Oh no! Poor Jews. Sean "The Bolschewik" Penn is Jewish. 
his father was a Bolshevik also arthur Penn
http://www.wsws.org/articles/2010/oct2010/penn-o08.shtml This from a Socialist sitePenn emerged out of the broadly left-wing intelligentsia shaped in large measure by the Depression years and the Second World War. Explaining why he directed Little Big Man, Penn told the same interviewer that the immediate impetus had not been the Vietnam War as such, “although, when it comes to wars of genocide, or genocidal attempts, they tend to resemble each other. I was really, in my mind, carrying the Holocaust. You know? Because it was such indiscriminate killing, based on some kind of societal definition of humans who can be dispensed with. And that impulse, it’s happening today. It’s happening everywhere. It happened in the Second World War, it happened in Vietnam, it’s happening in Iraq, in war after war.”
He told interviewers in 2008, “I think that the myths about America have been certainly widespread about the wars in my time. I mean, Vietnam would be laughable if it weren’t so tragic. The Korean War was the illogical extension of the McCarthy terror, and so forth. So, I’ve always been suspicious of history and the way things are reported.” (Brooklyn Rail)
Penn told Bright Lights that the original story for Mickey One, which he and the writer restructured, “was applicable, in my view, to what was prevailing in the United States at that time [the early 1960s], which was the timidity that the McCarthy era had engendered, the sense of guilt and a sort of silence and evasion.” He explained on another occasion that the “McCarthy period was ridiculous and humiliating, deeply humiliating. When I finally did Mickey One, it was in repudiation of the kind of fear that overtook free people to the point where they were telling on each other and afraid to speak out. … I mean, I was a vet, so it was nothing like what we thought we were fighting for.” (Brooklyn Rail)