuck paying for outrageous salaries and plush benefits packages that municipal workers unions cut out of the taxpayers hide each year. I am a union worker and organizer and love to see people making a fair wage however at times and with certain groups this can be taken to far.
The first few years as a teacher in the city school system may not be pleasent however let me tell you your counterparts out here in the suburbs are on easy street. That is one of the main reasons that the city has a shortage of  starting teachers. Young  NYC teachers soon see that the money tree is growing out in Nassau and Suffolk  counties and not in Brooklyn. Why put the time in in rough schools and have the potential of being assaulted by the animals that you are trying to civilize when you could get more money in a shorter time just across the city line. So in a matter of speaking you may be right when you say a shortage of teachers exist in the city schools but the reason is better deals are available to them elsewhere. Why put in the time to get up to top pay when you can get it sooner and easer elsewhere. Most teachers out here in the suburbs retire at 55 and have thriving business going by that time. Lets face it it not everyone that gets 3 plus months off a year to do as they like. I always laugh when teachers say well we don't get paid for them months. Well at 90 to over a 100 gs a year salaries in some cases for tenured teachers they should learn how to budget their money for the lean months and entry level salaries disappear fast.
My school tax for this year was $7000  60 % of that goes right to the teachers salaries not buildings or other staff just teachers.  Each year that $7000 goes up 4 to 8% so you start to see why my opinions are the way they are.

Our  objectives are best served when people open up their eyes and mouth to the real situation around them and not sugar coat the evil around them. When evil people and situations are ignored the problems only get worse.

So are you saying that teachers are evil people and that the salaries and benefits they get are evil?

You're absolutely right that in the suburbs like Long Island and Westchester, the salaries are significantly higher and the working conditions are much better. That's why the situations are in reverse there where the demand for those jobs are much higher than the supply. But on the other hand, a common practice in these areas is to make up some BS excuse not to give teachers at the last minute tenure in order to save money and then go through the same cycle again by hiring new inexpensive teachers. These teachers are then fired and have no other choice than to work for the city.

You make it seem like we teachers are a bunch of corporate fat cats, what, with "outrageous salaries and plush benefits"??? I don't think anything could be further from the truth. Teachers need a great deal of education and are forced to get masters degrees, professional development hours, and then some while many people in the corporate and financial world only need to get a bachelors degree and end up making MUCH more money than any teacher could ever hope to make! Don't think for a second that we're on easy street in any way cuz we're not! It's a lot more challenging and exhausting to work with children all day than it is to sit in a nice air-conditioned office at a computer and a phone. I can't tell you how many times in the middle of a work day, I wish I could trade that in to work in an office at a computer even with longer hours. As far as tax payers paying for everything we get. Hey! We ARE the taxpayers that are paying just as much! We don't get any tax breaks! We're all part of the middle class that get squeezed since all of the enormous Bush tax cuts go to the gigantic corporations. But what the media hardly ever covers is the fact that with all of these tax cuts, there are NO payroll tax cuts. So teachers and the rest of the working class aren't receiving any benefits from the Bush tax cuts.

We teachers also have to pay hundreds, sometimes even a few thousand dollars per year out of our own pockets for supplies. We have to buy all of our own paper every time we want to make copies of worksheets for our students. Are there any businesses out there were the employees need to purchase their own copy paper? The businesses have loads of this stuff and the employees never have to worry about buying this or any other office supplies. It's all supplied for them. Teachers need to buy all their own office supplies, and all we get for it is $150 in teachers choice which doesn't even come close to the amount of money we need to spend out of pocket every year.

Also, keep in mind that with the last couple of pay raises we received in the last two contracts, they were really not raises since we needed to put in extra time to get the extra money. A true pay raise is when you just get a raise with no extra time. In fact, in the last contract, the high school teachers received a 15% pay raise for putting in 16% more time. So yes, they did get more money. But when you add it all up, they actually ended up getting a 1% pay cut!

I can definitely understand how other union workers like firemen, police, and transit workers feel very shortchanged because they definitely are. We all hope that they get more pay and get fairer contracts. But that doesn't mean that teachers are going to apologize in any way for anything we get. We just work together to see to it that we all get paid and treated fairly.


