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Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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Re: About Nick Griffin and the BNP
« Reply #25 on: December 12, 2010, 07:48:47 PM »
bnp are jew-hating animals.

I never thought that bnp had anything to do with English defense league.

It appears from Robert's quotes a confirmation that they do not.

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Re: About Nick Griffin and the BNP
« Reply #26 on: December 15, 2010, 01:17:31 PM »
Violence Against the EDL at 'Islamophobia' Conference: When 'Anti-Fascists' Become the Fascists They Are

Five EDL members decided to pay a visit to the ‘Speak out against racism and Islamophobia’ conference, held in London on the 11th of December. They included Roberta Moore (head of the EDL Jewish Division), Ruby (from the Pakistani Christian Division), Joe (from the Gay Division) and Peter, the cameraman for the day. Another guy from the EDL’s Gay Division also went along, but he kept himself away the larger EDL group. He became the EDL’s ‘spy’ for the day, which was a task easier to do when not part of the main EDL group.

Rather than just demonstrate outside, the EDL group bought tickets for the event itself. They wanted to actually hear what these people were actually saying about the EDL.

The conference was sponsored – and attended- by various leftist and Islamist groups and individuals, including Ken Livingstone, Salma Yaqoob, the Muslim Council of Britain (MCB), the Islamist Anas Altikrita, the British Muslim Initiative, the SWP’s Martin Smith and so on.

The EDL managed to take in two hours of speeches before any trouble started. The EDL was being debated in one of the subsidiary rooms. And, as you can no doubt guess, that was where the trouble began.

This destroy-the-EDL room was full of about 100 Trots and Islamists, including Martin ‘Quasimodo’ Smiff, of UAF and member of the Central Committee (yes, Central Committee) of the SWP.

At the questions-and-answers stage, Roberta Moore put her hand up to ask a question, which was her democratic right. However, the Trots and Islamists didn’t see it that way.

At first they allowed her to speak because no one recognised her and they clearly had no idea about what she was going to say.

So Roberta began to speak. Firstly she said: ‘Well, first of all, I DO support the EDL and I have photos here of our demos which prove we are not racist.’

In order to show the photos to the audience, she walked to the front of the room with the photos. Of course, this is when the Trots and Islamists began to shout and foam at the mouth. They began to shout: ‘Out! Out! Out!’ This is no surprise at all. Far from it. Trots cannot debate anything with which they don’t agree. They can only ban things and use force. That is how both Trots and Islamists express themselves politically. They clearly know that the truth would destroy them. Thus they do anything at their disposal to hide from debate and eradicate contradictory voices, including the voice of the EDL. (But certainly not only the EDL’s voice.)

So, basically, the Trots and Islamists stopped Roberta from speaking, which is something they always do and often successfully. Roberta herself said they were behaving like ‘mad people’ – probably just like fanatical 'anti-Zionists' do at demos.

Almost immediately, five people went up to Roberta to overpower her. In response to this, Roberta decided it would be wise to call the police at this juncture – we all know what violence Trots and Islamists are capable of. (That’s why they are so united at this present time… but not for long!)

One man grabbed Roberta’s mobile phone as she was attempting to call the police. Upon which, Roberta quickly grabbed his arm, pulled him closer and told him to return the phone to her – which he did.

Eventually, Roberta did indeed call the police, but not before a woman had sunk her nails into both of Roberta’s arms. This was an attempt to drag Roberta to the floor. While all this was happening, another three people had come behind Roberta and attempted to push her out of the room. One of the leaders of the Muslim Council of Britain then started shouting insults at Roberta in Arabic. No doubt to his surprise, Roberta responded in Arabic!

That was not the end of things for Roberta. Yet another woman grabbed her legs and tried to pull her out of the room. She didn’t succeed and eventually let go of Roberta’s legs.

Roberta wasn’t the only person to be attacked. Joe, from the EDL’s Gay Division, was also set upon while trying to phone the police (who are ‘an arm of the State’, according to Martin Smith, etc.) Then they went for Ruby, from the Pakistani Christian Division of the EDL. Finally, it was the turn of the EDL cameraman to be attacked. The Trots and Islamists broke his camera but luckily the film was still intact. Thank God for that!

