No man's heart beats more fervently for Eretz Yisrael and Am Yisrael than Chaim ben Pesach. Look at the millions of words he has put out on the subject.

But I'd like to know: what would happen if he was allowed entry quietly in to Israel, and he had actually turned up at yesterday's BZ & Talya Kahane memorial at Heichal David in Jerusalem, as reported here
Once word got out that Chaim ben Pesach was present, would he graciously be allowed to address the audience in his good Hebrew?
Or would one of Guzofsky, Federman, Ben Gvir, Ben Ari, Marzel, even BZK's own brother Baruch etc view him as an
intolerable threat, rival and status quo destabilizer, and actually be
immediately on their cellphones to
moser on him to the Shabak and police?!

Could their fear, loathing, aversion, jealousy, envy, irk and hatred of Chaim, even though a fellow Kahanist, go
that deep, to the extent of
lo aleinu?!