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Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
« Reply #93 on: June 02, 2007, 09:09:38 AM »
Daniel, your wrong there, they knew how to harvest their crops, it was more a case of being able to get more done for less moeny by using slaves, and the fact that the heat of the sun doesn't effect blacks as badly as whites. Nothing to do with knowledge.
Excuse me but, do you happen to be black? Do you have dark skin like mine? How could you konw that the heat from the sun doesn't affect blacks as badly as whites? Did you know that light skinned blacks, (as well as dark skinned blacks,) if exposed to the sun for a long period of time, can develop skin cancer (melanoma). They also can tan darker than they normally are.

And about slavery. If they could tend to their own land (the whites back in the day) why travel for months to another country to hand-pick 'human cattle' to do THEIR job? The way you describe it, it sounds  like you're saying..."Aw, slavery wasn't that bad... working in the sun for hours on end was nothing for slaves." ::) Are you serious?

When we were stationed in Spain, I went with a friend  to a Bunko Party... it was a game that a lot of military wives and civilians played to pass the time. Anyway, while I was there I noticed that  I was the only black person there. During the preparation for the game, one woman complemented me on my skin-color and asked me if black people get tanned/ or sunburned. From the look on her face, I could tell that she wanted to see if I'd act 'out of the ordinary' and start snapping on her for asking. But instead of doing that, I told her just what I told you. I tan when I'm out in the sun all day. I also have brother and sister who are lighter than I am who ALSO tan. After I answered the question, she had nothing more to say to me, even after I won the Bunko Prize. lol

The moral of my story is, ask and you shall be answered. But don't patronize me. lol
Bit late responding to this one, firstly, no, I'm not saying slavery wasn't bad, it was terrible, despicable, evil, an utter disgrace. It's well known that the darker your skin is the longer you can work in the sun without short turm consequences, I wasn't talking about long term consequences, the slave owners didn't care that much about the slaves though, so they wouldn't have cared if they'd got skin cancer.

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Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
« Reply #94 on: June 02, 2007, 09:48:36 AM »
I'm not saying slavery wasn't bad, it was terrible, despicable, evil, an utter disgrace.

I'm not saying that New World slavery was a good thing which happened to blacks.

I'm saying that it was the best thing which happened to blacks, in the whole benighted history of their race.

Here's something which I posted on another thread. Please don't feel "burned" by it, Imerica. ;D

After visiting Africa and seeing at first hand its wretchedness and violence, Muhammed Ali, a.k.a. Cassius Clay, expressed his gratitude that "my great granddaddy caught that ship.",9171,976426,00.html

But you don't have to visit Africa. Just watch Blood Diamond, The Last King of Scotland and G-d Sleeps in Rwanda, all excellent movies. Despite a whiff of political correctness, Blood Diamond is particularly good.

CNN recently reported on religious fanatic hophead cannibal girl child soldiers fighting and f***ing for the so-called Army of G-d in Uganda.