So, luckily, all this was caught by an EDL cameraman.

When Roberta was outside the room, she demanded her money back. After all, not only was she unable to ask questions or partake at all in the ‘debate’, she was also physically attacked. Luckily, the MCB leader gave her the money back – and quite right too!

Clearly, One Society Many Cultures must exclude a lot of cultures. It seems excludes gays, British Christian Pakistanis and Jews. Perhaps One Society Many Cultures is just a euphemism for Trots and Islamists… that’s because it’s mainly Trots and Islamists who run these shows. Perhaps it should be renamed: a Splintered Society with Only Select Cultures.
*) The UAF/SWP's Martin Smith is at the front, on the right.

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Re: About Nick Griffin and the BNP
« Reply #27 on: December 31, 2010, 04:44:16 AM »

The EDL has attracted attention in Israel and the UK. We leave the reader to judge for himself.

The English Defence League (EDL) has attracted some attention in Israel because of the incongruity of non-Jews waving Israeli flags at demonstrations dubbed “far right” by the press and the Israeli Embassy in London’s virtually unprecedented step of condemning a pro-Israel local group in another country. The irony is compounded by the fact that this happened immediately after the EDL held a large pro-Israel rally outside the embassy.

This distancing was presumably motivated by the attacks on the EDL in much of the British media and fear that failure to denounce the group will increase anti-Israel feelings in the United Kingdom, already at an all-time high. In fact, however, the people attacking the EDL are already Israel’s enemies while this group is one of its few friends nowadays. Moreover, the accusations of the EDL being a racist or fascist group are simply not true.

Indeed, the slander against the EDL is another example of how special treatment for Islam and radical Islamists compared to the repression of forces criticizing them so often prevails in Britain today. Here’s a little case study of how things work.

On December 11 the EDL held a demonstration in Peterborough. The EDL proclaims itself as “dedicated to peacefully protesting against radical Islam” and on that December day they largely fulfilled this role. Around 2,000 people marched through the town and listened to speeches. A handful of counter-demonstrators claiming the EDL are “fascists and racists” were kept at bay by the police. The day passed with fewer arrests than a typical Saturday night in any English town.

But not according to the police and the Crown Prosecution Service. Ten days later, an EDL leader was arrested and charged under Section 4b of the Public Order Act with “Racial Aggravation” in relation to a speech he gave in Peterborough. That speech can be viewed on YouTube: <>.

One doesn't need to condone the speech’s content or agree with it to acknowledge that it is a normal expression of free speech. But there are also additional points of interest to this case.

The man who gave the speech is Guramit Singh, a Sikh whose family comes from India. During his talk he noted that he has been called a "racist" for criticizing Islam, though he is from the same ancestry as Pakistani or Indian Muslims. Indeed, many or most Sikhs are actually the descendants of Muslims.

Singh also explained that he was particularly passionate that day because it was the anniversary of his grandfather being killed fighting in the British army during World War Two. He was angry that some Islamists burned poppies, the symbol of honoring Britain's war dead on November 11, British Remembrance Day. This is an emotional issue in the UK. I don’t need to point out to readers in Israel how we would feel if the Israeli authorities allowed aggressive Islamic demonstrations outside military cemeteries on Yom Hazikaron.

Singh says nothing trying to inspire violence, whereas it has been shown that some mosque sermons in the UK are directly inflammatory (including derogatory statements about Christianity and Judaism). I wouldn't be in favor of arresting Muslims who said something I don't like or agree with either, though I'd be happy to see the statements publicized so more people are aware of the things being said.

But consider the double standards at play. When a television program played examples of mosque sermons demonizing Christians and Jews a few years ago the police filed a complaint with the media watchdog against the program makers, and nothing against the sermon-givers. The program makers eventually sued the police and won considerable damages.

Meanwhile another EDL leader, who goes by the pseudonym of Tommy Robinson, has been arrested on three separate and apparently trumped-up offenses. One of these is related to the Remembrance Day poppy burning incident. The first charge is that when Robinson grabbed a flag from an Islamist protestor during the struggle the pole might have accidentally hit a police officer. At his first appearance in court on November 22, the judge expressed surprise that the police had placed restrictions on his freedom of association and voided them.