And they're the ones on our side! ;D

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Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
« Reply #95 on: June 02, 2007, 10:03:15 AM »
I work in a middle school in the south Bronx and understand and see firsthand the problems and issues that exist in the community. But instead of taking on an attitude of demonizing and feeling like this is something that needs to be defeated, we do our darnedest to help out as much as we can to raise the sinking ship and plug up the holes as much as possible. It seems like you just want to state how there is a sinking ship with lots of gaping holes and your solution is to just shoot more holes into it to make the ship sink faster in order to "defeat evil." The idea of actually trying to do anything to help out and to serve these communities is morally repugnant and self-hating to you. I'm sorry, but I don't identify and think that way. It's true that there are a lot of problems in these areas. But it's not a simple issue of concluding that these people are evil. There are many other issues and factors that these communities need to face. They don't have the healthcare that the rest of us take for granted. This, in turn, causes a lot more students that need to depend on related healthcare services from the schools, and then the school system many times don't comply with the state mandates. There are many people in the community that are working their hardest just to survive. I can't even begin to understand what it must be like to live in a community like this with these types of issues and problems. So I think that someone who doesn't even work in these communities or these settings can even come close to understanding the issues and what needs to be done. All I know is that taking on a demonizing mentality does absolutely nothing to resolve anything! The only way to make any type of positive differences is to recognize that yes, there are major problems, but that it's important to help out the best we can by coming up with the best solutions possible and to provide the best possible services we can. But who am I? Just some self-hating liberal Jew who is doing a great disservice by working in the public school system in the neediest communities.
Boy you are barking up the wrong tree with this line of thinking. Are you looking for a medal for working with the under privileged you will get it in about 6 or 7 years when you get tenure in the school system and make about 100 g's a year. You speak of how the people in the South Bronx don't have health care when in in fact the might have better health care through social services then many people who work and have to pay for their insurance. I always envy the City School teachers who get full medical coverage at no cost. What do they care that everyone else's premiums go up each year to absorb all the dead wood in the health care system that has to be treated. Its people like you always looking for excuses  and expecting others to pay the freight for all this trash and dead wood waiting for programs and handouts that are the problem. If minorities were expected to sink or swim you would be surprised how many would become very industrious. The way you crying liberals made them all they do is look for the next meal ticket.

I'm not looking for any medals and this isn't about me. This is about the way all of you are demonizing blacks and deeming them to be evil. I'm just pointing out that I see firsthand that they are not evil. Why are you so envious of the health care coverage public school teachers get? We don't get our health care coverage for no cost. We get that by working in the system! You make this out like it's some free prize or handout being given away to us! I suppose anybody else who gets healthcare coverage through their job should also be envied for getting free healthcare coverage. If we teachers are so darned spoiled, then why is there still such a massive shortage of teachers? If we have it so good, why aren't so many more people flocking toward the field? In fact, the opposite is happening. There is such a large turnover of teachers. It's very easy to criticize from the outside when you have absolutely no idea what it's like to work in the field. I'm not looking for any medals. But now it seems like you're not just criticizing blacks, but public school teachers as well. And all of this is somehow supposed to help us fulfill our Zionist objectives!
I have a better idea of whats going on then you might think. I am not envious of the health care N.Y.C  teachers get I just feel that teachers as well as many other City Workers are out of touch with the rest of working class America when it comes to health care costs. I also had that no cost insurance at one time but  because the system has to absorb more and more dead wood (the uninsured) of all verities I now have to pay each week to maintain the same level of coverage I once had at no additional cost. You see Daniel I don't work for a municipality, its taxpayers who get stuck paying for outrageous salaries and plush benefits packages that municipal workers unions cut out of the taxpayers hide each year. I am a union worker and organizer and love to see people making a fair wage however at times and with certain groups this can be taken to far.
The first few years as a teacher in the city school system may not be pleasent however let me tell you your counterparts out here in the suburbs are on easy street. That is one of the main reasons that the city has a shortage of  starting teachers. Young  NYC teachers soon see that the money tree is growing out in Nassau and Suffolk  counties and not in Brooklyn. Why put the time in in rough schools and have the potential of being assaulted by the animals that you are trying to civilize when you could get more money in a shorter time just across the city line. So in a matter of speaking you may be right when you say a shortage of teachers exist in the city schools but the reason is better deals are available to them elsewhere. Why put in the time to get up to top pay when you can get it sooner and easer elsewhere. Most teachers out here in the suburbs retire at 55 and have thriving business going by that time. Lets face it it not everyone that gets 3 plus months off a year to do as they like. I always laugh when teachers say well we don't get paid for them months. Well at 90 to over a 100 gs a year salaries in some cases for tenured teachers they should learn how to budget their money for the lean months and entry level salaries disappear fast.
My school tax for this year was $7000  60 % of that goes right to the teachers salaries not buildings or other staff just teachers.  Each year that $7000 goes up 4 to 8% so you start to see why my opinions are the way they are.

Our  objectives are best served when people open up their eyes and mouth to the real situation around them and not sugar coat the evil around them. When evil people and situations are ignored the problems only get worse.