In addition, Mr. Robinson has been charged with some vague financial irregularities. The authorities have frozen his bank accounts, virtually shut down his business, and demand that he ask permission before he can spend any money to pay for his living expenses. He and his pregnant fiancée was arrested by heavily armed police. He has made a detailed accusation that the police have been shopping for informants to give false testimony against him.

One tactic being used against the EDL is a court-imposed “Anti-Social Behaviour Order” or ASBO. In one case, two men were ordered not to engage in any EDL-related activity—including even posting anything on the Internet, for ten years. In effect, this is a specially created law used only against the EDL in which the rights to free speech and peaceful protest are simply taken away from them.

Why is there so little protest against this repression? The answer is that once demonized the EDL and its members can simply be deprived of democratic rights. This is bad enough without Israel’s government or Jewish groups adding to the slander and untruth about the most visibly active pro-Israel organization in the United Kingdom today.

What makes all of this even more ironic is that radical Islamist groups, including those engaged in incitement against Jews and Israel, are treated with kid gloves by a police force and court system that is literally too frightened to take them on. Here’s one example: recently, a group of extremists on trial for doing massive damage to a factory making goods for Israel were released after the judge told the jury to find them not guilty since, he said, conditions in the Gaza Strip were so terrible as to justify their vandalism.

The erosion of civil liberties combined with what at times seems like an anti-Israel lynch-mob atmosphere especially in much of the media and on campuses cannot be good for British Jews or for Israel.

Brian of London made aliyah in 2009 after deciding that the anti-Israel lynch-mob atmosphere in London would not be good for his children. By day he runs a business in Tel Aviv in addition to writing and broadcasting on the Internet on sites such as Israellycool and Israpundit.

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Re: About Nick Griffin and the BNP
« Reply #28 on: December 31, 2010, 01:33:33 PM »
Hopefully the financeers of the edl can also finance jtf

Offline Spiraling Leopard

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Re: About Nick Griffin and the BNP
« Reply #29 on: December 31, 2010, 03:38:25 PM »

Offline Spiraling Leopard

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Re: About Nick Griffin and the BNP
« Reply #30 on: January 04, 2011, 06:53:10 AM »

Offline Spiraling Leopard

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Re: About Nick Griffin and the BNP
« Reply #31 on: January 22, 2011, 07:47:00 AM »

In Defence of the Asian Community

Nowadays it is difficult to have an open discussion about Islamic extremism without someone immediately bringing up the issue of racism, fascism or so-called ‘Islamophobia’.

These are all essentially separate subjects, even though members of the Muslim Community have at times been victims of genuine racist prejudice.

But it is by no means necessary to be racist, fascist or an Islamophobe in order to make legitimate criticisms about the actions and beliefs of Islamic radicals. Home-grown terrorism, the funding of the Taliban by British Muslims, the creeping influence of Sharia Law, the continued barbarism of so-called ‘honour-killings’, and the growing influence of Islamic fundamentalism on British Muslim youth, are all threats that have a very real influence on British people, Muslim and non-Muslim alike.

The EDL oppose the ‘labeling’ practices of groups such as the UAF, who wish to censor anything that they do not agree with. Dismissing the concerns of growing thousands of British people as motivated by prejudice, is itself an act of prejudice. And refusing to give a platform to opponents, organising violent disorder, and relying on blatant scaremongering tactics, is more akin to the behaviour of a fascist group than it is to supposed ‘anti-fascism’.

Unlike the UAF, we do not seek to censor views that we do not agree with. Instead we encourage opponents to discuss their objections with us on our forums, and we listen to the views of all contributors.

The following is a post taken from our forum (the original can be viewed here) and should remind us all just how destructive inaccurate labels can be. We would like all EDL members to take heed of this message, so that we can our best to ensure that we cause no undue offence to our Sikh, Hindu or Buddhist supporters.


I've been browsing your forum for a while now. At first I thought that the group was racist because of the media coverage and the trouble makers that turn up to your demonstrations. After reading through your posts it seems that most of you are quite level-headed and not racist.

I am a British Indian. I actually consider myself to be far more British than Indian, as my family and I are consider ourselves to be fully westernised and integrated into the British culture.