So are you saying that teachers are evil people and that the salaries and benefits they get are evil?

You're absolutely right that in the suburbs like Long Island and Westchester, the salaries are significantly higher and the working conditions are much better. That's why the situations are in reverse there where the demand for those jobs are much higher than the supply. But on the other hand, a common practice in these areas is to make up some BS excuse not to give teachers at the last minute tenure in order to save money and then go through the same cycle again by hiring new inexpensive teachers. These teachers are then fired and have no other choice than to work for the city.

You make it seem like we teachers are a bunch of corporate fat cats, what, with "outrageous salaries and plush benefits"??? I don't think anything could be further from the truth. Teachers need a great deal of education and are forced to get masters degrees, professional development hours, and then some while many people in the corporate and financial world only need to get a bachelors degree and end up making MUCH more money than any teacher could ever hope to make! Don't think for a second that we're on easy street in any way cuz we're not! It's a lot more challenging and exhausting to work with children all day than it is to sit in a nice air-conditioned office at a computer and a phone. I can't tell you how many times in the middle of a work day, I wish I could trade that in to work in an office at a computer even with longer hours. As far as tax payers paying for everything we get. Hey! We ARE the taxpayers that are paying just as much! We don't get any tax breaks! We're all part of the middle class that get squeezed since all of the enormous Bush tax cuts go to the gigantic corporations. But what the media hardly ever covers is the fact that with all of these tax cuts, there are NO payroll tax cuts. So teachers and the rest of the working class aren't receiving any benefits from the Bush tax cuts.

We teachers also have to pay hundreds, sometimes even a few thousand dollars per year out of our own pockets for supplies. We have to buy all of our own paper every time we want to make copies of worksheets for our students. Are there any businesses out there were the employees need to purchase their own copy paper? The businesses have loads of this stuff and the employees never have to worry about buying this or any other office supplies. It's all supplied for them. Teachers need to buy all their own office supplies, and all we get for it is $150 in teachers choice which doesn't even come close to the amount of money we need to spend out of pocket every year.

Also, keep in mind that with the last couple of pay raises we received in the last two contracts, they were really not raises since we needed to put in extra time to get the extra money. A true pay raise is when you just get a raise with no extra time. In fact, in the last contract, the high school teachers received a 15% pay raise for putting in 16% more time. So yes, they did get more money. But when you add it all up, they actually ended up getting a 1% pay cut!

I can definitely understand how other union workers like firemen, police, and transit workers feel very shortchanged because they definitely are. We all hope that they get more pay and get fairer contracts. But that doesn't mean that teachers are going to apologize in any way for anything we get. We just work together to see to it that we all get paid and treated fairly.
No I am not saying teachers are evil just well compensated in most cases after they work in the system a few years. They are also very organized in collective bargaining and over the years have done quite well. You are not corporate executives and honestly can't and shouldn't expect tax payers to pay you as such. You are well paid civil Servants who after 25 or 30 years can go off to a very comfortable retirement benefits and pensions for life. With every additional degree you get in most cases you get more salary to go along with it. In some cases they even pay the tuition fees if I am not mistaken what more do you want.
Agreed that their are many many good teachers that work very hard and take money out of their pockets to do things with their students and G-d will bless them for that one day. I just saying two things here . 1.Teachers for the most part are very well compensated for what they do 2. Most teachers I know are extremely Liberal in their views and are confused when others don't share that opinion.
I could go on and on I know someone who works in a Board of Education District office and they talk about some of the going's on in that level from time to time. Well all I am going to say is  if it came to the attention the general public the backlash would not be nice. What is taking place in the administration levels of the board of ED is sickening. They protect the worst of the teaching profession and cause the general public to loose respect for all teachers as a whole.
He who overlooks one crime invites the commission of another.        Syrus.

A light on to the nations for 60 years


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Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
« Reply #96 on: June 02, 2007, 03:58:14 PM »
I work in a middle school in the south Bronx and understand and see firsthand the problems and issues that exist in the community. But instead of taking on an attitude of demonizing and feeling like this is something that needs to be defeated, we do our darnedest to help out as much as we can to raise the sinking ship and plug up the holes as much as possible. It seems like you just want to state how there is a sinking ship with lots of gaping holes and your solution is to just shoot more holes into it to make the ship sink faster in order to "defeat evil." The idea of actually trying to do anything to help out and to serve these communities is morally repugnant and self-hating to you. I'm sorry, but I don't identify and think that way. It's true that there are a lot of problems in these areas. But it's not a simple issue of concluding that these people are evil. There are many other issues and factors that these communities need to face. They don't have the healthcare that the rest of us take for granted. This, in turn, causes a lot more students that need to depend on related healthcare services from the schools, and then the school system many times don't comply with the state mandates. There are many people in the community that are working their hardest just to survive. I can't even begin to understand what it must be like to live in a community like this with these types of issues and problems. So I think that someone who doesn't even work in these communities or these settings can even come close to understanding the issues and what needs to be done. All I know is that taking on a demonizing mentality does absolutely nothing to resolve anything! The only way to make any type of positive differences is to recognize that yes, there are major problems, but that it's important to help out the best we can by coming up with the best solutions possible and to provide the best possible services we can. But who am I? Just some self-hating liberal Jew who is doing a great disservice by working in the public school system in the neediest communities.
Boy you are barking up the wrong tree with this line of thinking. Are you looking for a medal for working with the under privileged you will get it in about 6 or 7 years when you get tenure in the school system and make about 100 g's a year. You speak of how the people in the South Bronx don't have health care when in in fact the might have better health care through social services then many people who work and have to pay for their insurance. I always envy the City School teachers who get full medical coverage at no cost. What do they care that everyone else's premiums go up each year to absorb all the dead wood in the health care system that has to be treated. Its people like you always looking for excuses  and expecting others to pay the freight for all this trash and dead wood waiting for programs and handouts that are the problem. If minorities were expected to sink or swim you would be surprised how many would become very industrious. The way you crying liberals made them all they do is look for the next meal ticket.

I'm not looking for any medals and this isn't about me. This is about the way all of you are demonizing blacks and deeming them to be evil. I'm just pointing out that I see firsthand that they are not evil. Why are you so envious of the health care coverage public school teachers get? We don't get our health care coverage for no cost. We get that by working in the system! You make this out like it's some free prize or handout being given away to us! I suppose anybody else who gets healthcare coverage through their job should also be envied for getting free healthcare coverage. If we teachers are so darned spoiled, then why is there still such a massive shortage of teachers? If we have it so good, why aren't so many more people flocking toward the field? In fact, the opposite is happening. There is such a large turnover of teachers. It's very easy to criticize from the outside when you have absolutely no idea what it's like to work in the field. I'm not looking for any medals. But now it seems like you're not just criticizing blacks, but public school teachers as well. And all of this is somehow supposed to help us fulfill our Zionist objectives!
I have a better idea of whats going on then you might think. I am not envious of the health care N.Y.C  teachers get I just feel that teachers as well as many other City Workers are out of touch with the rest of working class America when it comes to health care costs. I also had that no cost insurance at one time but  because the system has to absorb more and more dead wood (the uninsured) of all verities I now have to pay each week to maintain the same level of coverage I once had at no additional cost. You see Daniel I don't work for a municipality, its taxpayers who get stuck paying for outrageous salaries and plush benefits packages that municipal workers unions cut out of the taxpayers hide each year. I am a union worker and organizer and love to see people making a fair wage however at times and with certain groups this can be taken to far.
1) The first few years as a teacher in the city school system may not be pleasent however let me tell you your counterparts out here in the suburbs are on easy street. That is one of the main reasons that the city has a shortage of  starting teachers. Young  NYC teachers soon see that the money tree is growing out in Nassau and Suffolk  counties and not in Brooklyn. Why put the time in in rough schools and have the potential of being assaulted by the animals that you are trying to civilize when you could get more money in a shorter time just across the city line. So in a matter of speaking you may be right when you say a shortage of teachers exist in the city schools but the reason is better deals are available to them elsewhere. Why put in the time to get up to top pay when you can get it sooner and easer elsewhere. Most teachers out here in the suburbs retire at 55 and have thriving business going by that time. 2) Lets face it it not everyone that gets 3 plus months off a year to do as they like. I always laugh when teachers say well we don't get paid for them months. Well at 90 to over a 100 gs a year salaries in some cases for tenured teachers they should learn how to budget their money for the lean months and entry level salaries disappear fast.
My school tax for this year was $7000  60 % of that goes right to the teachers salaries not buildings or other staff just teachers.  Each year that $7000 goes up 4 to 8% so you start to see why my opinions are the way they are.