One thing that absolutely makes my blood boil is the term "Asian." I hate it - I even have a feeling of stress and pain just thinking about it.

In the UK the term is generally used to refer to people from the Indian subcontinent (India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka). The people from these countries look similar but their cultures are extremely different... and the main cause of this difference is - you guessed it - religion.

I can tell whether an "Asian" is a Sikh, Hindu or Muslim from their names, and whenever I see crimes reported in the media, 9 times out of 10 when an "Asian" is the culprit, it's actually a Muslim. What angers me is that all "Asians" are tarred with the same brush. Rather than people seeing that these problems are in the Muslim community alone, they assume that it in the "Asian community". THERE IS NO "ASIAN COMMUNITY"!! The groups are so different that it's ridiculous to use that terminology.

The way I think about it is that even though the English and the Nazis looked similar and shared genetic heritage, the difference is in their culture (their beliefs and behaviour). I feel as angry being tarred with the same brush as the Muslim community as an English person would be with the Nazis.

Muslims are HUGELY over represented in the prison population, whereas the other "Asian" groups are under-represented - they commit less crime than is proportional for their numbers. The media reports of "Asian" paedophile gangs grooming young white girls in the north of England. The problem is caused by Muslims - it's never a gang of Sikhs or Hindus or Buddhists. Yet your average person in the pub wouldn't see a difference. (Incidentally, my mother was warned about these Muslims men when she was growing up in the 60s/70s, and my sister was in the 80s/90s... it's nothing new)

Hindus/Sikhs/Buddhists don't try to force their religion on others, and don't see other religions as inherently inferior. They don't think of others as "infidels". Muslims are the ones that refuse to integrate and try to force their backwards ideas on others.

Muslims have the highest rates of unemployment. Muslims have the lowest achievement levels in schools.

Where is the threat of terrorism from Hindus? Where are the gangs of Sikhs attacking whites? Where are the Hindu and Sikh drug dealers?

Muslims treat women like dirt. I'm the first to admit that some Hindus and Sikhs have backward views towards women, but it isn't even in the same galaxy as Muslims. Compare traditional Indian women's clothing to the burkha. The burkha dehumanises a woman but the sari is modest yet at the same time beautiful. There are fashion trends, designs and colours instead of a woman being made into a black mass.

It is almost ridiculous how groups of the same race, that arrived in this country at the same time and from the exact same part of the world, have behaved so differently. For hundreds of years our ancestors defended India against Islamic invasion, and it saddens and angers me that I and others like me are judged as the same as the Muslims.

So, please, make one step to differentiating between the groups. I've read a few threads on this forum where people have talked about "Asians" who are criminals, or trying to change British laws or British culture and customs. Instead of using the term "Asian", use the actual group that they're from. Sometimes it will be a Sikh or a Hindu but 9 times out of ten it won't be. It will be a Muslim.

The EDL will continue to be a diverse movement that welcomes people from all races, religions, political persuasions, and walks of life.

Our opposition is to radical Islam, not ordinary Muslims. Our message to radical Islam is that the people of Britain will not stand idly by as an evil grows within our midst.

For this message to be loud and clear we need the support of our Muslim friends as much as we need the support of all who believe in freedom and democracy rather than intolerant religious fundamentalism.

We are the English Defence League and, regardless of colour or creed, we are united against Islamo-fascism.

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Re: About Nick Griffin and the BNP
« Reply #32 on: January 22, 2011, 09:53:03 AM »
Don't know much about EDL but I know that England is in big mess right now. At London airport I could see only one white person working, rest were all Pakistanis.
Serbia will never surrender Kosovo to the breakaway province's ethnic Albanian majority or trade its territory for European Union or NATO membership,

Offline FreedomFighter08

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Re: About Nick Griffin and the BNP
« Reply #33 on: January 22, 2011, 02:54:32 PM »
Vote for the UKIP Party in the UK. UKIP is by far the best party.

This will make you love their leader:


"Who voted for you!"

"You come from Belgium which is pretty much a non-country".


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Re: About Nick Griffin and the BNP
« Reply #34 on: February 15, 2011, 08:58:19 PM »

Offline Spiraling Leopard

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Re: About Nick Griffin and the BNP
« Reply #35 on: March 15, 2011, 06:28:30 AM »