Our  objectives are best served when people open up their eyes and mouth to the real situation around them and not sugar coat the evil around them. When evil people and situations are ignored the problems only get worse.
I wasn't sure where to start... So I'll begin here...

1). My children attended schools in Nassau County. I'll agree that the teachers seemed to be paid more,  and its MOSTLY attributed to the class system.  However there are still teachers in Nassau County schools who don't have a contract..which means that they don't have benefits...which also means that they're not getting paid as much as you THINK they are. As for the last question (1-bold)... Being an educator is less about how much money you make in the occupation, than how much of an impact you make on kids who need understanding and thoroughly interesting and engaged teachers. Once I'm certified, I'm going back to the neighborhood I grew up in to teach the students who may need my method of teaching and guidance to inspire them to want better. I'm not afraid of the students in rough neighborhoods who may hurt me, but I am afraid for them if no one steps in to help them. To slight them just because of the neighborhood they live in is not a good idea. Not in the least.

2) My home state is Illinois and I must admit that when I was growing up in the school system there, the teachers were ALWAYS on strike. Claiming that they weren't treated fairly where wages were concerned. And I think, to this day they still ARE on the picket line... teaching but striking at the same time. lol And I'm 33 years old now. However I agree with you that the teachers who find themselves not working during the summer months should manage their money a whole lot better than they do. That way they wouldnt' need to find extra work to earn extra money. If they didn't live above and beyond their means, they wouldn't be striking in the first place... But that's just my opinion.


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Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
« Reply #97 on: June 02, 2007, 04:02:45 PM »
"Our  objectives are best served when people open up their eyes and mouth to the real situation around them and not sugar coat the evil around them. When evil people and situations are ignored the problems only get worse. "

I don't think anyone here is saying that evil dosen't exist. But I'll tell you this much, if its all we concentrate on, how much evil is in the world, how can we affect any positive change in our society? Recognize that there is evil in every culture, but combat it with knowledge, education and care for those who aren't evil.

I have to question, though, that if people here say that they're not against blacks because their blacks/ or the black culture why was it that when I arrived here, I was attacked so harshly?


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Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
« Reply #98 on: June 02, 2007, 04:06:49 PM »
My wife has worked and does work with several good teachers who have attempted to work in the NYC school system. They all run screaming from it. All have been threatened by black and hispanic savages and don't see it's possible to teach a beast that calls you a white f&&king bi&^h and the [censored] principles side with the beasts against the teachers. I recently had to attend a meeting at my son's school in Queens which is considered one of the best in the city and I thought I was on Riker's Island. And the principle was a [censored], stupid as a box a rocks. I hope she made a mental note of my JTF shirt, all the teachers in the meeting seem fixated with it ;D   
Allen, wearing your JTF shirt with all that it means to be a JTF'er is no different than those ignorant black people who came dressed inappropriately to the job fair one of our posters responded about. They obviously wanted people to think that they were above reproach because of the nasty markings on their shirts, as you want people to cower and be afraid of you with what was on YOUR shirt. That's what I took from  your comment, "I hope she made a mental note of my JTF shirt."

By saying that the principal was a [censored] are you referring to a black person? And what exactly made them 'stupid as a box of rocks"?


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Re: The Ongoing Debates with Imerica
« Reply #99 on: June 02, 2007, 04:13:57 PM »
I work in a middle school in the south Bronx and understand and see firsthand the problems and issues that exist in the community. But instead of taking on an attitude of demonizing and feeling like this is something that needs to be defeated, we do our darnedest to help out as much as we can to raise the sinking ship and plug up the holes as much as possible. It seems like you just want to state how there is a sinking ship with lots of gaping holes and your solution is to just shoot more holes into it to make the ship sink faster in order to "defeat evil." The idea of actually trying to do anything to help out and to serve these communities is morally repugnant and self-hating to you. I'm sorry, but I don't identify and think that way. It's true that there are a lot of problems in these areas. But it's not a simple issue of concluding that these people are evil. There are many other issues and factors that these communities need to face. They don't have the healthcare that the rest of us take for granted. This, in turn, causes a lot more students that need to depend on related healthcare services from the schools, and then the school system many times don't comply with the state mandates. There are many people in the community that are working their hardest just to survive. I can't even begin to understand what it must be like to live in a community like this with these types of issues and problems. So I think that someone who doesn't even work in these communities or these settings can even come close to understanding the issues and what needs to be done. All I know is that taking on a demonizing mentality does absolutely nothing to resolve anything! The only way to make any type of positive differences is to recognize that yes, there are major problems, but that it's important to help out the best we can by coming up with the best solutions possible and to provide the best possible services we can. But who am I? Just some self-hating liberal Jew who is doing a great disservice by working in the public school system in the neediest communities.
Boy you are barking up the wrong tree with this line of thinking. Are you looking for a medal for working with the under privileged you will get it in about 6 or 7 years when you get tenure in the school system and make about 100 g's a year. You speak of how the people in the South Bronx don't have health care when in in fact the might have better health care through social services then many people who work and have to pay for their insurance. I always envy the City School teachers who get full medical coverage at no cost. What do they care that everyone else's premiums go up each year to absorb all the dead wood in the health care system that has to be treated. Its people like you always looking for excuses  and expecting others to pay the freight for all this trash and dead wood waiting for programs and handouts that are the problem. If minorities were expected to sink or swim you would be surprised how many would become very industrious. The way you crying liberals made them all they do is look for the next meal ticket.

I'm not looking for any medals and this isn't about me. This is about the way all of you are demonizing blacks and deeming them to be evil. I'm just pointing out that I see firsthand that they are not evil. Why are you so envious of the health care coverage public school teachers get? We don't get our health care coverage for no cost. We get that by working in the system! You make this out like it's some free prize or handout being given away to us! I suppose anybody else who gets healthcare coverage through their job should also be envied for getting free healthcare coverage. If we teachers are so darned spoiled, then why is there still such a massive shortage of teachers? If we have it so good, why aren't so many more people flocking toward the field? In fact, the opposite is happening. There is such a large turnover of teachers. It's very easy to criticize from the outside when you have absolutely no idea what it's like to work in the field. I'm not looking for any medals. But now it seems like you're not just criticizing blacks, but public school teachers as well. And all of this is somehow supposed to help us fulfill our Zionist objectives!
I have a better idea of whats going on then you might think. I am not envious of the health care N.Y.C  teachers get I just feel that teachers as well as many other City Workers are out of touch with the rest of working class America when it comes to health care costs. I also had that no cost insurance at one time but  because the system has to absorb more and more dead wood (the uninsured) of all verities I now have to pay each week to maintain the same level of coverage I once had at no additional cost. You see Daniel I don't work for a municipality, its taxpayers who get stuck paying for outrageous salaries and plush benefits packages that municipal workers unions cut out of the taxpayers hide each year. I am a union worker and organizer and love to see people making a fair wage however at times and with certain groups this can be taken to far.
The first few years as a teacher in the city school system may not be pleasent however let me tell you your counterparts out here in the suburbs are on easy street. That is one of the main reasons that the city has a shortage of  starting teachers. Young  NYC teachers soon see that the money tree is growing out in Nassau and Suffolk  counties and not in Brooklyn. Why put the time in in rough schools and have the potential of being assaulted by the animals that you are trying to civilize when you could get more money in a shorter time just across the city line. So in a matter of speaking you may be right when you say a shortage of teachers exist in the city schools but the reason is better deals are available to them elsewhere. Why put in the time to get up to top pay when you can get it sooner and easer elsewhere. Most teachers out here in the suburbs retire at 55 and have thriving business going by that time. Lets face it it not everyone that gets 3 plus months off a year to do as they like. I always laugh when teachers say well we don't get paid for them months. Well at 90 to over a 100 gs a year salaries in some cases for tenured teachers they should learn how to budget their money for the lean months and entry level salaries disappear fast.
My school tax for this year was $7000  60 % of that goes right to the teachers salaries not buildings or other staff just teachers.  Each year that $7000 goes up 4 to 8% so you start to see why my opinions are the way they are.

Our  objectives are best served when people open up their eyes and mouth to the real situation around them and not sugar coat the evil around them. When evil people and situations are ignored the problems only get worse.

So are you saying that teachers are evil people and that the salaries and benefits they get are evil?

You're absolutely right that in the suburbs like Long Island and Westchester, the salaries are significantly higher and the working conditions are much better. That's why the situations are in reverse there where the demand for those jobs are much higher than the supply. But on the other hand, a common practice in these areas is to make up some BS excuse not to give teachers at the last minute tenure in order to save money and then go through the same cycle again by hiring new inexpensive teachers. These teachers are then fired and have no other choice than to work for the city.

You make it seem like we teachers are a bunch of corporate fat cats, what, with "outrageous salaries and plush benefits"??? I don't think anything could be further from the truth. Teachers need a great deal of education and are forced to get masters degrees, professional development hours, and then some while many people in the corporate and financial world only need to get a bachelors degree and end up making MUCH more money than any teacher could ever hope to make! Don't think for a second that we're on easy street in any way cuz we're not! It's a lot more challenging and exhausting to work with children all day than it is to sit in a nice air-conditioned office at a computer and a phone. I can't tell you how many times in the middle of a work day, I wish I could trade that in to work in an office at a computer even with longer hours. As far as tax payers paying for everything we get. Hey! We ARE the taxpayers that are paying just as much! We don't get any tax breaks! We're all part of the middle class that get squeezed since all of the enormous Bush tax cuts go to the gigantic corporations. But what the media hardly ever covers is the fact that with all of these tax cuts, there are NO payroll tax cuts. So teachers and the rest of the working class aren't receiving any benefits from the Bush tax cuts.

We teachers also have to pay hundreds, sometimes even a few thousand dollars per year out of our own pockets for supplies. We have to buy all of our own paper every time we want to make copies of worksheets for our students. Are there any businesses out there were the employees need to purchase their own copy paper? The businesses have loads of this stuff and the employees never have to worry about buying this or any other office supplies. It's all supplied for them. Teachers need to buy all their own office supplies, and all we get for it is $150 in teachers choice which doesn't even come close to the amount of money we need to spend out of pocket every year.

Also, keep in mind that with the last couple of pay raises we received in the last two contracts, they were really not raises since we needed to put in extra time to get the extra money. A true pay raise is when you just get a raise with no extra time. In fact, in the last contract, the high school teachers received a 15% pay raise for putting in 16% more time. So yes, they did get more money. But when you add it all up, they actually ended up getting a 1% pay cut!

I can definitely understand how other union workers like firemen, police, and transit workers feel very shortchanged because they definitely are. We all hope that they get more pay and get fairer contracts. But that doesn't mean that teachers are going to apologize in any way for anything we get. We just work together to see to it that we all get paid and treated fairly.
Excellent post, Daniel!

Its all about being paid for what you do. Just like firefighters, police officers and other public servants want equal pay/treatment.

When I referred to those teachers who strike a lot to earn more money, I actually know of a couple of teachers I had who constantly spent money on things they didn't need. lol Not school-wise but they had to have the house with the $12,000 mortgage. They HAD to have the most expensive automobile...then they'd complain that they weren't getting paid enough. lol

These are times I'm glad I grew up in meager circumstances. I don't ask for much... I'll be happy to make what I'll make as a teacher... After all I wouldn't have signed up for the job specifically for the pay, but for the chance to make a difference.